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PESTLE Analysis in Various Fields and Industries


Added on  2020/07/22

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The provided document contains a list of references to articles and papers that utilize PESTLE analysis in various fields and industries. The references cover topics such as marketing, management, quality, service audit projects, sales recovery audits, and renewable energy. The articles and papers demonstrate the application of PESTLE analysis in different contexts, providing examples and insights into its use in decision-making processes.

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Marketing Management

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Marketing management is crucial for maintaining and increasing market position of any
entity. This assignment aims to enhance an individual's understanding with marketing concept
and tools regarding decision making to improve business performance and sustain market
position of Vodafone. Including this, different analytical tools to identify strength and weakness
of the organisation including its marketability is discussed. Likewise, variety of ideas and future
strategies are identified for further implementations and enhancing organisation's efficiency at
maximum level.
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Table of Contents
Company Background.................................................................................................................1
Macro analysis (PESTLE analysis).............................................................................................2
Micro analysis.(internal analysis)...............................................................................................3
COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS OF VODAFONE........................................................................4
SWOT ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................7
Future Marketing strategies.........................................................................................................9
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Marketing audit is the systematic comprehensive and independent examination of a
particular company or unit. Its main purpose of this marketing audit is to evaluate the marketing
assets, brand value of the company and its marketing position. It helps organisation to make new
planning and corrective action plan to accomplish the organisation profit. Present report is based
on marketing audit, it will consider Milton company which is popular organisation of marketing
audit this company analyse the position of the company. Mintel group is a private company in
London based on market research. It will explain about the Macro and Micro factors which
affects company position. Along with that it will recognize the SWOT analysis of the company.
Milton is research on Vodafone company which is telecom company. This report is based on
Vodafone marketing audit.
Company Background
Mintel company would take Vodafone for its next research. Vodafone is a British
multinational telecommunication company, its headquarter in London. Vodafone company
provides network services(Hollensen, 2015). It has number of mobile connection across the
world. Its is ranked fifth by revenue and second in the number of connection. Vodafone operate
its business in 26 countries and its partner network in 50 countries. Vodafone itself is a very big
brand in the telecommunication sector. Vodafone is known for its prime services which they
provide to the customers. The main Focus of Vodafone is to customer attraction. Its main
marketing strategy is customer focused and product led. Vodafone tries to develop new services
after utilization of all technologies(Kolios, Read and Ioannou, 2016). Ambassador of Vodafone
is Zoo Zoo, Vodafone adopt customer oriented strategies approach to attract the customers. To
attract the customers Vodafone company provide different offers and exciting prices of mobile
connection. Along with that Vodafone has come with creative plan and creative advertisement
campaign. This marketing strategies attract a million of customers. Besides, this it helps to
enhance the brand image as well. It adopts various digital technology approach to maintain its
marketing position in the market(Kristine,, 2017). Apart from that Vodafone company
revenue from 2008 to 2017. In 2017 Vodafone generated about 47.63 billion profit revenue.
Vodafone itself is the established company. Apart from this Vodafone employees are well
managed and professional. Employees are the key role in the company. It helps organisation to
accomplish the overall objective. Vodafone identifies the external environment with the help of

