
Analyzing PSYCHO Through a Scholarly Lens


Added on  2019-09-16

2 Pages969 Words473 Views
OBJECTIVE Your purpose in this assignment is multi-fold: a) to learn skills of research using the SJSU library system, including its online search engines; b) to learn to properly cite a scholarly article, both in-text and in a works cited list; c) to improve skills of writing; and d) to gain insight into an important film by engaging apeer-reviewed, scholarly article on this film.GUIDELINESWe will screenPSYCHO(Alfred Hitchcock, 1960) the week of June 19th to help us think about narrative. In the week+ after screening the movie you will complete this assignment in several steps:First, you will use the MLK Library’s online article search engines (or Google Scholar, etc.) to locateone and only onepost-1980,peer-reviewed, scholarly article on this film. Scholarly articles tend to be longer and more critical/analytical and theoretical than reviews. Most academic journals, whether printed or online, will feature three to four articles and a handful of reviews and shorter pieces. You want thelonger"feature" articles. Depending on the search engine you’re using, you may be able to make sure the article is peer-reviewed by clicking on this option when searching. (If not, you could google the journal to determine whether it's peer-reivewed and/or ask me.) When researching and selecting the article you will use, make sure it focuses onPSYCHO(1960). This movie has been analyzed from nearly every angle, soyou shouldn't have trouble finding one that interests you.Note:your grade on this will sufferif you choose a review of the film, or an article on it from, say, Time Magazine.Second, you will read the article and make note of its thesis (aka principal argument/objective) and main points. Academic writing is famous for being complicated and theoretical. Part of your job here is to comprehend the article, so that you may articulate it succinctly in your essay. This may necessitate re-reading.Third, you will write your essay, devoting the first 2/3rdsof the essay (roughly 2 pages) to giving a concise summary of the article, in which you highlight its thesis and main arguments. In the last 1/3rdof the essay (roughly one page), you will focus on how the article expands your critical understanding ofPSYCHO. When screening this film we may not realize that it remains one of the most controversial, influential, and ground-breaking productions in movie history, Hollywood or otherwise. So we have much to learn from these articles.Fourth, you will provide a complete and proper citation just below the last line of your essay. Proper citation is important and will be graded accordingly. See below for guidance on this. You may cite the article in-text with parenthetical citations (again, see below), but be sure not to quote large passages or quote much at all in this assignment;let your voice carry the day.RESEARCH / CITATIONOnce at www.sjsu.edu, point the cursor over QUICK LINKS, and you will see KING LIBRARY. Once at the MLK site, you will see at the top aheading called FIND ARTICLES AND BOOKS. Point the cursor over it and select ARTICLES AND DATABASES. The two databases that will be of most use are FILM & TELEVISION LITERATURE INDEX WITH FULL TEXT and JSTOR, both of which you can locate alphabetically or by clicking on the FILM AND THEATRE subject link. Once in either search engine (F&TLIWFT or JSTOR), enter your search key words (psycho
Analyzing PSYCHO Through a Scholarly Lens_1

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