
NZ2459NZ Diploma in Business


Added on  2020-05-16

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1PEOPLE AND CHANGENZ2459 NZ Diploma in Business (level 5)Additional assessment BUS 5202 People and ChangeLO 2. Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the principles of business as it pertains to: Human Resource Management.Human Resource Management (36 marks) 1.1 HRM performs many functions in an organisation. Briefly describe three major functions using current NZ organisations to provide context. (9 marks)I work in Hell Pizza which has expanded its business to introduce 66 outlets spanningthe entire country. The brand is well-renowned for catering superior quality fast food pizza inAustralia and its ethnically diverse workforce adheres by effective communication system toensure maximum profit and effective cooperation within the organization. Here are some ofthe HRM functions that Hell Pizza has adopted to increase efficiencyand productivity.• Training and development- Training can be defined as the process by means of whichparticular skills as well as information are conveyed to a person which might aid him or herin the performance of his or her job roles and duties. It is often seen that an effective trainingcan lead to the overall growth as well as the development of not only the particularemployees but the company or the business organisation concerned itself. HRM practices areoriented towards development of competencies like improved employee performance,fostering employee confidence specific to the firm for gaining sustainable competitiveadvantage. These competencies will help the employee to work well and keep them aware ofthe ground-breaking industry developments. The HR team of Hell Pizza concentrates on thedevelopment of positive work environment
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2PEOPLE AND CHANGE• Performance appraisal and feedback- It is to be noted that timely performance assessmentand feedback plays an important role in the development of the workforce. The variousfeedbacks can tell the particular employee whether his or her performance is on par with theexpectations of the company or the organisation concerned and the changes that he or sheneeds to make in order to improve their performance. Employees are given regular feedbacksand also motivated to give productive performance. Appraisal results in both monetary andnon-monetary outcomes • Recruitment and selection- The processes of recruitment as well as selection also play animportant part in the overall growth of the organisation concerned. The HRM recruits andselects appropriate personnel for specific job design. The outlet normally recruits people withgood communication skills and who are capable of doing multiple jobs at a time. Positivelabour relationship is maintained with the selected employees. HRM of Foodstuffs engages inopen communication.1.2 Explain three (3) ways in which effective HRM can be applied to help an organisation achieve its strategic objectives. (3 marks)Strategic objective of an organization makes it unique from its rival competitors. Oneof the strategic objectives of Hell Pizza is to offer consistent good quality products atmoderate prices to put its competitors at disadvantage. Three ways an effective HRM can beapplied to the organisation to achieve its strategic objective are: Retention and development- Retaining experienced employees will help the company deliverhigh quality client services. Talent hunt among organised retailer players is turning into afierce competition. Therefore, it is effective to develop strategies to nurture and retain theexperienced employees.
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3PEOPLE AND CHANGEMotivation and rewards- Motivation plays an important part in the overall performance of theemployees. It is commonly noticed that a company which provides effective motivation to theemployees is more likely to prosper than the ones which does not. Effective incentive plansensure productive performance. Monetary benefits have always been successful in motivatingemployees from retail and non-retail sector (Daley, 2012). Giving positive feedback on aregular basis on accomplishments of targets can increase self-esteem and encourage them toperform well. I would to comment here at Hell Pizza I was given regular feedback about myperformance and the key areas on which I needed to focus more in order to excel at my jobrole. Cross training- Cross training can be defined as the process by means of which interchangingof tasks within the employees is done in order to expand their overall capabilities. It equipsthe employees with a clear idea regarding a number of roles and responsibilities within HellPizza like taking online orders, serving the customers, looking after the supply chain andothers. It will help identify the high performers and retain them (Daley, 2012). It will help anindividual perform key functions even in the absence of the person who was originallyassigned that particular task in the store. In retail stores job rotation is another strategy toprevent individual misdeeds and also to enhance performance. Cross training for other storepositions is beneficial increasing the career opportunities and making the existing workforcemore flexible and adaptable. Here I would like to comment that at Hell Pizza I was toperform various diverse roles like customer handling, providing services to the customers,looking after the supply system and others and I was able to perform all these diverse rolesbecause of the effective cross training provided to me.1.3 Prepare a SWOT analysis for a NZ organisation. (8 marks)The SWOT analysis of Foodstuffs (Foodstuffs.co.nz, 2018) is given below-STRENGTHSWEAKNESSESOPPORTUNITIESTHREATS
