
Lean Project Management (LPM) Principles in Project Management Processes


Added on  2023-03-20

11 Pages3484 Words68 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
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DATE: May 13, 2019
TO: Director, Governmental services
FROM: Maxwell consultancies associates
Murray Samson (partner) Raymond Lee (senior director)
RE: Lean Project Management (LPM) principles in project management processes and
its desirability.
Thank you for permitting us the prospect to work with your establishment. As ask for, we have
assessed the lean Project Management (LPM) principles in project management processes and
evaluated the desirability to be employed in some of the governmental projects in future. Our
assessment helps to bring the understanding to the staff and stakeholders on the application of
LPM in government operations to maximize value and minimize wastes (Larson, 2011). The
implementation of LPM will bring success to both external and internal users. Grounded by our
findings, we have reached the following inferences:
1. There are several reasons to implement LPM in governmental projects in future
2. LPM benefits if fully embraced
3. There certain critical success factors and steps to be addressed during LPM
4. Trainings, requirements, and methods assessment framework need to be in place.
Understanding LPM principles
The use of lean project management is one of approaches in delivering results in project
management. It is one of the techniques that project managers can use to deliver the desired
output. The objective for using LPM principles is to improve performance and eliminate any
form of wastes (Kerzner, 2013). The concept of lean manufacturing doctrines was advanced by
Toyota in the 1950s. The term lean is to deliver what is required, when it is wanted, through the
least possible quantity of materials, apparatus, labour, and space. Lean production recognized
three categories of waste: ‘muda’, ‘muri’, and ‘mura’. ‘Muda’ denotes to actions that consume
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resources devoid of giving extra value. ‘Muri’ denotes to misuse of equipment or workers.
‘Mura’ means reductions of proficiency and output in the long term (Aune, 2013). The key
ideologies that can be used to put on the lean theory to project management: stipulate value, plan
the value stream, value stream, create value flow by reducing waste, and create value movement
at the pull of the customer, clasp uninterrupted development in hunt of precision. The LPM
process is a critical component that can enable effective delivery of governmental functions if
suitably implemented.
Reasons for LPM implementation
The main reasons of implementing the LPM are as follows:
1. For teams to understand the value they are advocating to provide or offer to their
customers or clients
2. To come up with a value stream approach for creating a product or project
3. To come up with ways of eliminating wastes by developing improvement plan
4. To devise ways that would attract customers demand for products or services
5. To adopt a continuous improvement approach to correct problems and focus on
eliminating wastes.
Implementing LPM process
The process to follow when implementing LPM include the use of the following principles
1. Planning need to be centered on long-term viewpoint more than short-term financial
objectives- Individuals in assignment must have a sense of persistence to succeed with
project goals Beecham, 2013). Inspiration generates a flawless vision for supporting them
with these aims. Recognizing openings or waste in their project management procedure.
Project realization derives from experience in creating the project more effective.
2. Focus on problem areas by building an endless process that allows a clear flow of
operations. Management should strive on shaping the entire process rather focusing on
one item or part at intervals (Bigelow, 2016).
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3. Adopting ‘pull” systems to eliminate overproduction- this is to create demand of the
services which in the long-run create sustainability. Communication will be enhance
where every stakeholder would be informed of the process.
4. Split the specific works evenly among all the workers- The belief minimizes overworking
and thus reducing all form of in project activities. It also provides an open field in which
all parties can participate in projects.
5. Build a philosophy for solving difficulties in order to retain quality principles- that will
give all stakeholders in the project to give the required feedback on the results obtained.
Solving difficulties ensures that project objectives are achieved effectively and
efficiently. Open to response through the project management progression (Chandler,
6. Sustain uniformity in procedures and process this is by striving to have a culture of
improving always. This can be achieved by devising quality controls, setting standards
and working with required set specifications for operations.
7. Use graphic controls like Kanban to highpoint problematic parts and reporting
8. Center on unswerving and verified expertise for the team and project
9. Allow frontrunners who know the work attitude and guide it to group followers. These
principles had better be portion of project management procedure. Employees ought to
require the up-to-date capacity building forums to generate a knowledge acquisition in
10. Develop unique people and teams to follow your company’s philosophy-Create teams
that include at least 4-5 persons from diverse administration ranks. The success of your
project depends on the team and not the individual. Selection of a good team is useful in
propelling the new changes advocated during implementation of LPM.
11. Respect your linkage followers and providers by assisting them to advance their
procedures-build mutual relationships with other group bosses and build on the best
project management processes (Bryde, Broquetas & Volm, 2013).
12. Educate yourself and team associates on main project requirements-Take annotation of
teachings from project disappointments and triumphs.
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