
Motivation Factors Employees Retention and Engagement


Added on  2020-10-22

14 Pages3977 Words231 Views
Leadership ManagementData Science and Big DataHealthcare and Research
Motivation Factors Employees Retention and Engagement_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Aims and objectives....................................................................................................................3Research questions .....................................................................................................................3LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................6REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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Topic - How motivation influences employees’ retention and engagement in organizationsINTRODUCTIONThe movement of people from one place to another has shaped social, economic worldeconomies. But the major impact of migration is on health care sector. It has been assumed bypeople having higher skills and abilities tend to perform better in their home nation as comparedto other. The migration in health care have followed trends of international market. There arevarious factors that has emerged in this such as use of technology. Employee motivation plays asignificant role in retaining them for long time (Aguenza and Som, 2018). It is a process toencourage employee to attain their goals and objectives in effective way. Also, it enables inimproving their performance and increasing their skills and knowledge. By motivatingemployees it is easy to retain for longer time period. Moreover, motivation results in developinga positive work place culture. Furthermore, there is a great impact of motivation on employees. Itmay be either negative or positive. It is very important for organisation to retain staff for longterm in health care. This is because the overall performance of business depends on them. Also,they have to ensure that quality of care services is maintained and goals are accomplished.Motivating staff helps in following of practices according to standards set. However, motivationis useful in improving skills of staff for their personal growth and development. The main objective of encouraging staff is to engage them in delivering practices andformulating strategies, making changes, etc. besides this, it helps in improving their productivity.It also leads in creating a positive culture. Also, it helps in boosting their morale and allowingthem to take more responsibility and complex task. Moreover, it boosts their confidence to grabopportunities (Al Mehrzi and Singh, 2016). There are various ways through which staff can bemotivated. They are by providing training and development, incentives and benefits, etc.Furthermore, rewards and recognition are been given to them. Usually, in nursing motivation highly influences their performance. This situation mostlyoccurs in migration. When nursing staff migrates from developing to developed countries itdirectly affects their way of delivering services. There is complete change in practices followedin delivery care. In developed countries level of motivation is high as compared to developingcountry. Therefore, organisation is required to maintain consistency in motivation level ofnursing staff to retain them. Apart from it, there is always a negative influence on motivation1
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level of staff. This is because of lack of skills and knowledge that is required to compete withothers. Moreover, motivation level is also influenced when staff works in home country (Bin,2015). In this he or she is highly motivated and remains engaged with organisation. Recently, itis very difficult to retain staff in health cares. It is because of lack of satisfaction due to whichemployee quit jobs. It is very necessary for organizations to gain employee satisfaction so that they can beretained for long time. Also, employee motivating plays a significant role in growth anddevelopment of organization (Zareen, Razzaq and Mujtaba, 2015). It is because it helps inimproving productivity and attaining goals and objectives in effective manner. Moreover, it hashighly supported in developing a positive culture at workplace through which competitiveadvantage is gained in the industry. Employee retention is gained by encouraging them. Thisenables in engaging in decision making and working in creative way. In health care, staff workswith diversified people in providing care services. But it is analysed that there is huge differencebetween developing and developed countries health care sector. A nursing staff requires differentskills to provide services to people. They have to deal with many people at same time. SignificanceThe study will determine relationship between employee motivation and retention. It willhelp in finding out the factors due to which retention rate is increasing (Bassous, 2015). Also, itwill help in understanding how motivation in influencing nursing staff in developed counties.Besides this, it will discuss about why nursing staff works effectively in home nation but not inother country. Through this, it will be easy to take measure and develop strategies on how toreduce impact and remove barriers to solve this issue. Furthermore, it will enable in providingdirection that how and what techniques can be used to motivate staff and retain them. Problem statement In recent times, it has been observed that nursing staff retention rate has declined to agreat extent in health care sector due to migration (Lee and Steers, 2017). The cases areincreasing in staff who move from one place to another. There is also decline in theirperformance. Alongside this, it has been observed that staff are not able to work effectively inone organisation for long time. There is low level of motivation among them which has allowedto move quickly. Moreover, skills and knowledge of nursing staff is affected as well. This allsituation have arisen due to international migration.2
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