1NURSING ASSIGNMENT As mentionedin the case study, Reggie (42) has suffered from several cases of compensated heart failure after being diagnosed with rheumatoid heart disease as a child. Besides several healthcare complications, upon auscultation, coarse crackles were observed that is a sign of critical health condition. It is observed that the patient has high blood pressure (184/75), elevated breathing (28 BPM) rate and lowered oxygen saturation level (92%). As perWesterhof et al. (2017) hypertension and oedema are interconnected as due to increased blood pressure fluid starts accumulating around lungs and other bodily organs as well as increases the risk of congestive heart failure. As per Majumder and Wu (2015), the pathogenesis of hypertension is highly complex as multiplefactorareresponsibleforoccurrenceofhypertension.Inthisaspect,the pathophysiology related to Reggie and his healthcare condition should be discussed. It is seen that the patient has developed oedema and hence, this condition is one of the primary reason due to which hypertension condition arises (Weber et al., 2016). As Reggie is involved in works including physical strain due to which, the left arterial pressure increases and hence a suction effect develops due to which pulmonary congestion increases. Further due to subendocardial ischaemia, impairment of diastolic relaxation increases and hence, this increases the blood pressure of the patient, causing him to develop severe oedema (Stanton & Dunn. 2017). Hence this should be selected as one of the priority for the priority based nursing intervention.
2NURSING ASSIGNMENT References Majumder, K., & Wu, J. (2015). Molecular targets of antihypertensive peptides: understanding the mechanisms of action based on the pathophysiology of hypertension.International Journal of Molecular Sciences,16(1), 256-283. Stanton, T., & Dunn, F. G. (2017). Hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and myocardial ischemia.Medical Clinics,101(1), 29-41. Weber, T., Lang, I., Zweiker, R., Horn, S., Wenzel, R. R., Watschinger, B., ... & Metzler, B. (2016). Hypertension and coronary artery disease: epidemiology, physiology, effects of treatment, and recommendations.Wiener klinische Wochenschrift,128(13-14), 467-479. Westerhof, B. E., Saouti, N., Van Der Laarse, W. J., Westerhof, N., & Vonk Noordegraaf, A. (2017).Treatmentstrategiesfortherightheartinpulmonary hypertension.Cardiovascular research,113(12), 1465-1473.