
Introduction to Marketing Essential


Added on  2020-11-12

11 Pages2724 Words418 Views
Marketing Essential Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................1TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................1Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of anorganisation. ...............................................................................................................................1TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................4Compares ways in which organisation use elements of the marketing mix to achieve objective .....................................................................................................................................................4TASK 3..........................................................................................................9CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONThe report covers the topic of marketing essential which undertake by the company topromote the good and services so to attract the customers. Amazon.com is a one of the leadingcompany and largest e-commerce marketplace and cloud computing platform. In these report itwill cover the current and future trends marketing and marketing process and also the roles andof marketing manager. Further it will explain the interrelation between various function oforganisation. And also covers the element of marketing mix to accomplish total business andfurther analyses the marketing planning process. TASK 1 MarketingMarketing is a human action which undertake by the company to boost goods andservices and also to attract the customers. Marketing is the wide concept as it includesadvertisement, promotion, selling, delivering of products to customers. Marketing helps incommunication and also helps in building long term relationship with customers.Marketing Current trends As the world of marketing is constantly changing and there are many current trends ofmarketing such as continues growth of artificial intelligence which makes data analysis moreeffective and also target the wide range of audience rapidly and can perform various task thathuman struggle to do. Amazon approach to AI is flywheel which helps to efficiently storerotational energy. And also the visuals platforms are improving day by day in which e-commercebrands can market to customers in creative, organic brands in which it allows customers topurchase products without leaving their preferred platform.Marketing Future trends Amazon is presently working on the app called anytime which also cover voice andvideo calls, photo sharing also the many kind of filters for the photos and videos with specialaffects which help the customers in many ways and its quite important feature as it allow the userto shop. As there is increased use of E-commerce which gives many new opportunities and alsoAmazon is launching their own app which includes many features that is click on Alexa and thecustomers can see Amazon's products video and personal assistant developed by the company. Overview of Marketing Process 1
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Evidence of the Mission The foremost step is that identification of mission in which the marketing leaders and thestakeholders must sit down and define the mission of the company as the mission should beexplains why organisation exist and explain the supports and benefit of the customers. Missionshould match the culture of the organisation and also the mission should be realistic and aspiring.For example the mission of Amazon is to strive to offer the customer to the lowest price and alsohigh quality with the best available situation and utmost convenience.Investigation of the situationThe second step of that to analysis of the situation in which it evaluates the internal andexternal factor that affect the market and business. By the help of situation analysis it provides aclear idea about the business and the current position, industry trends and also the companyposition the market place. There are several methods which help the organisation to analyses thesituation first one is SWOT analyses which help the company to know the strength, weakness,threat and opportunity and the second one is PESTEL analyses which help the organisation toidentify the external facto. It is very important for Amazon to analyses the situation and workaccordingly.Source of image: marketingmix.co.uk (02/04/2019, 08:00pm)2
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Objective Development The third step is to develop the objective of the company as it is very important as it givesthe direction to the employees to work to achieve the desire objective. For example the objectiveof Amazon is to satisfy the customers and generate maximum profit. By these all the employeeswill work accordingly to achieve the respective objective. Marketing strategy developmentThe forth step is marketing strategy development in which it is the plan formulated forachieving the desire objective of the organisation and it provides the proper direction forattaining the objectives. It includes choosing the target market as it is important to target theaudience in these a careful choice has to make by the organisation. It also includes marketingmix in which it includes how the organisation sell the products and services for these it willanalyse the 7 P's.Evaluation and planning The final step is to evaluate and planning in which the manager of the Amazon will takethe feedback from the customers and also if the feedbacks are negative then organisation willimproves the product and also it finally implements the strategies and also Amazon will do testmarketing where it launches the product for few days to test the product and to know thenegative and positive feedback.Roles and responsibilities Evolution of the Marketing Plan The first and foremost responsibility of the marketing manager is to develop themarketing plan in which the plan should be effective and also it gives Amazon the properdirection to attain the goals as marketing plan gives proper structure of the company . Achievement of effective result The second responsibility is achievement of affective result in which the manager ofAmazon will motivate the employees for improving their performance as well as hiring andtraining effective employees so they work hard to achieve the effective result. 3
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