
Marketing in Business: Strategies | Assignment


Added on  2022-08-20

22 Pages5499 Words14 Views
Running head: MARKETING
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Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_1

Executive Summary:
The study is based on AI Robotics. The organization is planning for the launch of one their
new product which is Autonomous cars. The study provides a detailed assessment of the
challenge of the customers and the solution in the form of the product. The product is
perfectly well designed for reducing the consumption of fuel and to contribute for the
environmental sustainability. The study shows that the company is expected to target the
young generation for their new product and the study also elaborates regarding the selection
of the cities for their target customers. The study also shows that the company is determined
to follow direct to consumer distribution channel. The company prefers to focus on the online
marketing activities for the introduction of their product. Along with that, the company has
specific interest towards participating in the offline marketing actions as well. As a result, it
is visible that the capacity of the organization in conducting sustainable business with their
new product is largely dependent on their ability in conducting the marketing actions.
Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_2

Table of Contents
Problem Statement:....................................................................................................................5
Link between Corporate and Marketing Strategy:.....................................................................6
Development of the Marketing Strategy:...................................................................................7
Marketing Mix:..........................................................................................................................8
Positioning Statement:.........................................................................................................10
Overreaching Message:............................................................................................................11
Distribution Channels:.............................................................................................................11
Communication Objectives and Campaigns:...........................................................................12
Benefits and Risks of Communication:....................................................................................13
Probable Legal, Ethical and Societal Influences:.....................................................................14
Utilization of Organizational Resources:.................................................................................15
Action Plan:..............................................................................................................................15
Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_3

Summary or Conclusion:..........................................................................................................18
Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_4

The significance of the marketing and promotional activities is notably high for the
modern multinational business entities and that is visible with the increasing level of urgency
shown by majority of the multinational companies towards the undertaking of well- funded
marketing actions. According to the esteemed opinion of Chapman (2017), the mainstream
business entities are facing tremendous heat of market competition and in such
circumstances, the companies are facing the necessity of applying extensive measures. Basil
et al. (2015), claimed that the companies are observed to face the necessity of applying
different strategies such as the new product development, quality improvement of the
products and services, application of low pricing strategies along with the enhancement of the
intensity of the marketing and promotional activities. The application of penetrative
marketing and promotional activities place the companies in a better position for enhancing
the awareness of the customers regarding the products and service that they are offering. The
study delivers one such marketing plan for a company named as AI Robotics. The
organization is determined towards the launch of a new a product which is Autonomous
The study precisely delivers a crucial set of information regarding the problem
statement and solution in the form of the product. In addition to this, the study portrays a
crucial link between the marketing strategy of the company and the corporate level strategy
and along with that, the study provides a detailed elaboration regarding the marketing mix of
the company, customer segmentation, targeting and positioning statement of the company.
The study also informs regarding the message strategy, distribution channels, communication
objectives, benefits and risks associated with the same, probable legal, ethical and societal
influences of the product and the utilization of the resources. Other than this, the study
Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_5

provides an action plan, timeline for the management of the activities and along with that, the
study delivers some important recommendations for better management of the marketing
actions of the company.
Problem Statement:
With a close consideration towards the modern world of automobile industry, it is
evident that the product evolution is a considerably common aspect for the companies. The
uniqueness of the products and the addition of increasing number of features are observed to
be the fundamental criteria for the companies in increasing the sales of their products.
Considering the modern automobile market, the increasing preferences of the companies
towards designing their vehicles which consume less amount of fuel, is observed to increase
in a substantial manner (Braz da Silva & Moura, 2016). The urge of the companies in
designing such products is largely influenced by the customer inputs as majority of the
consumers are observed to be concerned with the increasing costing of the fuel. At the same
time, there are several companies that are unable to target the customer group which lacks in
the expertise of driving the vehicles. In such situation, the automobile companies are facing
substantial amount of difficulty in converting those probable customers into existing
customers. Along with that, the contribution of the increasing human error to the increment of
accident rate is a major point of concern for customers, companies along with the
governmental authorities (Konrardy et al., 2017). Along with that, the concern of the
environmental authorities regarding the enhancement of the pollution owing to the excessive
emission of the toxic gases. However, in recent time, the autonomous cars are observed to be
exposed to great share of negative media attention as well.
Marketing in Business: Strategies  | Assignment_6

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