
Role and Responsibilities of a Marketing Manager in an Organization


Added on  2022-11-25

23 Pages6643 Words172 Views
Marketing Essentials
Role and Responsibilities of a Marketing Manager in an Organization_1

Table of Contents
Main Body.......................................................................................................................................3
1. An overview of different marketing processes........................................................................3
2. An Explanation of the role and responsibilities of a marketing manager in the context of the
3. An analysis of how marketing influences and interrelates with other functional departments
of the organization.......................................................................................................................7
4. An analysis of the value and importance of the marketing role in the context of the
Role and Responsibilities of a Marketing Manager in an Organization_2

Marketing is a broad concept which covers activities like analysing market and
marketing trends, identifying targeted customers, analysing need and wants of customers,
analysing best promotional tools for the product and many others. Marketing department has
direct connection with their customers (Shafei and et. al., 2020). They interact with customers on
face to face mode; they collect the feedback through e-mails, social Medias and etc. Recent
trends of marketing are “Digitalization”. Today most of the companies opt digital mode for their
marketing. They use social media, hoardings, TV advertisements and etc. for promoting their
products. Some future trends which are planning now will change the condition of marketing
activities in future. Some future trends are “The rise of voice marketing” which includes such
technology which will allow contextual interactions with its customers without any presence of
human being. Here, a machine will solve all the queries of customers and identify their need and
wants by with interaction with them and convey the message to other departments of company.
Morrison is a chain of supermarket which is founded in 1899 by William Morrison. Its
headquartered is located in Bradford, UK. The following report covers different marketing
process, role and responsibilities of marketing manager, interrelation of marketing department
with other functional departments and value and importance role of marketing in context of
Main Body
1. An overview of different marketing processes
Marketing is the broad concept where it consists to manage the product from
manufacturing till its sell to end customers. Here, companies analyse marketing conditions,
marketing trends, targeted audience, promotional activities and many others. Most important
factor of marketing is promotion of products. Here, companies adopt different days to aware
Role and Responsibilities of a Marketing Manager in an Organization_3

their customers. Marketing is basically done to know the demand of customers so that product
will be modified accordingly to gain the satisfaction of customers. Another main feature of
marketing is to aware customers about the products and services and establishes a reputed brand
image. Marketing process is the step wise procedure which involves how a company conduct its
activity to fulfil the need and satisfaction of customers. It involves identifying customer’s
problems, analysing marketing opportunities, analysing best promotional tool for product,
analysing targeted audience and their behaviour and there are many other things which is
involved in marketing process (Okumus and Cetin, 2018). In context of Morrison, their
marketing process is mentioned below-
The first thing is to scan the existing environment. Scanning the environment help the
company to know the new trends in market so that they will work according to new
trends to attract more customers.
Secondly, Morrison will analyse their internal environment that which type of products
they are producing and what kind of services they are offering.
After this their marketing department match the current environment to internal
environment of company to analyse the gap between them so that in case they are lacking
behind to follow new trends then they will make changes in their business processes. After making changes their marketing department continue to monitor that their change
in product or services help them to achieve success or not. In case they grow well with
new changes then they continue the process to follow but in case new change did not
impact anything to company then Morrison again analyse market and make changes
according to that.
Concept of marketing-
The production concept- Here, customers are supposed to focus on quantity of products and
services. Here, customers prefer to buy those goods which include more quantity in fewer prices
by ignoring the quality.
The product concept- Here, customers are more aware about the quality and demanded
qualitative products in less or appropriate price.
The selling concept- Here, companies sell only that much of products which is produced
by them without bothering about the market demand and needs. It is also called aggressive
Role and Responsibilities of a Marketing Manager in an Organization_4

selling because here, companies focus to influence customers to purchase their products which
are manufactured.
The marketing concept- Here, companies more focus to adopt different ways of
promotional strategies and they belief to compete with their competitors for gaining profit. Here,
customers are known as king of the market.
The societal concept- Here, companies get to know that they can gain the trust of
customers after doing something good for society. Hence, here companies adopt CSR activities
to gain the trust of customers.
Comparativeness of marketing concept-
Production concept and product concept- Production concept is the concept where
customers purchase products only by considering the quantity. They prefer to purchase those
products which are sold in more quantity and in fewer prices. On the other hand product concept
include that customers purchase those products which has good quality. Here, customers choose
quality rather than quantity.
Selling concept and Marketing concept- Selling concept is the marketing concept where
companies sell their products on the basis of their own requirement. They did not bother about
customers demand. Here, they first produce goods and then they sell their goods according to
their production. On the other hand marketing concept includes analysing marketing demand
first then according to marketing demand they produce products. Here, products are modified
according to customers’ needs and wants.
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2. An Explanation of the role and responsibilities of a marketing manager in the context of the
Marketing manager is assigned to handle the department of marketing within an organization.
The role and responsibilities of marketing manager in context of Morrison are explained below-
Analyze marketing conditions- This is the major role marketing manager to identify
their marketing situations in which their business is conducting (Hidayatullah and et. al.,
2019). In context of Morrison, they are dealing in retailing sector so the main role of their
marketing manager is to analyze the new trends in market in retailing sector. They are
supposed to identify that how customers will more attracted toward Morrison to purchase
their products.
Identifying best promotional tool- Here, the marketing manager is responsible to
identify which promotional tool will provide them maximum benefit. In context of
Morrison, their marketing manager conducted that they can gain more fame by
advertising a TVs, hoardings and on Social media. Most of the time they use digital
marketing for their promotion. Their marketing manager also found out that offering
discounts also help them to promote their products by attracting more customers.
Communicating to other departments- This is also the main responsibility and role of a
marketing manager to communicate to other department managers and pass the
information which is collected by them (Géczi, 2019). In context of Morrison, their
marketing manager collect the information about need and wants of customers then they
pass this data to other departments like manufacturer department so that they can make
changes in their products to fulfill customer’s satisfaction. Few years later Morrison’s
marketing department gets to know after their research and surveys in market that their
customers are unhappy with their packaging systems. Due to this reason, the number of
their customers is decreasing day by day. Marketing manager convey the message to
packaging department and also suggest some suggestions that what all changes customers
require. Packaging department work according to that and further on they again attract
customers with the change.
Conduct market segmentation and targeting- Market segmentation is the process
which involves dividing of marketing into sub- groups to identify which group is
maximum beneficial for them and when the group is selected then that selected group is
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