
Marketing Fundamentals Analysis and Evaluation- PDF


Added on  2021-02-20

11 Pages2931 Words49 Views
fundamentals analysis
and evaluation-
Assessment 2
Marketing Fundamentals Analysis and Evaluation- PDF_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
TASK 1 A........................................................................................................................................1
Processes and stages of marketing including role of marketing mix..........................................1
Role of marketing in creating value for customers.....................................................................4
Stakeholder Engagement and their impact on marketing activities of an organization..............5
TASK 1 B........................................................................................................................................6
Reflection related communicating tools used to aware about project.........................................6
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................7
Marketing Fundamentals Analysis and Evaluation- PDF_2

Marketing is define as a techniques which is adopted by a company in order to promote,
advertise, create and so on in order to differentiate their products and services which attract
customers and encourage to purchase offerings (Morrison, 2013). It is essential for a company to
conduct proper evaluation as well as analysis of marketing activities because it help in attracting
customers and enhance company profitability. Organization taken for this assignment is
Sainsbury which is a public limited company which operates its business at retail industry. It is
founded by John James Sainsbury in the year 1869 and its headquarter is situated at London,
United Kingdom. Topics explain in this report are role of marketing mix, roles of marketing
which help in developing value for customers as well as it will include stakeholder engagement
and its affect on marketing activities. Along with this it will also include reflection related to
tactical communication tools.
Processes and stages of marketing including role of marketing mix
Marketing is consider as process which is adopted by a company in order to develop
effective strategies and plans which help an organization in promoting and advertising their
business in order to attain objective at potential marketplace (Van, Moseley and Dessinger,
2012). There are certain processes and stages are consider in marketing. Marketing mix is
consider as foundation of business model. It refers to combination of marketing tools which is
generally adopted by a firm for conducting its marketing activities and function for achieving
goal at target as well as potential marketplace. There are certain major role played by marketing
mix at Sainsbury. Explanation of process and stages of marketing along with roles of marketing
mix in respect of respective company are explain below:-
The first stage or process of marketing is to set mission so that staffs conduct as well as
develop strategies accordingly and in effective manner (The Definitive Guide to Strategic
Marketing Planning, 2019). In regards of Sainsbury their mission is to become an organization
which will be first choice for customers for purchasing food and beverage products. Along with
this they want to deliver quality products at competitive cost by conducting their activities faster,
together and simpler.
Marketing Fundamentals Analysis and Evaluation- PDF_3

Situation Analysis
This is second stage at which an organization management conduct analysis of internal as
well as external factors which will impact on business as well as market. In respect of Sainsbury
at this process they will identify their strength which help them in grabbing opportunities and
overcoming threat (Andersen and et.al., 2017). For which respective company may conduct
SWOT analysis, which is given below:-
Strength Weakness
It is one of the largest supermarket at
United Kingdom (Karimi and Asemani,
Promotional and advertising strategies
adopted by respective firm are very
innovative and creative.
Customers switch brand due to which
respective organization faced lot of loss
and risk.
Opportunities Threat
Sainsbury can expand their business at
village areas.
They can improve their production
process which reduce cost.
High competition at marketplace like
ALDI, Amazon, Boots and many more
(SWOT analysis of Sainsbury, 2019).
Marketing Strategy
At this stage an organization management will develop marketing plan. In regards of
Sainsbury their manager will conduct analysis of several factors such as identify target
customers, their requirement and need, price of products and services and many morel. This will
help them in developing marketing plan that leads to attracting more and more customers and
enhance sales as well as profitability ratio.
Marketing Mix
The next stage is developing marketing mix which basically consist of four elements of
marketing mix i.e. products, price, place and promotion and it will also include more three P's
i.e. physical evidences, process and peoples (Momoh, 2012). Marketing mix plays an essential
roles and helps Sainsbury in various ways such as help in satisfying customers, achieving
Marketing Fundamentals Analysis and Evaluation- PDF_4

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