
Career Viewpoint: HR Manager


Added on  2023-01-05

8 Pages1971 Words29 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Career viewpoint
Career Viewpoint: HR Manager_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Positive impact of general trends on HR profession in an organisation.....................................3
Requirements to perform the job of HR manager in effective and efficient manner..................4
Advert for a vacant position of HR manager in Marks and Spencer .........................................6
Career Viewpoint: HR Manager_2

Career view is defined as the roadmap which assists students and other graduate adults in
taking decision of their future career plans. This choice for future career plan is dependent upon
the skills, capabilities and knowledge of that person (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2020). For this
report, chosen profession is role of HR manager. HR management is a crucial part of
management of the company. It is an important component of every organisation, whether a
small scale of large scale company. The main role of department of Human Resource in a
business is to manage, monitor and control workers or employees of that company. This report
covers various concepts like effect of general trends on HR profession, various requirements to
perform job role of HR efficiently and in effective manner. In this report, advert for this chosen
job role is also prepared. In addition to this, it is also learnt that how it will be useful for graduate
Positive impact of general trends on HR profession in an organisation
In context of a company and business setup, Human resource manager is contributing a
large part in attaining efficiency and success by capitalising capabilities of human resources.
They perform this process by devising effective strategies and policies so as to achieve optimum
utilisation of employees in company. Furthermore, company is also contributing in provide
support to development of growth chart of career of employees. In addition to this, HR manager
also impact the performance of human resources in organisation as HR manager is concentrating
on monitoring and controlling of work culture in organisation. It is a well known fact that
business world is visualising continuous changes and it is also impacting the functions of a
business. In similar manner, these trends are also impacting the chosen profession of HR:
Replacement of traditional business practices with digital technology: Today's world
is becoming techno savvy and in every segment, there is an increased use of technology. This
trend in impacting every operation of the business, rather it be production, marketing, finance
and even Human Resources. Technology has impacted the HR department in the way that they
have to mange the human resources of the company as well and at the same time, they have to
develop good relation with others as well (Bratton, and Gold, 2017). Innovative digital
technology also includes internal and external mobile apps or cloud based technology. Thus, it is
Career Viewpoint: HR Manager_3

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