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analysis tools. There are many competitors involved in telecommunication sector. To maintain
the stability in the market company needs to analyse the external environment and make new
creative plans(Lee,, 2014). Vodafone adopt customer oriented marketing approach to attract
number of customers.
Company Business strategy, Vodafone current business strategy to expand their business
geographically, try to maximize customer attraction, innovation in technology. Along with that
vodaphone also try to invest in social activities to attract the customer attraction.
Macro analysis (PESTLE analysis)
Mintel company analysis the external environment of Vodafone company to analyse the
marketing audit(McDonald and Wilson, 2016). Mintel analyses the all factors and facts of
Vodafone company, which factors affects the company management. The best way to analyse
the external environment is through PESTLE analysis. Mintel identifying the external factors of
Vodafone as discussed below:
Political Factor(P): The main political factors which affects company environment such as
Roaming regulation, decrease the number of mobile phone usages, increasing the number of
consumer rights, and other regulation taken by European union government. Political factors
includes political changes in the government regulations. Mintel company analyse that changes
of roaming rates by the government affects the Vodafone company. This effects of political may
give positive and negatives impacts to the company environment. This political factors. Affects
the company growth. Political factors regulated by the government. '
Economical Factor (E): Economical factors also affects the company growth of GDP and the
level of inflation rates. This economic factors include the inflation, interest rates and foreign
exchange rates(Nieves-Colon, Pestle, and Stone, 2014). These rates affect the economic
condition of the company. Apart from this, global economic issues affects the growth of
Vodafone. Along with that financial crises of 2007 to 2010 was affects the position of
Social Factor (S): Social factors is the another factor of external environment. Social factors
includes the individual choices, purchasing power of customers and instant changes of
customers(Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). Apart from this, changes of working patterns of
employees also affects the company. Some employees now wants to work from home. From this
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fact people now more relying in technologies. So this factor affects directly and indirectly to the
Technological factor(T): Mintel company analyse that technological factors affects company
directly or indirectly to the company. The impact on Vodafone company due to changes in
technological changes. It is alternative means of communication. Telecommunication is the
another face of technological development. This increase the new techniques and business
growth of the company. Online chatting and the social sites may affect the Vodafone company
negatively. Company needs to analyse the external factors and try to make new strategies to
overcome from these effects.
Legal Factors(L): Legal factors are the another external factor which affects company in case of
any unfair practises. In this factor if company doesn't follow the rules and regulations in that case
he is liable to face the punishments. In case of heavy competition it is necessary for the
Vodafone to be vigilant about the legal issues. Like piracy and copy issues. Many of the times
when government blamed Vodafone regarding legal issues. In this situation, Vodafone has to
face many penalties and fines. Apart from this many of the times when Vodafone fails to pay
enough remuneration to their employees as compare to its rivals. Many of the employees of the
Vodafone leaves the company and joins its rival companies. It increases the employees turnover
which is not good for the growth of the company. Vodafone needs to adopt fair trade practises
and also adopt the best HR policies to retain the talented employers.
Environmental factors(E): During the time people are become more globalise and ethical
regarding services. Customer always expect from the company fair services which is ethical and
free from harmful affects. Along with that they also want from their brand that to pay attention
towards the society development. So in that situation, Company needs to be perfect and try to
adopt services which is good for the customers. Vodafone is the company which is dynamic ion
nature. It need to adopt new product plans to attract the number of customers.
Micro analysis.(internal analysis)
Internal analysis of Vodafone company. Vodafone is the leading telecommunication
company. Vodafone company provide different services to their customers. It is customer based
company. Internal analysis of Vodafone company on the basis of employees. Vodafone has faced
the problem regarding the employees' coordination and lack of technological improvement.
Strategies and procedures of Vodafone is quite different(Team, 2013). To exist in the
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competition market Vodafone needs to analyse the technological resources and try to make new
strategies. Vodafone internal environment is not better. They face problem regarding attractive
resources and employees coordination. Employees is the important key factor of success without
the contribution of employees they cannot achieve the overall target. Vodafone needs to adopt
proper training and give attractive remuneration to their employees it helps company to retain
talented employees. According to the Vodafone company did not pay good salaries to their
employees through which employees leave the company and join in another companies. It may
give heavy loss to the company image. Apart from that employees has a coordination problem by
which they cannot perform its task properly. Besides this. In telecommunication industry it has
heavy competition in the market. Vodafone needs to adopt new strategies and plans to compete
with their rival firms. Company needs to adopt proper development session for employees to
give confidence and motivation towards their works. Vodafone internal environment affects of
the company is controllable(Torres‐Rouff,, 2015). Company can adopt development
strategies to overcome from this issue. Along with that Vodafone has good technique to adopt
and attract customers. Vodafone need to focus on customer services for that they need improvise
their employees skills and knowledge. Apart from this, Vodafone has 1000,000 plus employees
across the world. Vodafone provide various services to their customers. Like Landlines, Digital
TV services, telephone mobile services etc. it has a very big brand image in across the world.
Most of the customers like Vodafone from its Zoo Zoo concepts. Vodafone tie ups with
international sports to promote their services. It also provides various modes of payment services
and provide Vodafone app facilities to attract customers satisfaction. Apart from the strength of
the company. Mintel discuss about its weaknesses being a global company, Vodafone has to face
many competitions in the market. Which create many risks and loss. Vodafone needs to adopt
new services and product strategies to attract number of customers. Internal factors are
controllable factors as compare to external environment(Zalengera,, 2014). Internal factors
is the most important factor in the company, otherwise it affects most of the time. It also
decreases the brand image in front of the customers. To overcome from this facts company needs
to develop their strategies after analysing the external factors.
It is essential to analyse strength of company in terms of facing competition and
sustaining its market position. In this regard, current business performance and variety of ideas

