


Added on  2022-08-27

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Nursing research
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THE        NURSING              RESEARCH_1

Research ethics are the moral principles that give guideline for responsible conduct of
research and distributing benefits and burdens in a fair manner. Informed consent is one
important ethical responsibility in research. Taking informed consent is a prerequisite before
taking any participants in research (Kadam, 2017). It is the process of voluntary agreement to
the research and the informed consent process makes research subjects aware about all
aspects of the research and the risk associated with it. Informed consent form used during the
recruitment process mainly informs the study subjects about their rights, the aim of research,
the procedures to be undertaken, confidentiality considerations and potential risk and benefits
of research. Informed consent process must also ensure take extra protection for vulnerable
population groups like children, pregnant women, prisoners (Nijhawan et al., 2013).
Various research papers enlightens about the advantages and challenges associated
with informed consent process. Nijhawan et al. (2013) explains about many requirements for
obtaining informed consent process. For example, the investigator or the person designated
by the research must obtain informed consent and it should be obtained before screening
procedures. However, certain factors impose challenges in obtaining informed consent. For
example, language barriers result in misunderstandings and due to this reason; many subjects
withdraw from the study at later stage of the research. Other challenges occur because of
religious influence, false expectation, conducting research with children and vulnerable
groups. Many subjects deny receiving a treatment because of religious values and many
people refuse to sign the form because of historical evidence of clinical trial fraud and
misconducts. Heerman, White and Barkin (2015) supported too that participant’s language,
education levels and low literacy lead to poor comprehension of the informed consent
process. However, this evidence also demonstrated how such barriers could be removed. For
example, the researcher combined the traditional informed consent process with enhanced
THE        NURSING              RESEARCH_2

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