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PP5603 International Security - Assessment 2: SWOT Analysis


Added on  2023/06/11

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This report discusses the issue of mitigating human trafficking in the UK and provides a SWOT analysis from the perspective of UK National Crime Agency. It also covers the background and context of human trafficking and its impact on international security.

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MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
International security issue and its SWOT analysis.....................................................................3
Background and context of Mitigating human trafficking in the UK..........................................4
SWOT analysis from the perspective of UK National Crime Agency........................................5
Outcomes from this analysis .......................................................................................................8
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International security, is also called as global security, is refers to the actions taken by
international and states organization, like European Union, United nation and others to make
sure mutual safety and survival (Silva, and, 2019). This report includes the concept of
international security, also highlights the mitigating human trafficking in UK, background and
context of this trafficking and SWOT analysis of that issue of international security and also
illustrate about outcome from this issue.
International security issue and its SWOT analysis
International security issues is ranges from conventional models or traditional of power,
consequences or fear of war between states, to ethnic, economic strength, religious conflicts,
energy supplies, food and human security threats (Andronova, and, 2020.). International
security threats is one of the major issue in international security. The biggest threats is human
trafficking, home grown radical and internation terrorists. National Crime Agency take action to
stop this threats so people feel freedom and take step out with freely mind, so its there
responsibilities to protect their economy, citizens and institution.
Illustration 1: International security challenge
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Background and context of Mitigating human trafficking in the UK
Human trafficking is international crime, trafficking of individual in form of illegal
transports of women's in other countries, child trafficking means kidnapping for money and
many times it seen that if kidnapper get money then they kill child (El Khalkhali., 2020). There
are many types of human trafficking such as trafficking for labour forces, traditional of women
for sexual exploitation, people smuggling, trafficking for the organs (removal of organs) and
trafficking for criminal activities. The main purpose of human trafficking is exploit other
individuals or human beings for their profit that can be material benefits or financial gain. The
main cause of human trafficking are poverty, natural disaster, war and search for living better
life, for them children and women are the biggest target, so they target them. Many bad people
are come into this because they want money, and they take such steps to generate profits and
cases of human trafficking are very difficult to find out. Many times people not identify that they
are sitting with that person. There main target are children with the age of 2-5 years old they
kidnapped them because children are innocent, and they not identify bad people who can harm
them so its parents responsibilities to teach them not talk to stranger, mobile numbers of parents

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Human security threats such as human trafficking, international terrorism, poverty, global
crimes conflicts between national borders, financial instability etc. The biggest from these human
security threats is terrorism because they target innocent individual, terrorism create fear or terror
in the minds of people, so they feel insecure. For protecting peoples from terrorism, governments
should take an action to protect them. By providing human security individual free from threats
and safeguarding them. There are seven categories such as food security, personal security,
community security, economic security, political security, environment security and health
security (Johnson., 2019). By studying international security government can consider the
prevention of conflict. Good government, democracy and rule of law may protect individual
from international threats. Drug trafficking is also the biggest issue many people get into this and
the end results is death, in this specially young generation is target here. For this UK national
crime agency should take action to protect their citizen and economy. Citizen are depended on
them and have faith that they do the best for them.
SWOT analysis from the perspective of UK National Crime Agency
SWOT stand for Strength, Weakness, opportunity and Threats this method use for
analysing and identifying internal and external factors such as strength and weakness are internal
Illustration 2: Human trafficking,2022
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factor whereas opportunity and threats are external factors that help in design future and current
operations and develop strategic accordingly (Teoli, D., Sanvictores, T. and An, J., 2019).
UK National Crime Agency is created for protecting UK citizens from the crimes or fear of
crimes. In their team they have skilled and experiences officers who are more dedicated to work
and give commitments to protecting their citizens from organized and serious crimes. In their
team they have large numbers of offices such as police constable, general customs officer and
immigration officer. They have tracked many human trafficking crimes, and help many women
and children to save them from trafficking and safely shift them to their home. They have major
success in past years. For this success they plan and coordinate with each other and then make
strategies to identify such crimes and if they have lead than offers create plan and implement it.
These agency help UK citizen from many crimes and public have faith on them. There the
biggest strength are transparency, diversity, inclusion and equality. Inclusive workplace where
officer have skills, life experience and perspectives so this help in make their response to
organize and serious of crimes in effective manner. They make great strategies for protecting
innocent people. They solve many human trafficking cases and safeguarding of over 1600
children from kidnapper and many individuals from trafficking by their capabilities.
Illustration 3: SWOT Analysis
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Fail in solving cases of crimes is one of the weakness of agency, many times their strategies fail.
There database is slow so its very difficult to track the plan, conflict between their offices
because many times its not possible that every individual think in same way they have their own
thinking capacity so if they integrate plan in other way then it creates bad impact on agency.
Team is not working in effective manner or officers have lack of knowledge of this field then it
is weaknesses and need to take action to correct it. Stick rules on offices can make feel burden.
Increase crimes like human trafficking, drug trafficking, economic crimes, cybercrimes etc. is
not good for the economy and for solving or stop these cases need many officers.
Communication gab between offices can be weakness for them.
A good work place is good to gain law enforcement experiences, a good coordination between
offers create more possibility of success. By applying technology its easy to communicate and
make plan with good follow of information. Mission of Crimes Agency is to safe public from
fraud, crimes and many more. By measuring officers performance head of the agency get to
know about the training programmes which help they in improving skills and ability to think in
Illustration 4: National crime agency

