Instructions Description: Critical appraisal (2000 words) Value: 20% Due date: Length: 2000 words (1000 words/10% per essay) Task: Choose 2 research papers (which use different research strategies) from the list below. For each paper, construct a separate 1000 word essay to answer the following questions and critically discuss These questions are a guide to conducting a critical appraisal and are not to be used as headings. Identify the issue that the paper is addressing. Explain the author/’s justification for conducting the research. Interpret the worldview and theory base (or lack of it) from which the authors approach the issue. Identify and critique the research question or hypothesis, or lack of both. Identify and appraise the research strategy used. Identify and appraise the methods used to collect data. Critique the research approach in both papers. This means discussing & presenting the strengths & weaknesses. Preparation : Select 2 papers from