
No Name: A Case Study


Added on  2023-04-21

12 Pages3366 Words116 Views
Running head: NO NAME: A CASE STUDY
Name of the student
Name of the university
Author Note
No Name: A Case Study_1

Table of Contents
Diversity management and culture.............................................................................................................2
International performance management, training and development............................................................5
Training and development...........................................................................................................................6
Solution and recommendations....................................................................................................................7
No Name: A Case Study_2

Human Resource Management is a diverse and a multidisciplinary approach to run an
organization effectively and smoothly (Marler & Fisher, 2013). Human resource management can be
broadly termed as a strategic approach to effectively and sufficiently manage people in a particular
organization, for example, looking after employee benefit designs, recruitment of the upcoming
employees to various departments of the organization, training and development of the employees,
appraisal based on the performance of the employees, providing the employees with monetary as well as
non monetary incentives for motivating them (Noe et al., 2017). Human Resource department has been
kept in an organization to maximize and optimize employee performance that would generally and
gradually help in meeting the objectives and goals of the organization and improve its all over
performance (Bratton & Gold, 2017). The respective paper is a case study about the organizational
behavior from the perspective of the Human Resource Management team of an aircraft company “No
Name”. The respective paper is introspection, analysis and interpretation of the work culture of the
respective organization and the part played by the human resource management team to enhance, upgrade
and improve the work culture and the relationships between the employees in and outside the work
Diversity management and culture
Diversity management is considered to be one of the most important factors for a human
resource management team (Wangombe et al., 2013). Globalization has enabled the whole world to
meet at one platform. The increase in the new wave trends of globalization has given rise to much more
interaction among people from various culture, ethnicity, race and nationality via social media,
international networking and other mediums. Therefore, the workplace all over the world is no longer
No Name: A Case Study_3

insulated anymore. Rather, the workplaces of today are much more diverse, heterogeneous, flexible and
wide allowing different people from different belief, culture, gender, age, race, ethnicity and nationality to
showcase their talent and skill and help the organization in reaching its goal (Brewster et al., 2016).
Therefore, businesses and enterprises are supposed and expected to be flexible and open to changes and
accept the concept of unity in diversity to turn more creative, powerful and efficient. Diversity
management can be broadly defined as recognizing, comprehending, accepting, evaluating and
celebrating the differences present among the ethnically, racially and nationally different employee
workforce that is assumed to be leading to a better workplace performance (Barak, 2016). Diversity
management can also be termed as strategies, schemes, plans and policies taken up by the human resource
management team of an organization to create and maintain a chain and a network of variety and
diversified individuals together into the workforce for the betterment of the organization (Marler &
Fisher, 2013). In the case study of the aircraft company “No Name”, it is observed that the company “No
Name” has been suffering from poor work culture and diversity management issues. The branch of the
company “No Name” which is assumed to be residing in China has been observed to be resistant towards
any kind of changes in the workforce. The aircraft company “No Name” has unfortunately shown an
obnoxious attitude and resistance towards the employees belonging to different generations. It has been
keenly observed that the senior staff of the company has been relatively rude, unkind and intolerant
towards the youth staff and the apprentices and has sufficiently shown non co-operation while mingling
and amalgamating with them. The problem can be loosely traced with the concept of “generation gap”
which is a pressing problem in most of the workplaces which creates hamper in the cultural environment
of the workplace. Secondly, people with disabilities are being scarcely recruited, undervalued,
underrepresented and demoralized in the working environment of the branch of “No Name” in China.
There has been observations and evidences that managers of the respective company are intentionally and
purposely ignoring, avoiding and neglecting the job applications and curriculum vitae of the people with
disabilities even when their skills, talent and working temperament is far beyond and above average than
No Name: A Case Study_4

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