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are generated for further implementations (Guy and Patton, 2013). However, comparison of any
entity is done through several approaches as benchmarking, analysing financial and non-
economic performance, strategic group analysis, perceptual mapping and so on. In order to this,
marketability and competitiveness of the entity is evaluated which impacted on business
operations in the future time. Including this, it is also recognised that the closest competitors of
Vodafone are IVO and Famatech Corporation who operates in telecommunication sector of UK.
Therefore, competitive analysis of Vodafone in context to these approaches is as follows: Strategic group analysis (SGA): This group works for analysing business performance
and market position of entities who belonged to similar industry. However, market
position of the company is analysed in this respect as in productivity, profitability and so
on. Besides this, it is useful for analysing direct and indirect competitors of Vodafone
also provides guidelines to grab opportunities regarding increasing customer loyalty
towards its services in wider range (Biggemann, 2014). Including this, it is also
appropriate for reducing strategic problems occurs within entity and managing its
performance for longer time period(McDonald and Wilson, 2016 ). Thus, strategic group
analysis is quite effective to identify competitiveness and market position of the entity by
which appropriate decisions can make for the further years. On analysing performance of
Vodafone in comparison to IVO and Famatech Corporation, it is evaluated that
Vodafone's performance is higher than both of them. As customers demand for its
services on large scale influences its profit level and competitiveness at higher level. Perceptual mapping: This technique of identifying competitive strength of a company is
to evaluate its market position in comparison to other competitive entities. However,
marketers of UK like Mantel and others play crucial role in this reference in context to
express service users' attitude and perception towards Vodafone's services (Satit and, 2015). In addition to this, market position and variety of tools regarding
marketability of the enterprise is identified. In this process, all information are gathered
related to customers including their choice, perception, interests in context to network
and telecommunication services of the organisation. Including this, it is appropriate to
business performance and market position of Vodafone and generate different ideas to
sustain its position for longer time period. Along with this, product quality and demand
for services provided by any particular entity is identified. However, it emphasis on
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further operations and decision making regarding improving network quality and
attracting people towards its services in wide range. In this regard, an effective map and
statistical data is identified in terms of market position and competitiveness of the
company (Grönroos and Ravald, 2014). Apart from this, with the help of perceptual map,
business performance and market position of Vodafone is evaluated on which decisions
are made regarding further implementations and entering into new market.
Reviewing the company: It is one of the simplest and most effective technique to analyse
business performance and marketability of Vodafone. In which, monetary and non-
economic performance of the company is evaluated. For this purpose, different tools are
used such as; financial statements including profit and loss account, income statement,
balance sheet, cash flow of the company etc(Lee,, 2014). Likewise, non-economic
tools as performance of business operations such as; production and distribution system,
employees' contribution in achieving its effectiveness and so on (Lehtinen, 2016). In
accordance to this, actual business performance and market position of the entity is
identified for which different ideas are generated for the further years. However, market
position of Vodafone in UK market is identified as:
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As it is analysed that Vodafone has 2nd position in providing mobile and network services
globally. It is quite effective and good which can be maintained and improved at higher level in
the future time as well (Joppi, Gerardi and Garattini, 2016). Including this, it is also recognised
that customers demand for its services in wide range impacts on profit level and market
sustainability positively. Apart from this, it is analysed that identifying competitiveness of any
entity is essential for generating different ideas regarding further implementations. Including
this, it is helpful for enhancing marketability and business performance of the organisation at
higher level. Moreover, it impacts on productivity and profitability of the company on large scale
also related with further implementations. Thus, using competitive tools are effective for
on 1: Market position of Vodafone
(Source: Vodafone's market position, 2016).

