
Assignment on Nursing Practice PDF


Added on  2021-04-16

6 Pages1045 Words85 Views
Assignment on Nursing Practice PDF_1

NURSING PRACTICESIntroductionNursing codes of practiceCodes of practice in nursing involves standards of behavior expected from nurses as they practice their nursing profession. They include: professional codes of conduct, nursing ethics andstandards of nursing practice.Literature review Professional codes of conductThese are rules which govern nurses in making right decisions involving patient and care circumstances (Pender, Murdaugh & Parsons, 2014). They include the following in relation to the above scenario.The dignity of the patient. This code or provision requires a nurse to uphold the dignity ofthe patient during the time of interaction with the patient and treatment of the patient. The patientmust be treated with lots of care and compassion. Yelling and pulling of the elbow by Nurse Kerry directly relate to this provisionPatient interests primacy. This code stipulates that the patient is the key and crucial consideration of a nurse. The nurse is therefore required to perform his or her duties with a consideration and satisfaction of the patient’s interests in all circumstances. Whenever a conflict of interest arises, the nurse should immediately involve and explain the conflict to the patient in an amicable manner possible (Davis &Kimble, 2011). The forceful way and nature of Nurse Kerry communication to the patient to speak English directly relate to this provision.
Assignment on Nursing Practice PDF_2

NURSING PRACTICESFacilitation of the patient's safety. This code requires nurses to ensure safety and privacy of the patient are guaranteed and is prioritized. Pulling off the patient elbow by Nurse Kerry touches onthis provision.Nursing codes of ethicsEthical codes provide guidance and direction in relation to ethical matters and behavior of nurses as they implement their duties and roles. Nursing ethics also acts as a way of self-evaluation and reflection of nurses as they implement nursing practices. The following are some of the ethical issues observed in the above scenario:Competency, safety and ethical care. Nurses should struggle and strive to achieve the highest quality of care desired by the patient as they engage in expressing their morals. In addition, nurses must maintain good working health conditions and relations with all parties within the field of duty, for example, fellow nurses, superiors and patients. This ethic again requires nurses to admit and accept mistakes and take actions to minimize harm resulting from such mistakes. They should also strive and avoid collaboration with fellow nurses within the field to achieve personal and private interest or ego. Eventually, all nurses should prioritize on the creation of a good working environment which encourages the ethical practice. In the mentioned scenario, Nurse Kerry created unhealthy and unethical working environment. This is witnessed where his fellow nurse fears correcting him to avoid bullying. In addition, he collaborates with fellow nurses to satisfy his ego and interest which directly relates to this ethical obligation.Well-being and health. Nurses should facilitate patients attain the maximum limits of health during illness stage. Nurses must show care while addressing or communicating with a
Assignment on Nursing Practice PDF_3

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