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Marketing Essentials: Strategies for Levi's E-commerce Business


Added on  2023/01/03

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This report explores the marketing strategies and the 7Ps of marketing mix applied by Levi's in their e-commerce business. It provides insights into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of their online operations. The report covers the product range, pricing, distribution channels, promotional activities, customer service, process, and physical evidence of Levi's e-commerce business. It also discusses how Levi's is adapting to the changing market trends and technological advancements.

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Marketing essentials

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Table of Contents
Part B .............................................................................................................................................3
Different organizations apply the marketing mix to the marketing plan.....................................3
Marketing plan.............................................................................................................................6
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Marketing is important process for any organization because this is essential factor for growth of
the company and for promotion of product and services. Every company must show efforts to
develop their marketing management. This report helps to understand Levi's marketing
strategies. Levi's is one of the world's largest fashion brand and global leader in jeans-wear.
Company designs jeans, causal wear and related accessories for men, women and kids. To
understand Levi's market strategies this report includes comparison of marketing mix (7Ps) with
Levi's competitor to fulfil business objectives and basic marketing plan for growth of the
Part B
Different organizations apply the marketing mix to the marketing plan
Marketing mix is the business concept which help the company to achieve the desired objectives.
In marketing mix strategy there are 7Ps such as product, price, place, promotion, people, process
and physical evidence (Andika, and Susanti, 2018).
Applying this 7Ps in different organizations to achieve their objectives:
The Marketing mix Comparison of Levi's and Diesel
Marketing mix elements Levi's Diesel
Product In product element
organizations needs to develop
their service or product. Levi's
mainly focus on the denim
wear. Every cloth from jeans
to t-shirts are collection of
denims. Levi's recognized by
its quality, comfort, and
durability. It sells its product
through 3 sub-brands such as
Levi's, Levi's Strauss, Dockers.
Every brand has it own range,
In product factor they provide
various products such as jeans,
belts, perfumes, sunglasses,
etc. They also provide quality,
durability and unique designs.
It also has sub-brands like
55DSL, DieselStyleLab and
Diesel Kids.
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style, size, price, etc.
Price Price is important factor for
company and this company's
product price are in mid-range.
This is famous brand and in
market its product image is
very high but price are not so
high compare to other brands
(Išoraitė, 2016). Price belongs
to mid-range that's why
customer will more attract to
This element is essential for
business and for this company
model pricing is premium or
high range because it is not
only provide clothing products
but it is also provided various
kind of products basically it is
lifestyle brands. Its products
price are high because it
encourages for premium
Place It is famous and worldwide
known brand like Coke or
McDonald's. Its stores are
located in more than 78
countries. It is multinational
company and try to keep
sharing same atmosphere and
experience with their
customers in all stores in
different countries.
It is successfully open 5500+
stores in more than 80
countries. Due to high
premium pricing and position
this select exclusive
distribution method. It means
for marketing it chooses fine
representative who has high
skilled in marketing and
Promotion In this factor promotion
activities comes and Levi's is
known as best company in
promotional activities. In last
couple of years it builds their
image of 'coolness' brand.
They spend lot of money on
TV Ads, posters in the main
It is famous brand and
successful only because its
regular and dynamic
promotion. In promotion, they
don't want only to promote
their product they also want
their customer interact and
enjoy with promotional

