
Organisational Behaviour of Meatpack Company : Case Study


Added on  2020-06-04

11 Pages3746 Words238 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour of Meatpack Company : Case Study_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Justification that whether Bison be taking more hands-off or hands-on approach to business ornot...........................................................................................................................................1Effectiveness of senior leadership and the way it can be influenced more positively...........3Extent to which Meatpack's flatter structure helped to create cultural and performance changealong with the barriers to cultural change..............................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Organisational Behaviour of Meatpack Company : Case Study_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the modern day of business, there are many structural as well as cultural shifts that aretaking place in many organisations irrespective of their size and scale (Bhasin, 2012). Companiesneed to adapt these changes as per the requirement of firm so that they can grow steadily. Role ofleadership becomes very important in this regard like how organisation will implement thesechanges while ensuring that there will not be any disruption in the company's operations. Style ofleadership needs to be changed. Leadership and cultural alterations is accompanied by changesin performance. In the following case study, a family owned company named Meatpack deals inthe business of Food processing situated in Sydney, Australia having an experience of 27 yearsof business. Its product range includes meat, soup, prepared meals, etc. Derek Bison is the CEOof company who aims to have sales of 1 billion dollars by the year 2020. This report highlightsthe methods by which company can achieve its set targets. It also showcases how seniorleadership, performance and cultural changes affect the growth of any firm. This report alsothrows light on the ways by which flatter structure changes helped in managing the cultural andperformance changes.Justification that whether Bison be taking more hands-off or hands-on approach to business ornotIn order to understand the approach which is suitable in this context, it must be clear thatwhat these both approaches are. Hands-on is the approach that is used by leader in which theyactively participate or are involved in the work that is similar to that of the employee where henever gets detached to day to day needs whereas, in hands-off approach, leaders do not feel theneed of indulging with the employee or team managers and are only concerned with the majorperspectives of firm's business (Bititci and et. al., 2012). From the following case study, it canbe seen that Meatpack is company that wants to develop its business at an exponential rate. Forthat, company needs to make some of the leadership and management changes. In context ofMeatpack, Bison needs to adopt hand-off approach to business. Starting from the lower level this will encourage other worker in understanding theirresponsibility in the organisations. For any worker to work efficiently he must be left in freedomso that he can take his decisions independently. This will increase their motivational level whichis necessary for their effective performance. This will ensure the success of the firm on the1
Organisational Behaviour of Meatpack Company : Case Study_3

longer run. Right now Bison is using hands-on approach to business which is good for the timewhen company is in starting phase as workers needs to be directed on whatever work theyperform but at the later stage there are some of the experienced workers that have evolved in 27years of firm's business. These experienced workers wants more freedom and less interventionsof others in their working methodology. At the line managers stage hands-off approach is highly useful. As these line mangersmanages the operations at the lower levels of company and any indulgence from the outsidermay lead to disruption in their work flow (Burke and Noumair, 2015). They understand therequirements of their respective units better than the leadership above them. Bison needs tounderstand that it is better to provide assistance to the line managers when they require support.This will help in making good relationship with this line managers at lower levels which willensure continuous feedbacks on companies operations.Hands-off approach is little bit useful in managing the senior line managers as the Bisonis CEO of the company so he the overall head of all the senior line managers. That gives him theauthority to ask questions from the senior line managers. It is not that Bison should be extensiveinvolved in their decision making process. As he also wants that company's senior leadershipshould change their competencies which can only be done if they both are actively involved inthis process. Hands-on approach will reduce the conflict situations between the senior linemanagers and the CEO.When talking about senior strategy team this approach is not so much helpful as they arethe strategy makers of the company which cannot be possible without the interventions of CEO.It can be seen from the case study that role of leadership in many cases of management’sdecision is highly helpful. But on the other hand, some of the senior managers left the companybecause Bison was interfering in their areas of interest. This resulted in anxiety among otherstaffs as well as it shifted some of their business to their competitor as some of the suppliers andcustomers have shifted for some other options. In order to prevent this in future he must useHands-off approach.On the whole it is better for the Bison to use Hands-off approach to business rather thanbeing actively involved in the decision making process. As the firm's management deciding tointegrate its business processes like finance, IT services, marketing and others so it is importantfor Bison to use this approach. On the other hand as Bison had suggested that the senior line2
Organisational Behaviour of Meatpack Company : Case Study_4

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