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recognising market position and strength of the company to make decision for sustaining its
position in the future time as well. However, competitive analysis is to compare business
performance and market efficiency of Vodafone with its competitive entities is useful for further
implementations at maximum level.
It stands for analysing strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of any entity which
generate different ideas for growth and maintaining its actual performance. In accordance to this,
critical evaluation is created on Vodafone's current business performance on which decisions are
made in relation to growth (Amirkhanpour, Vrontis and Thrassou, 2014). However, SWOT
analysis of Vodafone is identified as:
Table 1: SWOT analysis of Vodafone
Vodafone has effective market position
in telecommunication sector of UK.
Maximum customers' satisfaction as
demand for its services in wide range
(Schroeder, 2014).
Good quality of mobile and network
Poor performance of workers as lack of
coordination is identified among them
towards meeting set targets of
Lack of resources due to changes in
market trend and technologies.
To adopt innovative technologies for
improving quality of services regarding
mobile and network services for
To critical evaluate business
performance on which appropriate
decisions can make for further
Changes in people's attitude and
interest towards Vodafone's services
(FISK, 2013).
Difficult to face high level of
competition and maintaining relations
with public.
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However, it is evaluated that Vodafone has effective market position in
telecommunication sector of UK as customers demand for its services on large scale. In addition,
it provides good quality of services which attracted people at maximum level also remains
appropriate to maintain good relations with them (Guy and Patton, 2013). Besides this, on
critical evaluation, it is analysed that there is lack of coordination among workers of the entity
which affect entity's performance and market position adversely. However, it is needed to work
on reducing this weakness to make place in market and increase marketability for longer time
Future Marketing strategies
Marketing strategies of the company is very important for the future growth. These
strategies enhance the marketing position of the company. To improvise the marketing strength.
Company needs to adopt some technologies and marketing strategies top accomplish the overall
market. Vodafone needs to adopt new techniques through which they exist in the global market.
Vodafone has to adopt these strategies discussed below.
Technological strategies: In future times competition level has increased. To compete with the
global market company needs to adopt some technologies which helps company to compete with
rival firms.
Adopt employees training: It is the another future strategies company can adopt. Employee
training is the important factor to enhance the employee performance. Employees needs to be
effective and competitive to develop new business plans for the company. Along with that
Vodafone needs to provide fair salary to the employees so that they enhance their motivation
level towards the organisation objectives(Kolios, Read and Ioannou, 2016.).
Utilization of resources: Vodafone needs to optimize their all resources to minimize the cost
and maximize profit revenue. It also recruits talented employees to enhance the quality of
company management.
Overall future strategies are the most important factor to accomplish the future
expectancy. Vodafone company has to adopt new services to attract number of customers. It also
needs to adopt plans on the basis of customer needs and wants.
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From the above report, it concluded about the marketing audit of the Vodafone company
by Mintel marketing audit firm. Mintel discussed about the marketing plans of Vodafone along
with their internal and external analysis. Apart from this it concluded the different strategies of
marketing efforts. Vodafone is the leading telecommunication company which gives different
variety of products like digital services, mobile facilities, and different modes of payments. Due
to heavy competition in the market Vodafone needs to adopt some powerful strategies to
compete with the rival firms. Along with that, it concluded some future expectancy strategies
which helps company to enhance their employee performance and company brand image.
Vodafone needs to adopt some more development plans which helps company to retain in the
market in long time. Apart from this to enhance the employee performance, company needs to
provide healthy environment in the company to achieve the overall target of the organisation.

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