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many ways. Technology help in rapidly transfer of informations from plan creation to
implementation. Rapidly analysis the databased to identify criminal organization and activities.
Creating execution strategies and development of quickly response to take action on changing
criminal patterns. There are many officers in agency, so they have got many ideas for stopping
these types of crimes and select best possible idea and implement it. If punishment is more stick
like unlimited fine years of imprisonment etc. so it creates fear in their mind which decrease
crimes. By National crimes agency public feel safe and protected from such crimes.
Threat for National crime Agency is increase in crimes regularly which is difficult to identify
and take action on time. Fear in people mind related to crimes they are not feel secure then it is
threat for such agency. Nowadays there are many crimes like trade crime includes payment issue,
cyber crime, fraud, border vulnerabilities, illegal work, kidnapping and human trafficking etc. if
there plan fails than it take many lives because if they go to protect people and their action go to
the wrong manner than it give them negative impact on people. If human trafficking increases
than its not good for economy, it creates negative environment where individual are not feel safe
in their own places, human trafficking includes emotional and physical abuse, threats against
family and self, rape which is increase day by day. If offers are not work in team and not follow
the actual plan than it become threat as well. Drug trafficking (Stevens., 2019) is one of the
biggest threat to agency they are not identified easily and many innocent people, participially
young generation came into these and its very difficult to stop this. As raise in crimes is threat
for UK National Crime Agency because they want large officer to stop this.
Outcomes from this analysis
One of the biggest crime is human trafficking because increase due to unemployment,
poverty, political instability, illiteracy, gender inequality etc. In human trafficking there are 4p
that is prevention, partnership, protection and prosecution (Smith., 2018). Human trafficking
increasing day by day in form of people smuggling, smuggling of organs, trafficking for forced
labour. As seen in many cases smuggling of people is one of the major crimes for example
people transfer women and child from one country to another countries for their profit. Every
country have crime agency to stop such crimes as in UK have UK national crimes agency who
protect and safeguard their citizen from crimes. Raise awareness, volunteer for anti trafficking
and reporting human trafficking help in stop human trafficking (Yea., 2021).
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UK National crimes agency help in stop such crimes they have great offices with great
skill and experience. They solve Screenshot from 2022-04-23 17-09-31many crimes cases and
have good working environment which force every individual to work in effectively and
efficiently. They have technology by which they communicate and easily transfer information
which important in implementation of plan and have great chances of success. Public feel more
save from such agency. Need of such agency is to protect individual from organized and serious
crimes. Crimes are grown rapidly which make threat to crime agency and needed many officers
to deal with it and stop such crimes. As there are more treated individuals are women and
children so by providing training of self-defence and other related training to protect themself at
that point of time, and then they complain officers. Strengths of such agency is officers are work
in coordination and follow all rules and regulation, they safeguard many individual from human
trafficking and other crimes. Their strategies are good and most appropriate to solve crime cases.
There technology is very strong by which they get easy follow of information and communicate
plans. Sometime they fail to solve the cases but now they improve their abilities and skills to get
success which also show result in past years. Crimes agency also help economy growth, people
feel protected.
5: Anti Human Trafficking
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This report highlights the concept of international security and also discuss issue of
international security and highlight one such issue that is mitigation of human trafficking,
background and context of this such trafficking. SWOT analysis of this issue from the
perspective of UK National Crimes Agency and also includes various issue of human trafficking

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Books and Journals
Andronova, and, 2020. Terrorist financing: New challenges for international
security. Vestnik mezhdunarodnykh organizatsii. 15(1). pp.120-134.
El Khalkhali, M., 2020. Human Trafficking Shelter Design (Doctoral dissertation, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute).
Johnson, J., 2019. Artificial intelligence & future warfare: implications for international
security. Defense & Security Analysis. 35(2). pp.147-169.
Silva, and, 2019. International security and new threats: securitisation and desecuritisation
of drug trafficking at the Brazilian borders. Contexto Internacional, 41. pp.209-234.
Smith, D.P., 2018. Population geography I: Human trafficking. Progress in Human
Geography. 42(2). pp.297-308.
Stevens, A., 2019. ‘Being human’and the ‘moral sidestep’in drug policy: Explaining government
inaction on opioid-related deaths in the UK. Addictive behaviors,. 90. pp.444-450.
Teoli, D., Sanvictores, T. and An, J., 2019. SWOT analysis.
Yea, S., 2021. Towards critical geographies of anti-human trafficking: Producing and precluding
victimhood through discourses, practices and institutions. Progress in Human
Geography. 45(3). pp.513-530.
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