
Negative Feedback and its Impact


Added on  2020-04-07

11 Pages2855 Words123 Views
Criticism 1Psychology: Negative Feedback and Criticism as a ReactionNameCourseTutorUniversityCity/state
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Criticism 2AbstractThis paper seeks to look at what negative criticism is and how it affects human behavior. It also looks at the reactions people have portrayed in the face of it. It shows the hurtful feelings that areassociated with such of feedback. The importance of this feedback has been captured and how people avoid the same thing that can help them improve their performance. The advent of social media has been highlighted and how it affects the development of teenagers today. Negative feedback has not only affected the young people but also the respected people in positions of power have been affected by this kind of feedback. The feelings brought about by it are further stressed on and shows how some people have went to the extent of avoiding such feedback. This paper also looks at how people have reacted in various sectors of life in the face of negative feedback.IntroductionIn our everyday lives, we come across different people who will always have opinions about youand what you do. This is something which we cannot avoid. It is human nature to judge people and provide their views and opinions about someone or something. This however does not mean that people accept all the opinions. Naturally we are inclined to feel good about ourselves and everything that we do. We always love to be praised and given compliments but never has anyone liked to be told all the negative things about themselves. This is normal to everyone. Even if the bad things are the only truth people don’t want to hear it and thus the saying that the truth hurts the most.Negative Feedback and People’s Reactions
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Criticism 3The part that hurts the most is the negative feedback that makes us look at all the negative things in and about you (Jeffries, Hornsey, 2012, p.775). Thismakespeoplealmostscaredofsuchfeedbackandbeingalmost combative towardssuchwhichevenifitmightbethetruth, itwillalwayscome outascriticism. Toshowjusthowhurtfulthistypeoffeedbackcan be, they furthersuggest that some people actually refrain from providing such feedback so as to avoid hurting thefeelings of the other person. Naturally if something is not good towards a person, then that person is inclined to react badly towards it and such feedback is no different.Due to this natural inclination to react defensively, it is easier for people to point a finger at others and blame someone else for their failures which are all about deflecting (Rockwood, 2016,p.60). Howeverweshouldkeepinmindthatnegativefeedbackisnot always wrong. As people say, truth actually hurts the most as experienced by many.Negative feedback is such a bad experience to those who are not good enough at taking criticism.Experts opine that it can be worse for individuals with mental problems or illness. Why is this so? Arguably this is attributable to the fact that a mentally ill person easily misconstrues a statement or comment made about them. On the other hand, some opine that a person with mental issues would be the least likely individual to be bothered by negative criticism. If individual learnt how to deal with feedback that is negative in nature, anger management issues would not be on the rise. Yet no matter how true feedback of negative nature is, many inherently find it very annoying and intolerable. The research conducted on such situations shows that one of the receivers of such feedback even threatened to beat up the other person because of what they said (Wright, 2011, p.60). This is due to the feelings provoked when one hears such words. What is more intriguing is Wright’s submission that that criticism is hurtful to the extent that even the person who delivers it feels bad about it. Certainly this points to a much bigger
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Criticism 4psychological problem becauseifthe person relaying the feedback feels bad about it, what do weexpect the receiver to feel? Your guess can only be as good as anyone else’s. Very bad!People have always had a difficulty when it comes to dealing with negative impact of the hurt experienced by many (Deitz, 2013). This statement by Dietz offers a new insight. Is it inherent inall human beings regardless of who you are of where you were born? That could be true. Dietz says that although individuals working in the media industry try as much as possible to make their work better and to be objective, human are to error and people must make mistakes. When these mistakes are pointed out, some still take them badly.Social Media and Negative FeedbackThe world today has changed and with the advent of the social media. While the general view would be that this has made lives better, maybe things may have actually been made worse. Social media users post pictures of themselves for a variety of reasons. Key among them arguably could be so they get someone to “like”. But the question is, how do people react when one does not get as many likes as their peers or worse a “dislike” instead? Experts of developmental psychology now reveal that herein lays yet another fundamental threat especially to teenagers. According to (Koutamanis et al., 2015, p.490), this can also be seen as negative feedback and is dangerous to teenagers as it can negatively impact on their affect their self-esteem and ultimately their psychological development.In an article about criticism by KathLockettinthenewspaperSydney Morning Herald, she says itisnot pleasant to accept criticismwhichisverytrue considering thefeelingsitbrings. Althoughshetalksabouthowtotakeinnegativefeedbackandusing it to strengthen yourself, Kath admits that one might want to take violent action against the person whom delivers
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