
Assignment about What Do You Mean by Network Security?


Added on  2022-09-23

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Assignment about What Do You Mean by Network Security?_1

Network Security 1
Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................ 1
Three variants of Botnet............................................................................................. 1
Botnet Architecture.................................................................................................... 2
Botnet operation and communication........................................................................3
Potential threats posed by a Botnet...........................................................................3
Recommendations...................................................................................................... 5
Networked Applications.............................................................................................. 5
Summary.................................................................................................................... 6
References................................................................................................................. 7
Assignment about What Do You Mean by Network Security?_2

Network Security 2
In the present era, various type of communication methods has used for
transferring the data and information. There are some risks of data transfer because
of unwanted issues in a communication channel. In addition, the term botnet is
derived from the words robot and community. A bot, on occasion referred to as a
zombie, is an individual device connected to a web Protocol (IP) network, generally
the internet. Historically, this supposed computing device computers, laptops,
printers, home router, and so forth. It had been at risk of becoming a bot1.
There are many advantages of network and IoT devices because the Internet of
things (IoT) evolves our family devices are increasingly often related to the internet.
This means that the candidate list of capability botnet gadgets has substantially
extended. Covered now are webcams, toddler monitoring controls, and even
toasters. After a device will become infected with botnet malware, it can be
leveraged through its network connectivity to behavior a slew of unauthorized and
malicious activities2.
This report will provide describe the botnet and its impacts on communication. It
will describe the three variants of Botnet in this report. Botnet architecture will
describe the role of security systems in a network and how malware affects it. This
report will provide potential threats, which have posed through a botnet. It will
provide recommendations and summary in the later section of this report.
Three variants of Botnet
Botnets are not however invincible, and there have been numerous takedowns in
the course of the years. Most lately in April 2017, the Kelihos botnet turned into
shut down after a lengthy law enforcement process4. Kelihos turned into related to
cybercriminal activities that blanketed junk email and ransomware3.
It has detected the first time in 2007, which was highly used malware type in the
information technology industry. Notwithstanding such takedown efforts, hackers
hold adding features and functionality to botnets. They may be prompted through
Assignment about What Do You Mean by Network Security?_3

Network Security 3
financial gain and this drives them to innovate in order to live one step ahead of law
enforcement in addition to detection and remediation technology. Botnet herders
are actors who control bots remotely4.
This botnet is also discovered in the year 2007. In addition, Srizbi is also known as
Ron Paul spam botnet in the information security industry. In addition, coded in the
botnet malware are C&C test-in IP addresses, schedules, and instructions. In
addition, there are various methods to avoid the botnets. However, their purpose is
to set up communications channels from the herders to the bots. It is a common
process for them. For example, IRC channels are regularly employed for this motive.
It was founded in late 2016. It was a type of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
attack, which can stop all the services of the system. It can scan devices on the
internet and infect those devices. In addition, they set up and installation command
and control (C&C) servers. In addition, a network must secure internal policies.
Besides, these serve as the interface to the bots. Thus, it is necessary to manage
many other things properly after communications are set up, the compromised
hosts are frequently times in addition organized and issued up to date commands.
They have now turned out to be an organized organization of hosts under
centralized manages5.
Assignment about What Do You Mean by Network Security?_4

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