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commercial streets of big
cities. They promote their
products in different
international events, sports,
etc. Levi's also promote their
product in fashion magazines
like Vogue (HR, and Aithal,
activities. This is premium
brand so its choose right and
famous model and different
and international magazines
for promotions such as 'Elle',
'GQ', 'Vogue', etc.
People Customer and employees are
most important part of
company and Levi's have
approximately more than
70,000 employees worldwide.
Its staff member is well
dresses with uniform and have
good command on language
with a good communications
skills. Customer attract to
Levi's for its presentation and
communication skills.
Company always thinks for
customer satisfaction.
It is important factor of any
organization. People define
services. Diesel trained their
staff in presentation and
communication skills so it can
maintain their market values.
Process Process is outline of product
from production to delivery to
the customer and Levi's
product process include
document, validation,
remediation, testing, reporting.
Document is first step in
Process is the way in which
Diesel delivers its product its
target customer. Diesel known
for its quick services and the
reason behind its quick
services their management
confident on their processes. It
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processing it identifies risk and
controls. After document, it
validates the risks are covered
in the processes after
validation next process is to
check controls are working
effectively or not (Thabit, and
Raewf, 2018). Then testing
take place after testing report
is sent to management and
then product come is market
for sales.
is famous brand and its
product demand is maximum
and that also they never
compromise with quality of
product and delivery of time.
Physical This element refers the
distribution and product
services which are providing
to customers. Around 1000+
outlets of Levi's are providing
services to both upper and
middle class customers. These
stores can easily found in big
shopping malls as well as local
stores and small cities. Its
product distribution attract
customers with the staffs
presentation and
communication skills.
For physical Diesel approach
is distribution and distribution
can be seen in mix of exclusive
and selective distributions.
Exclusive distribution involves
special and premium
distribution to single store like
Diesel flagship. Selective
distribution involves, small
retail stores to maintain quality
of presentation and
communication to the
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Marketing plan
Marketing plan report that outlines marketing strategies for setting goals or objective. The plan
identifies target market, position of brand images and assess effectiveness of marketing
initiatives (Bouredji,Gupta and Jester,2020).
In balancing goals for fantastic gain, return on investing and superior products and services.
Company management business ethically and establish leadership in appreciated responsibilities
towards society and environment.
Levi's generating strong value, using innovative, creativity along with hard work, property and
advanced pattern.
To increase E-commerce business of company by 15%, end year 2021.
Situational analysis-
This analysis will state about online shopping business for Levi's with internal and external
analysing for developing them in market:
Strength- Levi's have strong portfolio for their brand and also brand popularity among customer.
This helps company for building more consumer along with that increases online sales. Offers
many products to different countries, production around range which make their strength at
market place (Chernev, 2020). Also, trim threat on any particular geographic market. Included
many multiple distribution channels for company and making their increment in online shopping,
this might helps them for developing market penetration. While developing e-commerce business
they have most connection with youth among them company can create brand equity.
Weaknesses- Their online chain in wholesale business is less than while other organization
online business is high in taking wholesaler customer. Any break in contract it could have
directly effect their financial services. Approx many products of Levi's are independent and these
manufactures are located at less developed countries. Dependency on self-directed manufactures
angularity online business risk. Conducting online business company may have weakness on
fake online services which had bad impact on brand image.

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Opportunities- With developing per capita income and helps in improving people lifestyles and
have more benefits in increasing demand of branded clothes (Guercini,Bernal and Prentice,
2018). In having online business they may also use different tools for reached out their target
customer. Online retailing can be more profitability through websites and might be created brand
image through various online platforms.
Threats- In online business sales competition is accretive from various global and local brands.
With so fast changing in fashion trends and Levi's keeping them updated in ahead of
competitors. No reduction in labour costs which have directly affected on their sales and
structure of company. Before developing online business it will being very difficult for new
brand to enter in marker and make them more developed, but while having e-commerce business
organization itself can create great platforms for their target audiences.
Political factor- These factors are regulated in all countries by government rules and regulations.
In e-commerce business there are many political factors which affected their business such as
charges with taxation, having political risk at international levels, changes in trade market. Levi's
organization is most affected by changes in trade policy as this keeps changes and company have
less return on investment (Hollensen, 2019). Conducting e-commerce business in many countries
can be trends in changing their government terms and due to this, there might be more
competitors in market.
Economic factor- Currently Covid-19 pandemic has decreased the sales of business, so by
keeping in mind company has started e-commerce business for make connection between their
customer and brand. Many of peoples lost their jobs or have less income disposable, so they are
switching towards cheaper brand while by this Levi's have sales of clothing. Many other business
have set up their online and Levi's have set up business online with different offers at different
Social factor- While keeping changes in culture, fashion, lifestyles changes they can also affect
their e-commerce business and can also have bad impact on their productivity and reduction of
costs (Innanmaa,2020). As many of population in different countries have become more
concussion for their lifestyles, according to current people do not have much money as they can
buy branded clothes, so they are trying to buy cheaper clothes for their satisfaction. Online
business of Levi's has started with reasonable prices clothes for their targeted customer.
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Technology factor- For making development in e-commerce sector company need to adopted
more advance technology which could help them for achieving market goals. New techniques
allow low entry barriers for company and producing new techniques can take care of
environment, numerous of percentage relating to jeans may occur damage during their
production steps. In developing them they have to adopted more advance technology and
generating more new techniques tools for attracting their customer like creating website, social
media pages or blogs etc. for just making their customer attraction.
Environmental factor- Levi's also have production of cotton cloth takes little percentage of in
developing and make uses to worldwide which can harm others (Kreutzer, 2019). For obtaining
more cotton large amount of water is being used. According to government and people pressure
company has done less production of cotton clothes and make more other branded jeans for their
targeted customer. Along with this company has also taken care of recycling their clothes when
they are damaged at time of production, and they used solar plant for energy consumption.
Legal factor- These factor included employment laws, health and safety laws which have set up
by government for their business. They cannot break out their production and people
management laws against government sector. While conducting e-commerce operation they have
followed many rules and norms which could be generated for them.
Marketing mix strategies-
These strategies will analysis e-commerce business goods and services with 7P's of marketing
Products- Levi's has designed e-commerce sector for retailing and wholesalers business which is
related to man jeans, shirts, casual, jackets and related accessories. In online they have set some
discount and offers on their branded clothes. Women wears have less sales with their products
like skits, tops outer wear etc. as they have many more sales as stores and for mainly company
have started e-commerce operation.
Price- For all products in online is so reasonable price with discount and offers along with that
they have loyal cards for their online customer (Pogorelova and,2016). Their points in
shopping online have been added to their accounts on big purchasing, and they can use that after
physical shopping at time of billing on high purchasing from their stores.
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Place- In e-commerce they have to place a proper website for their customer which helps them in
increasing brand equity by reaching at every corner of world. The demand and supply for their
products can be placed to all customer through company website or social media following.
Promotion- For promoting their products Levi's has adopted very effective and comprehensive
strategies. In having e-commerce business company has promoted their pages through outlets,
and they have more attention on their publicity of products. Promotion is done through
advertisement, fashion magazines, newspaper, banners and internet (Wood and Jobber.2016).
They generally targeted to upper class or upper middle class for their selling products. They also
use personal and mass selling.
People- Many more employees in Levi's are with their well qualification who can easily
understand business strategies of e-commerce operation. Numerous number of workforce for
developing them with good communication skills, well manner command on their language with
well-dressed up.
Process- In e-commerce sector they have followed up very well manner website, unskilled
people can also open that and enjoy their brands clothes. No such big process for completion of
task as they can easily achieve goals or objective in organizational.
Physical evidence- Around many stores are operating both middle or upper class along with now
they can operate many peoples with online business while seating at one corner of world
(Chernev, 2020). There being no other company globally presence jeans and casual in market.
Levi's easily available at small towns either at malls.
Financial plan-
Expanses Costs
Rent $50,000
Advertisement $40,500
Wages $45,000
Hiring consultants $20,000
Total 1,97,500

