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Marketing Mix Plan for Travelodge


Added on  2023/01/10

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This document discusses the marketing mix plan for Travelodge, a hotel and hospitality company. It covers the product and services offered, pricing strategy, distribution channels, promotional activities, and the importance of customer service.

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MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1
1. Marketing TOWS for Travelodge and explaining the Marketing Audits................................1
2. State and justify 3 Marketing objectives.................................................................................4
3. Examine the Marketing Mix Plan............................................................................................5
4. Provide proposals on how Travelodge can develop their levels of Customer Service............7
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Marketing is the act used to determine what goods and services may be of interest to target
audiences and the strategies to utilise in sales, goods and business progress. Marketing
management is the organisational policies that focus on the suitable submission of marketing
trend, technological and tools within organisations and establishments’ capitulation of marketing
way, techniques within firm and business ventures and on the management of firm’s marketing
resources and activities (Kotler and et. al., 2018). This document is supported on Travelodge
which is autonomous company that operating in the hotels and hospitality sector cross wise the
UK. This organisation was established in 1985 and running internationally with the assistance of
its approx 600 hotels. This report will explain about marketing audit and TOWS analysis of
Travelodge hotel. Moreover, will define about marketing objectives, marketing mix plan and
proposal on how organisation can improve their levels of customer service to assist a growing
1. Marketing TOWS for Travelodge and explaining the Marketing Audits
Commodities gratefulness
Geographical distribution
customer services
Negative Equity
Bad Press
Functional disagreement
Increasing Foreign market
Professional training
Standardise service teaching with brand
wide sessions
Invest in organisation finances to
improve equity ratio
Threats from substitutes
Low cost switching
Economic downturn
Develop remunerations activities to avoid
Produce good PR by organising effective
activities and plans
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SO strategies- The key method capitalises on the cheap cost of accumulating fund,
improving unknown market and Travelodge’s effective management capability and brand
admiration, maximising operations in diverse countries (Hollensen, 2019). By performing a latest
PMS would imply developing Travelodge’s technological resources to frame software that
manages hospitality organisation and improve on the currently more extensive PMS’s
imperfections clearly delicate event hosting manage and rigidity of charges and specification
ways. In addition to it, establishment also provide efficient and quality facilities and eco-tourism
that assist in providing an effective experience and make good relations with them till log term.
WO strategies-The major weaknesses of this venture is that it has an unenthusiastic
justice and different other inattentive fiscal value caused by the division of their time periods.
Travelodge can also be supposed to tolerate from diverse performance impulsiveness, since
every firm’s continuation as an independent private venture can lead to several actions between
hospitality firms currently. High needs for global improvement and economical expenditures for
recuperating foreign abscond open a simple opportunity for commercial development.
Professional sessions develop each year, with telepresence and the opening of several new
seminary passion hotel extent plans. An investment inner could legalize some of Travelodge‘s
less fascinating divisions and neutrality by undertaking a bit of managerial preservation. This
strategy would create and perform commodity wide action that could be modular in atmosphere
of fit the needs of each good.
ST strategies- Dealing with the threat of a home fiscal slump refers maximising current
divisions by building new hotels across the world with no specific concentration. It will
manufacture more steady and applicable earning in case of domestic problems. Other possible
plan and tactics deal with third party websites by using respective firm’s technological tasks to
form as which will displace the third section websites. By carrying the target audiences
acknowledgement in foreign, so to converse, the enterprise can administrate their purchasing
power more effectively (Deepak and Jeyakumar, 2019). Finally, a new guest facility plan like
standardised hotel transports will make planned hospitality company complementary interesting.
WT strategies- Providing new rewards options has been contribute to reduce the
magnetism of functions and other hospitality company chains by offering additional worth into
the Travelodge inhabit, improving imitate manufacturing chances. The respective firm can form
effective PR inside by providing other adequate manpower sustainable programmes and it

