
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children


Added on  2023-01-13

27 Pages9806 Words31 Views
Prevention Of Health
Problem Related To Mobile
Addiction Among School
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_1

Table of Contents
Abstract ...........................................................................................................................................3
Aims and Objectives........................................................................................................................7
Evidence or equivalent case.............................................................................................................9
Theoretical overview.....................................................................................................................10
Project plan....................................................................................................................................12
Project timeline – Gantt chart........................................................................................................12
Leadership approach and Management of change or theories.......................................................15
Force field analysis........................................................................................................................20
Evaluation of success.....................................................................................................................20
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_2

The below report is based on prevention of health issues that arise from use of mobile by
school children. In addition to this, it describe reason behind use of smartphones by children. It
also includes the effect of mobiles when it becomes addicted to children which leads them to
take aggressive steps. It also includes ways from parent and teachers monitor addiction of
children in schools. There are various prevention method are also discuss which assist in
reducing addiction of mobiles among children. The leadership and management theories are also
stated which provide measures from habits of children can be managed.
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_3

The internet have been now a days found to be very essential for several objectives which
may be involved in quick sharing of data, contacting with diversified people, electronic related
commerce, emotional support and most importantly entertainment (Nishad and Rana, 2016). A
smartphone altogether can serve combination of services which can render telephonic facility as
well as internet benefits. Smartphone has found to be additionally offer high qualitative services
when compared to basic internet services. Young adolescent people are often found to be
engaged in activities like watching videos, communicating with friend and surfing some
important data for their college. Older people on the other hand use smartphone for calling their
children and to watch spiritual videos or news. At both the age group, the utilisation of
smartphone is quite immense and can not be replace by any other devices. The school going
children on other side have been observed to use smartphone at much higher rate as compared to
other age group either to play games or to watch videos. When they are small the use of such
devices are kept at normal rate by strict limitation of parents and their pressure. As soon as they
start communicating more with their friends and get promoted to new grades the use
simultaneously thought to grow which eventually turns into digital addiction. Such type of
addiction is considered as an extreme issue which is commonly seen in school going children.
The mobile phones have become a integral part of human life especially among children,
they feel lost and discomforted when they are not able to get access to such gadgets. If such
children are asked not to use smartphones or are restricted from using such device then it has the
potential to demonstrate violent and harsh behaviour against their parents (Sharma and et.al.,
2016.). The reason why children are addicted to such smart devices is due to pleasure. The user
when wins a game gets some sort of reward which is quite satisfying and make them get plunge
to the feeling of pleasure. After receiving such reward, dopamine which are ultimately
controlling the pleasure points release it in brain. Such process makes a person happy and to get
more need depending upon the concentration being released. The urgent need of getting socially
connected to people have also considerably enhanced the usage. The process of intimidating and
copying their favourite role models or actors have also increased which lead into taking selfie
and posting on social media to look like models. The recent urge of getting famous and to be
socially accepted by large group of members among school have become so common that every
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_4

student try to grab opportunities to get connected with their friend socially as possible. In digital
world, such children can easily join group chats, messages and comments on various posted
picture. There is a thin line between digital addiction and normal usage, due to which there are
some signs which have been shown by number of kids due to overuse of smartphone. The kids
overusing such practice are found to take lengthier time to fall asleep and are frequently shown
to have trouble in sleeping and eventually become insomniac. This might be originated due to
excessive habit of playing games and watching videos on smart devices. This late night playing
are evidenced to disturbs the circadian rhythm within an individual due to which they face
sleeping issues (Bhatia, Rajpoot and Dwivedi, 2016). If such condition persist and parents of
such kids do not pay attention to such alarming symptoms and warning then the condition may
take a shape of mental health issue. Such children may acquire depression and anxiety due to less
sleep and poor communication with family members.
Kids when move to higher grades that are not only analysed to play games at high rate
but their engagement in social media also starts which negatively affects their personal as well as
family relationships. The depression and urge to use phone sometimes lead into obsessive
compulsive disorder where they keep either dreaming about phones while attending class or
excessively use phone when are at home or some where else. Turning off and taking away
smartphones from hand of such child may worse the condition of panic and anxiety. The parents
sometimes have to seek expert advice or care in order to make their condition less severe and
find ways through which their addiction level can be overcome. Children are found to acquire
aggressive as well as violent behaviour which can negatively influence not only their own life
but also the reputation of their parents. By playing violent games and watching videos related to
blood shed and murders are found to aggravate their potential actions and they tends to become
more violent and show activities which can harm others. All such activities make their
productivity very less at school and they tend to get less marks in exams as compared to those
who are not digitally addicted. Teachers in school are considered as most critical part in coping
up the child with digital addiction by employing large number of measures and collective ways.
Parents in such situation should make some crucial modifications and changes either in their
routine life and in their kids for positively reshape the actions. The rule about usage of phones
should be changed based upon basic needs an urgency (Tamura and et.al., 2017). They should
not snatch away their smartphones right away because it will make an adverse impact on their
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_5

behaviour, because of this some ground rules must be set to limit the hours which are permitted
to use. The child should only be allowed to use phones in front of some elder family members or
parents, this activity will restrict the use in dinning table or at some get together. Such practice
will help them in making their relationship string with their parents and will reduce their anxiety
and stress to great extent (Lee and Kim, 2017). Parents may take help of some outside
applications for limiting the data their children can get access to or type can alteration in certain
phone functions which does not allow such kids to watch blood shedding videos or playing age
restricted games. The treatment of digital addiction is not easy to be treated because other
addictions may be prevented by taking medicines but in such case no medication can be
prescribed by any doctor or health practitioner. Some ways which may be involved for reducing
the addiction among school children are setting time limits, the parents should set a specific time
on which they are allowed to watch videos, play games or chatting with their friends under the
supervision of parent or any elder. By setting limitations the child at initial stage may get furious
and lead into some aggressive activities but parents should show strictness and should not allow
to exceed the time limit at any cost. The health problems which may be caused due to this
ongoing addiction may result in making a child mentally and socially sick which further result in
physical health issues. The applications which distract the mind of kids should be removed from
the device so that they do not get disturbed and provoke to play or use it. School administration
must provide solid information on how upcoming generation are degrading their health by using
excessive mobile devices. The parents as well as school should lay emphasis on making child
more physically active, they should introduce more games and fun activities in school and homes
for keeping the child distracted from using smartphone.
The aim of this report is to examine the use of leadership and management theories in
analysing the effects of mobile addiction on school children in India. The role of change and
leadership theories are found in assisting the school management team to explore ways or to alter
their behaviour in order to modify the habit of school children. Though, Smartphones have
thought to be meeting gaps among economic and political sectors due to which people are
extensively buying upgraded version of their phones. On the other hand it have found due to
such high usage of phone by their parents such children have found to get habit of using it too
Prevention of Health Problems Related to Mobile Addiction Among School Children_6

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