
Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Department in Marks and Spencer Company


Added on  2023-01-11

15 Pages4295 Words39 Views
Marketing Essentials
Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Department in Marks and Spencer Company_1

Table of Contents
P1. Roles and responsibilities of the marketing department...............................................................3
P2. Interrelationship of marketing department with other functional department..............................5
P3. Marketing mix factors..................................................................................................................8
P4. Marketing Plan...........................................................................................................................10
Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Department in Marks and Spencer Company_2

Marketing is defined as a process to promote company’s products and services in the
target market. This report is based on the case study of Marks and Spencer Company in
respect to its marketing essentials. Company was established in the year 1884 by the founders
Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. Company operate its business operations in retail sector
and currently dealing in high quality clothing, home products and food products. Company
carry the business operations at more than 1400 locations all across the globe. Company is
also listed in London Stock Exchange. In this report marketing activities of the company will
be discussed in the brief. Henceforth, report will emphasis on different roles and
responsibilities marketing department play in the company. Interrelationship of marketing
department with other functional department will also discuss in this report. How the
organisation utilises elements associated with marketing mix will also discuss in this report.
Furthermore, report will also discuss the suitable marketing plan.
P1. Roles and responsibilities of the marketing department
Marketing department play an important role in the Marks and Spencer Company.
Role of marketing department can be projected in the following points.
Launch marketing campaigns: Marketing department in Marks and Spencer Company play
the huge role in launching different marketing campaigns. Marketing play an important role
for company in improving its potential of doing business operations. With the support of
marketing campaigns launch by the marketing department of company organisation achieve
all its sales targets. Marketing team project all essentials about the products of company in its
marketing campaigns. Marketing campaigns launch by the marketing team supports company
in improving its growth potentials.
Improve company sales: Marketing team of the company play a crucial role in improving
the sales potentials of the company in the market. Marketing team projects all important
factors that make the products look dynamic in the market and also project all utility about
the products (Abtin and Pouramiri, 2016). All such aspects of the marketing improving the
potentials of the Marks and Spencer Company to sale company’s products in the market.
With the support of marketing campaigns company could meet all its sales targets every year.
Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Department in Marks and Spencer Company_3

Improve growth of company: Marketing team play an effective role in improving the
growth of the company in the market. Growth directly relates to company’s sales potentials.
Marketing team launches differently campaigns that have supported Marks and Spencer
Company in establishing a unique brand image in the market. All such campaigns have
enabled company to establish a unique brand image in the market. Brand image plays a huge
role for the company in selling its products easily in the market. As per the recent statistics it
is stated that the company is growing at the rate of more than 5% every year (Ahmad and Al-
Yamani, 2018). Constant efforts of marketing team towards polishing company’s brand
image has supported company in improving its sales potentials which further channelizes into
effective growth rate of company every year.
Improving brand value: Marketing team play a huge role in improving the brand value of
the company in the market. Brand value is an important tool that support company in
achieving all its objectives (Barbu, Buzoianu and Margina, 2017). Marketing department of
company plays role in channelizing different marketing campaigns of company that supports
company in improving its brand value. Over the period of time marketing department of the
Marks and Spencer Company has channelled man marketing campaigns that has supported
company in improving its brand value in the market.
Improve company image: Marketing department of the company play a huge role in
improving the brad image of the Marks and Spencer Company in the market. Company
launch different marketing advertisement with the support of its marketing team to polish
company’s image in the market. Company’s image plays a huge role in influencing
customer’s decision making process towards buying company’s products. All the marketing
and promotional activity marketing department conducts influences sales team of company to
attract customers easily towards buying company’s products.
Improving brand loyalty: Brand loyalty is a huge factor that plays a role in improving the
brand value of company in market. Brand loyalty is an important element that influences the
buying decision of customers (Campbell and Thompson, 2018). Brand loyalty sustains
customer base of company for the longer time. It also provides company a base that support
in taking competitive advantages in the market. With the support of different marketing
activities launches by marketing department of Marks and Spencer Company has supported
company in enhancing the brand loyalty of company in market. Brand loyalty of the company
Roles and Responsibilities of Marketing Department in Marks and Spencer Company_4

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