
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia


Added on  2022-11-09

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Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia_1

The Professionalism is an utmost aspect of nursing. It comprises of Legal Compliance
includes obligations that force the nurses to meet the registration standards and requirements. It
also comprises of Lawful Behaviour that force the nurses to practice fairly and ethically.
Moreover, they should not get involved into any illegal behaviour as it could hamper the
reputation of the profession (Kangasniemi, Pakkanen and Korhonen 2015). Mandatory reporting
is also one of the practice that enforces a nurse to care for those who are helpless and conveys
statutory accountabilities, counting the necessity to stand by appropriate mandatory reporting
necessities, as they relate through distinct situations and territories.
Nursing and Midwifery board of Australia’, which is registered under ‘Health
Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009’, approves the registration of a
health specialist who is registered and incorporated in the Record of Nurses as being capable to
exercise as a nurse practitioner (Nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au, 2019). However, the utmost
purpose of ‘Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009’ is to deliver for
the implementation of a nationwide law to inaugurate a domestic process and authorization
arrangement for health specialists. The act approaches towards action on 1 July 2010. The
foremost objective of this Act is to begin a national certification scheme for the registering of
learners undertaking medical teaching in a health occupation. Although, it provides safety of the
community by confirming that medical specialists who are appropriately skilled and capable to
practice in an experienced and moral custom are recorded (Legislation.vic.gov.au, 2019). Along
with that, it also tried to simplify the endowment of high value of teaching and education of
medical practitioners as well as to contact amenities delivered by medical practitioners according
to the communal importance. However, the guidelines of the act strictly follows that the scheme
needs to function in an apparent, responsible, well-organized, operational and unbiased way.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia_2

However, the ‘Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009’
endorses the registration of a nurse under the qualifications that are relevant to the endorsement
such as an official qualification and an additional qualification in the Board’s judgment, which is
considerably comparable or established on parallel aptitudes to an accepted qualification
(Hegney et al. 2014). According to the board, a nurse practitioner is registered to practice with
an appropriate registration standard significant to the authorization. Moreover, the endorsement
should also highlight that the registered practitioner is allowed with Nurse Practitioner and any
conditions related to the practice must be ensured as a nurse practitioner (Buerhaus et al. 2015).
Under the Code of Conduct, nurses are made sure that they follow person centred
practice that allows nurses to offer health based practice according to the evidence and comfort
of the patient. It also mandate the nurses to stimulate judgment making and care distribution
amongst the patient and its partners with medical authorities (Douglas et al. 2015). The board
also allow the nurses to sustain a cultural practice plus humble interactions, which is important to
provide healthcare; free of partiality and racism, also to respect diverse philosophies, principles,
gender identities that include nursing members as well. As nursing profession, it is obvious that
effective communication is a part of their profession that allows the nurse communicate
appropriately and to stay away from any kind of bullying and harassment during the work period.
The code of conduct allow the nurses to provide a transparency of drugs as per the guidelines
and rules because in medical profession maintaining a privacy and being confidential is also a
behaviour to be followed. They are also trained to deliver a moral support to families, partners
and friends of a patient who is dead and to be in complete guidance as per the culture (Janakiram
and Gardens 2015). The standards of a nursing practice mainly focus on professional boundaries
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia_3

that allow them to behave professionally with honesty, respect and passion. It is important for the
profession to maintain a health research as per the regular updates in medicines and healthcare.
The Ethical Concerns are the most essential rules to be followed during the course of
nursing; it includes Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice. Professional
autonomy justifies the point that having the ability to sort decisions and the independence to
action in agreement with one has certified knowledge and skills. A thoughtful clarification of
autonomy is required to clarify and progress the nursing profession to be adopted in instant
changes of healthcare scenarios and the core elements of nursing. Beneficence and Non-
maleficence are the utmost ethics that to be followed (Butts and Rich 2019). They are closely
linked to each other because beneficence comprises of maintaining the assistances of care and
treatment in contradiction of the possibilities and costs complicated, whereas non-maleficence
justifies avoiding any kid of harm to the patients. Certain treatment causes some form of harm
but the principle of non-maleficence would indicate that the harm should not be above the
limitations. It is also necessary to respect the person’s autonomy, which suggest us to respect the
patient’s view and understanding (Grace 2017). A nurse should follow all the ethics and rules in
order to carry out a specific treatment because the patient should have a clear transparency of
drugs that they will consume and equipment that will be required for any such treatment. The
ethics also suggest that there should be a justification during the treatment as per a medical
practitioner. This endorse the nurses that they should not follow any kind of biased or
discrimination during the treatment. Ethical understanding is recognized to be a crucial feature of
respectable nursing that the board implements (Pasero et al. 2016). The entire article describes
the ethical practice according to the standpoints of medical care professionals. There is a strong
relation between ethical exercise and decision-making, distinguishing the reputation of
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia_4

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