
Sustainable Home Renovation


Added on  2023-03-23

24 Pages6400 Words23 Views
Professional DevelopmentMaterials Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Science
Name of the Student:
Maitha Rashed - 1026803
Khalid Al Beshr - 1074266
Salem Al Neyadi - 1071324
Saeed Al Falahi - 1070611
Sustainable Home Renovation_1

Project Background................................................................................................................1
1. PROJECT CYCLE.................................................................................................................2
Project Identification..............................................................................................................2
2. Project Charter.......................................................................................................................9
3. PMO organizational chart....................................................................................................11
4. Project resources..................................................................................................................12
5. Staffing plan of the project...................................................................................................13
6. Managing progress of the project.........................................................................................19
Table 1 Budget...........................................................................................................................6
Figure 1 Project timeline...........................................................................................................5
Figure 2 Gantt chart..................................................................................................................5
Figure 3 Organizational chart.................................................................................................12
Sustainable Home Renovation_2

Role of project management gets increases due to a skill of time management
involved in it which helps a user in accomplishing all the tasks before the stipulated timeline
to remain in the competition. Competition is directly associated with the survival; of the
business in the external market which an entity tries to avoid by investing its resources and
time in an effective methodology to get better output in return. Sustainable home renovations
topic consider for this assignment in which a project manager accomplishes the goals of the
entire project in a timeline given by the client. This will include detailed information about
this project by discussing the background behind the selection of this topic and then
describing each constituent of the project cycle including identification, preparation,
appraisal, implementation, operation and evaluation (Nath, Priya & Robin, 2019, pp. 312-
323). All these stages of a project cycle utilize in assessing the entire project effectively to
know the final outcome of this project. After explaining the project cycle the next step is to
include the project organizational chart to show the roles and the responsibilities of all the
employees working on this project and also to know about the reporting channels as who will
report to who with the help of this organization chart (García-Ayllón, 2018, 1408-1421).
Another step will involve the staffing and resources plan and lastly, the progress of this
project is tracked by the project manager after collecting the separate reports of all of the
sections separately (Higham, Barlow, Bichard & Richards, 2018, 315-353).
Project Background
Considering today’s global warming problems everyone wants to get rid of this issue
by adopting sustainable ways and the approaches to make their life better. The trend of
sustainability is spreading from one person to another as people start to care more about their
lives and the whole environment in which they are living (Wu, Guo, Huang, Liu & Xiang,
2018, 2389-2406). People understand the significance of the environment and its direct effect
on their lives that is why they are adapting with the environment in enhancing its quality by
using sustainable practices. The theme of the current assignment is ‘Sustainable home
renovations’ which steals the attention of its majority of the users (Park, Lee & Chang, 2018,
658). Highlights of this project involve the usage of sustainable practices in renovating a
house such as energy saving equipment’s, increasing house durability, sustainable
construction methodologies, rainwater harvesting, waste management, eco-friendly
equipment’s (Martiskainen & Kivimaa, 2018, 15-31). Core objectives of this project will act
as a critical pillar that bears the load of the entire project are mention below:
Sustainable Home Renovation_3

To complete the project within the stipulated time period and the mentioned timeline
To make sustainable development
To establish homes
To decrease the resource consumption in this project
In this project, Three ‘R’ is used such as Reduce, Recycle and Reuse as this methodology
will help in achieving the objective of this project to renovate the house at an affordable price
by utilizing the current materials of the house by hanging its layout instead of purchasing new
materials (Nassereddine, Nagrial, Rizk & Hellany, 2018, pp. 1-6). Different perspectives of
this project will include cost-efficient, energy efficient, quality efficient and resource efficient
to accomplish all the desired goals within a given span of time.
Project Identification
It is one of a stage in a project life cycle whose aim is to use project identification
techniques to analyse the internal or external factors of the project with the external
environment (van der Velde, J., et al., 2018). Several techniques or methods uses by the
project manager in identifying the information about the project are given below:
The current research topic of this project is tested on different parameters such as trends,
consumer segment, and actual or potential market demand to know about its importance or
weaknesses (Balaji & Soori, 2019, pp. 107-121).
Trends- Currently people all across the world are showing positive response in adapting the
sustainable practices to live a peaceful life which shows a positive sign for providing
sustainable homes to people.
Market Demand- The market demand for sustainable practices is increasing day by day with
the emergence of the concept of sustainable development.
Consumer segment- The target market of sustainable is wide as all the age groups can take
benefit with the sustainable homes provided to all the users (Wong, Yu & Too, 2019, pp.
Sustainable Home Renovation_4