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4PEOPLE AND CHANGEStrong focuson food and liquorbusiness- by regularintroduction of newproductsStrongcustomer base- withrigorous marketingcampaignEfficientsupplychainmanagementStrongconsumer base andcustomer loyaltyHigh taxesthat adversely affectscompany’s profitsand hiring ofemployees due tohigh payroll taxes.Lack ofInnovation in thesphere of technology.The companyrarelymodifies itsfood menuand this canact againstthe company.Strategicinitiativeslikeintroducing mobileapps and online pagesmay strengthen theonline retail presenceEngaging inbig data analyticsNewacquisitionsIncreasingdemand can boast itsexpansion in themarketGovernmentregulation and taxchanges the socialbehavior of thebusinessIncreasing costs ofraw materials andprice shifts of theproducts sold by HellPizza can destabilizethe supply chains.Highcompetition fromrival firms and lackof strategy to dealwith the same1.3.1Show how 1 x strength, 1 x weakness, 1 x opportunity and 1 x threat you have identified in 1.3 impact on Human Resource practice within the organisation. (8 marks)Expansion and customer base-It is often seen that the kind of customer base which aparticular company or business organisation has, decides the process of the overall growth aswell as the development of the organisation concerned. Therefore, the majority of thecompanies or business organisations focus on the increase of the customer base with the aimto increase their annual sales and thereby profit margins. Withincreasing customer demandthe HRM must focus more on recruiting more skilled as well as efficient employees who cancater to the increasing number of customers of the food chain. Moreover, the HRM shouldalso focus on the training process of the employees to ensure customer happiness and loyalty(Liu, Lee & Hung, 2017).
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5PEOPLE AND CHANGEOnline Marketing- In the present world of technology, the online media as well as the varioussocial platforms play an important part in the growth as well as the development of anycompany or business organisation. Therefore, the HRM should focus on recruiting competentdigital employees for Hell Pizza to cater to those customers who are dependent on Internet.HRM should also identify the challenges of digital age as well as preferences, behaviours andbuying of variety of customers to sustain in a competitive market (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick,2016). High competition from rival firms- Hell Pizza’s strongest competitors are Pizza Hut andMacDonald’s. Therefore, the HRM should experts who could focus on product differentiationand innovation and also nutritionist to improve the quality of food both in terms of taste aswell as nutrient content. HRM can also hire some media experts who could conduct onlinesurveys to know more about the expectations of customers. Supply chain- The various supply chains form an important part of any business organisation.It is often seen that the prices of the products sold by a particular company depends on thesupply chain used by it. Therefore, the HRM can recruit individuals from this particular fieldto create their own supply chain wherein the company through its hired employees will getraw materials straight from the suppliers within no middle men involved. This wouldsignificantly reduce the production cost of the organisation.1.3.2 Show how you would manage each of the impacts identified in 1.3.1. (8 marks)The HRM can recruit fresh as well as new employees who are efficient and willing to workhard in order to cater to the needs as well as the requirements of its growing customer base.Effective customer service by these employees is likely to attract even more customers to thevarious outlets of the organisation.
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6PEOPLE AND CHANGEThe company can recruit various media experts who can help in the creation of a positivebrand image of the company and would also conduct time to time surveys as well as customerinterviews in order to understand the expectations of the customers and also their variousneeds as well as requirements. These answers gathered by the media experts will help theorganisation to launch new food items. The HRM can recruit experts who will provide help to the organisation in terms of productdifferentiation and also innovation. The HRM can also hire some nutritionist who will help toimprove both the taste as well as the quality of the food items sold by the outlets.The HRM can hire some experts from the supply chain field and ask him to provide trainingto the other employees about the various processes of the supply chain in order to developtheir own supply chain which will provide raw materials to the organisations at a relativelycheaper rate.2. Recruitment & Selection (14 marks) 2.1 Explain in your own words (using current NZ businesses), what you understand by recruitment and selection. (4 marks) Recruitment is defined as the process by means of which new and fresh employees arebrought into the fold of the organisation. It is normally seen that the process of recruitment isfollowed by the process of selection. The recruitment and selection is performed by thehuman resource department of a business organization like Hell Pizza. There are number ofsteps involved in hiring the right candidate for a particular designation and which includesourcing the candidates, reviewing their academic and social background, contacting thecandidates for interviews and finally deciding on their competency.
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