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provide an efficient PR development. At last resources in to big but moderately untapped new
market could submit strong earnings (Kotabe and Helsen, 2020). A demonstration of boutique
hospitality firm could enable develop part, help PR and stop switching by offering a unique
Marketing audit of Travelodge
To organise marketing audit, the management if Travelodge can include some
components and the explanation of this is as below in respect to firm:
Competitors- The main competitors in the hotel sector for Travelodge are primer In,, Marriot and
holiday Inn. In respective organisation, firm is a international company and run its business
approx 500 locations. Holiday Inn a global brand and a part of Inter Continental Group and it has
estimate 2700 Holiday Inn and Express hotels globally and cause of this has advantage as a
globally recognisable establishment. These competitors create high level of rivalry for travelogue
due to offer same services to target audience at reasonable rates.
Suppliers- A rivalry advantage that Travelodge has over autonomous hoteliers in the budget
hotel sectors that customers know they will get a persuaded standard of room for several of their
hotels. It refers that their rooms have convinced homogeneity and as such use a single main
supplier for most if their rooms. The dealers of this firm are majorly categorised in to two section
like hotel provider that cover all commodities and services used in the running of a hospitality
form, food and beverage, linen and cleaning dealers, fitting, instruments and maintenance
suppliers. Another is support suppliers that provide commodities and facilities like office dealers,
IT support, profession and consultancy services etc.
Marketing intermediaries- Travelodge operate in a market which is becoming developed
easily for consumers to compare services and monetary value (Visconti, Peñaloza and Toulouse,
2020). Therefore, mediators are becoming more and more important and they play a crucial role
in running business of Travelodge globally. For instance, Amadeus is a world’s leading online
travel agency, IT suppliers and establishment sig deal with it in form of operating its business in
efficient way.
Travelodge is well known company as on night reside for its affordability but need of
essentials in its rooms makes it hard to continue more than one night, less and cheap cost get
close with effective services which other organisations and hospitality firms surpass with its free
Wi-Fi and availability of room applicants and services provided to offer a good consumer
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experience. In context of rivalry, the areas are market share, cost and worth of knowledge. There
has also been a maximisation in study to stare online phases such as Airbnb contend experience
on affordability, chance and understanding, providing customer the wide range of chances and
information besides of a hotel room. Travelodge goals are to surpass its competitors by providing
classy understanding to earn customer’s faithfulness, creating a commodity that is related to
comfort, modernity and contentment (Gupta and Rajan, 2020). To attain increase profitability,
geological expansion to improve sustainability and internationally, the organisation should offer
quality commodities and facilities to its target audiences.
2. State and justify 3 Marketing objectives
In Travelodge, the administration of establishment can formulate SMART objective in form of
developing organisation progress condition which is influenced cause of corona virus pandemic
crisis. The explanation of some business objective of Travelodge which will help and devising
engagement in development of business venture which is as below:
To devise increment in profit margins and revenue of the firm by 9% within 10 months
by accepting and using efficient pricing tools which make difference in it from its rivals.
To make improvement in the sales of firm by 7% within next 11 months providing good
quality and sanitised room as well as effective housekeeping services. So that individual
can take the facilities without facing any mind of complexities.
To form development in number of consumers by 7% within 10 months or respective
establishment by devising efficient utilisation of IT systems and technologies that enable
in providing quality facilities in this corona virus pandemic.
From the defined content of business objectives, it can be justified these goals and targets are
essential for Travelodge because they assist in overcome the business development of respective
hospitality firm in this corona virus crisis (Olson and et. al., 2018). As per these objectives, by
providing hygienic and sanitised hospitality services in term of room services, housekeeping and
other, the business venture can provide an effective facilities to its consumers who make their
contribution in improving sales rate and getting attention of people such as business people,
professionals and many others that are accessible to take the advantages of this type of facilities.
In addition to this, according to another objective, by accepting good pricing options and
strategies such as competitive and discount price will also enable in improving profitability and
market share of respective venture. As per other aim, by making high utilisation of technology
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and IT system as well as software in form of online booking, online payment, self check-in self
check-out and self checking of individual and luggage also help in making maximisation in
number of target audiences in this corona virus crisis condition. These all objective are adequate
and justify that they will effective to make development in business of Travelodge regarding
profit, customer base, market position share as well.
3. Examine the Marketing Mix Plan
Marketing mix delegates to the post of activities and strategies which a management
utilised to support its commodity and facilities in the marketplace (Adams, Freitas and Fontana,
2019). It is a plan o action that includes data regarding good, cost, place of accessibility,
advertisement, process, people and physical evidence of products and services of a business
organisation. The detailed description of marketing mix in context of Travelodge is mentioned as
Product- It indicates to those commodities and services which are sold by a firm to its
target audiences. In reference to improve the sales, the individual must deliver accurate and
appropriate data about particular product and service to its potential client. In context of
Traveloge, the enterprise provide quality and better services like dinner services, marriage
facilities, gathering and specific event services, dinner area and lounges, meal and beverages,
swimming pools, gift shops, trade facilities and many other services. In this COVID19 pandemic
the firm can also these kinds of facilities by considering government rules and including
sanitised services then it will help in achieving set business aims and objective of firm by
maximising sales and profits.
Price- The amount of cost that a suppliers sets for their raw material and commodities that
is labelled as price. Setting up price that needs intense thought and assessment, mainly for
inexperienced or new trade owners that inappropriately sense of offer the low cost or they would
unable to accomplish zero sales. In Travelodge, the administration considers fiscal system,
diffusion, skilling, and effective cost plan (Parsons and Lepkowska-White, 2018). In this corona
virus pandemic situation, the establishment can also include and follow competitive and discount
pricing strategy which also assists in maximising sales, profitability and number of target
audiences of enterprise in well defined form.
Place- It mentions as the area and way by which an organisation allocate and distribute its
goods and services to its consumers. It refers to geological region, online services and many