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Key performance indicator-
KPI will help e-commerce business in identifying their marketing, sales and customer values in
brand images. Also depend on succession of organization goals.
Site traffic- It is total number of visitor to Levi's e-commerce sites. Many more users of these
sites are striking to company. In visiting their sites organization have more profits and developed
more business strategies.
Social media engagement- In establishing business company have to prepare and actively
attached to their followers and interacted with them. While having interactions company can
understand needs and wants for their customer along with that they gain more brand images.
Time to purchase- On e-commerce of Levis how much of visitors has spent their time on
websites (Hollensen, 2019). Basically, more time spent means having profound engagements
with company. Generally, people will not see more time payment or content blog and take time
for checking their process.
Gross on publicity consume- In advertising e-commerce store, it can either digital or print
advertisements. Tracking people via Google isolating for digital advertising. Depending on
succession performance Levi's have to evaluate their advertising strategies. This process might
be help their target audiences in making more updates and purchased from their websites.
This report concluded that Levi's had applied different marketing mix to marketing planning
process in achieving their business objective. Also, used tactics for demonstrate organization
objective. Marketing is most important part of every organization through this company comes to
know all tastes and preferences of their customer. Marketing plan also support in developing new
business through situational analysis, preparing financial plans and key performance indicator in
establishing their strategies.
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Books and journals
Andika, A. and Susanti, F., 2018. Pengaruh Marketing Mix Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian
Parfum di Azzwars Parfum Lubeg Padang.
Bouredji, K., Gupta, R. and Jester, G., 2020. EveryWear Marketing Plan.
Chernev, A., 2020. The marketing plan handbook. Cerebellum Press.
Guercini, S., Bernal, P.M. and Prentice, C., 2018. New marketing in fashion e-commerce. Journal
of global fashion marketing.9(1). pp.1-8.
Hollensen, S., 2019. Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education.
HR, G. and Aithal, P.S., 2020. Integrated Marketing Mix Framework for Baby Care Retailing in
India. International Journal of Applied Engineering and Management Letters (IJAEML)
4(1). pp.191-218.
Innanmaa, K., 2020. A strategic marketing plan.
Išoraitė, M., 2016. Marketing mix theoretical aspects. International journal of research
granthaalayah, 4(6). pp.25-37.
Kreutzer, R.T., 2019. Strategic and Operational Marketing Plan. In Toolbox for Marketing and
Management (pp. 225-229). Springer, Cham.
Pogorelova, E. and, 2016. Marketing Mix for E-commerce. International journal of
environmental & science education.11(14). pp.6744-6759.
Thabit, T. and Raewf, M., 2018. The evaluation of marketing mix elements: A case
study. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies. 4(4).
Wood, M.B. and Jobber, L., 2016. The marketing plan handbook. Pearson.
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