Industry factors- The industrial factors will include customers, suppliers, labour unions,
creditors, competitors, government and community or society members who are the
important aspects of the entire environment. For successfully launching the current project, it
is essential to meet the needs and the desires of all these users as without the consent of these
users, the success of a project is not imaginable (Xu, Li, Tan, Peters & Yang, 2018, 450-458).
Organizational factors- The macro environmental factors will involve which will affect or
create a negative effect on the performance of the current project. These are demographic,
social, economic, technological and legal factors (Cadena, Rocca, Gutierrez, Barona &
Carvalho, 2018).
Political- Before starting the sustainable home renovation’s work as is important to consider
the construction material or methods as per the political condition of the country in which the
homes to be built.
Economical- The economic conditions such as inflation rate of the country is consider in
determining the price of the sustainable home renovation services offer to the end users.
Social- Tastes and the preferences of the end user is important before completing the
sustainable home renovations as the needs and desires of the users is important in the service
industry (Foroutan, Hassan, Desrosiers & Rupnow, 2018, 400-409).
Technological- Keeping close eye on the technological advancements to utilize the same in
offering sustainable home renovation services. This will includes solar panels on terrace and
waste converter machines.
Legal- The legal rules and the regulations of the country are essential by seeking all the
licenses and work permits before starting the renovation of houses.
Environmental- Using equipment’s in renovating the house should be eco-friendly and
which do not affect the environment to get no objection certificate from the environment
regulations authority (Chen, X., et al., 2018, 51).
Projects needs
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This project consists of many needs which include meeting different desires of the
customers, higher durability of all the energy efficient equipment’s, high quality of homes to
be provided to the users (Chen, Su, Zeng, Sun & Shi, 2018, 109-124). Eco-friendly and
affordable housing is provided using green technology in building homes along with the use
of green materials, requirement of project budget allocation and scheduling techniques, hiring
right candidate to fill the vacant posts in the premises and lastly ensuring the high quality of
all the materials used in renovating the homes using the sustainable practices (Mlecnik,
Straub & Haavik, 2019, 123-138).
Funding Feasibility
This will involves the funding requirement of this project that how an entity will meet
its funding requirement to offer thee services to its end users. An advance payment from the
customer is taken in this project to provide the home renovation services instead of using any
other financial sources to fund the project. The client will release he payment in different
proportion after getting the progress report about the renovation of its houses and after
ensuring that its needs and desires will get accomplishes (de Wilde, 2019, 138-147)
Technical Feasibility
The technical feasibility will involves the work permission for using the green
building technologies and the green materials in renovating the homes using the sustainable
practices. Checking the suitability of the site and taking permission for using green
technologies after taking NOC from the environmental authorities.
Impact of project
Several things which will affect the performance of this project will consists of green
building materials and concepts used in the sustainable renovations in an affordable way and
meeting all the environmental regulations in one go (Yang, Hu, Wu & Zhao, 2018, 729-743).
The unique green building concepts will utilize in another building structures to get rid from
the environmental problems (Simpson & Owen, 2018, pp. 134-139).
Project Timeline
Task Name Duration Start Finish
Sustainable Home Renovations 377 days Mon 09-09-19 Tue 16-02-21
Sustainable Home Renovation_6

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