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other where consumer can easily reach to commodities and facilities of firm and purchase them
with the purpose of providing satisfaction to them. In context of respective hospitality company,
the management run it business in several countries crosswise the globe and its number of hotels
are located in different areas across city like centre market, highways, airport and others
(Hüttner, 2018). In addition to it, the corporation accept mix channel strategy that assists in
making improvement in firm and include together directly and third part way. In context of
current corona virus pandemic, the organisation can provide its commodities and facilities by
online mode with the help of company website and mobile application. It will assist in achieving
defined business goals like maximisation in sales and profit margins.
Promotion- It is explained as marketing and advertising plan of actions and tactics that is
utilised and accepted by organisation to spread awareness about goods and services of business
establishment with the motive of familiarise people about products and facilities that are offered
by them. In reference to it venture use diverse channels and tools of promotion like TV, radio,
newspaper, internet, web ads and any more. In reference to Travelodge, the organisation can
utilise social media, web advertisement and paid media etc to administrate its loyal consumers by
using effective tools of publicity to offer information about its innovative facilities and changes
that are made by it cause of corona virus pandemic. This will help in hitting the set target of
enlarging number of consumer and sales in improved form.
People- This component of marketing mix indicates to that individual who makes their
involvement in efficient business operation. In respective hotel firm, providers, retailers and
target audiences are the major people who make engagement in running business of enterprise.
Travelodge find out the importance of assisting its consumers that is the important individual
plan of establishment. When providing any service, the staffs that is making contribution in
offering services is crucial in context to earn the faithfulness of consumers cause of which
manpower of this firm are continually talented and been motivated to share the exceptional
services which outstand the demand of people (Gaul and Baier, 2019). The appropriate
contribution of skilled and talented workforce enable in providing quality facilities to its
consumers that can help in achieving aims of increment in consumer base in effective form.
Process- It refers to that activities and process that is utilised and accepted by an
organisation to produce goods and services in reference to satisfy its consumer’s requirements
and needs. In context of Travelodge, the establishment has several business actions in place to
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ensure quality consumer services efficient booking and a relaxing reside of customers. In context
to stay its target audiences always induce the particular firm mechanism with accurate process
that is easy to analyse, moderator, and function and is customer affable right from the online
booking of room to the self check-in and check-out is accomplished in proper form. In this
current pandemic situation, by offering these kind of services and performing activities,
administration can make development in sales and profits.
Physical evidence- It mentions to the tangibility of items, structure, designs and physical
availability of firm. In reference to Travelodge, the hotel building is the key physical poof for the
company (Chang, McAleer and Wong, 2018). Services are mainly intangible but the particular
firm provides their customers a huge mood with permanent physical experiences by showing
their loyalty. Other corporal substance of this venture is their rooms, instruments, towels, menus,
pens, body cleaner and many others.
4. Provide proposals on how Travelodge can develop their levels of Customer Service
Consumer service indicates to an activity and procedure of taking care of customer’s needs
by providing and delivering professional, beneficial and effective facilities and help before the
time and after the target audience demands are not met. Generally consumer service refers to the
activity of offering fulfilment to target audience’s desires and requirements. By providing
services according their demands. In respect to Travelodge, it is the UK’s large independent
hotel chain and running its business internationally by providing effective services and goods to
its target audiences accordant to their desires and necessities in form of satisfying their needs.
The room possession rates of it are 74.5 percent, average room rate is 11.4 and total revenue up
by 17.9 percent is all testaments to the hotel team’s determination to improve the customer
experience. The respective firm provide quality consumer facility in form of launching a mobile
app and with the assistance of it visitors can investigate and find out nearest Travelodge hotel at
the time of travelling and get immediate walking or following instructions to it (Iankova and et.
al., 2019). This will assist in providing an efficient customer service and knowledge to them as
well as assist in retaining them till long time.
In context of present corona virus pandemic condition, the company can make high use of
technology in form of providing consumer facilities like by providing 24/7 telephonic consumer
service where people can ask about services and other items which will assist in getting a good
experience. By providing self check-in and check-out, self checking of customer and their
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luggage can also enable in facing the pandemic of COVID 19. In addition to it, the business
venture can also offer mask, tissues, globes and sanitizer as well as well sanitise room so that
people who are come to hotel and do not wear mask and use sanitizer, they can also take these
kind of safety precautions. It can also be suggested to manpower and housekeeping division that,
before and after entry of visitors they cans also hygiene wash room as well as sanitise room. This
type of services is crucial for company as well as customers in this corona virus situation
(Shchepakin and et. al., 2018). This also helps in increasing customer base, maximising
profitability margins and sales of firm in well developed manner. Along with this online payment
technology also enable in making online transaction with forming any kind of touch as well as
minimise effect of croon virus. In term of it, the management can use net banking, mobile
payment and many more options of payment to make easy it for consumers. These all are
significant and appropriate customer service that can be offered by respective establishment in
this time of corona virus pandemic to its target audiences which help in providing good
experiences and retaining them till longer time duration.
It has been concluded as per defined data that marketing is an efficient process and tool of
trading, buying, selling and promoting commodities and services of establishment. By utilising
appropriate marketing channels like social media, internet and many more, marketing activity of
firm can be administrated. To analyse marketing position and capabilities, the organisation can
use TOWS analysis and marketing audit of company. Marketing mix plan also help in offering
information about goods and facilities so fir, their cost, area of availability, channels of
promotion, people, process and physical evidence of enterprise. By setting effective business
objectives and use of proper plans and technologies, the firm can accomplish and hit the set
targets in amended form.

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Books & Journals
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Travelodge. 2020. [Online]. Available Through: <
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