
Occupational Safety and English Language Proficiency


Added on  2021-04-17

35 Pages7745 Words350 Views
Running head: DISSERTATIONImplications of Limited English Language Proficiency on WSH –A Survey in 5 ConstructionCompanies in SingaporeName of the Student:Name of the University:Author note:
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1DISSERTATIONAbstract Language proficiency is an important factor for efficient functioning. In the organizationalculture, language proficiency helps the employees to increase their understanding of all types ofthe organizational policies. Since, English has emerged as the global language; the proficiency inEnglish is preferred all over the world for effective functioning of the organization. Workplacesafety and health is a rising issue in all types of organizations in Singapore as well as across theworld. The aim of this research paper is to find out the implications of the limited Englishlanguage proficiency on the workplace safety and health. The researcher chose 50 employees of5 different construction companies of Singapore and conducted a survey to collect primary data.The data was analysed using quantitative approach. The research found that the proficiency inEnglish could be helpful in better understanding of organizational workplace safety and healthpolicies. Lastly, the researcher presented the conclusion that proficiency in English is beneficialfor both the organizations and the employees in terms of better communication and betterunderstanding of the policies and people with proficiency in English get a preference over thepeople who do not have that language proficiency during the recruitment, especially in the caseof multinational companies.
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2DISSERTATIONAcknowledgementI would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who have been a great help incompleting the dissertation. These people had led me and helped me to know my hiddenpotential and strength and utilize it in the best possible way in the undertaken research. I wouldlike to express my deep gratitude towards supervisor for his constant monitoring andcommendable and exemplary guidance, which has led me to complete the dissertation in the duecourse of time. The guidance and unconditional support provided by him not only helped me alot during the thesis completion but also will remain with me for a longer time period on thejourney of my life. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the participants who lendtheir valuable input to develop an understanding about impact of training and development onthe job satisfaction of the government sector employees of the Sultanate of Oman Furthermore, Iwould like to thank my family and friends, especially my dear mother and wife, who have been aconstant source of Inspiration, encouragement and support, and who they did not give up ofsupplication to me of success, without which this task cannot be accomplished.
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3DISSERTATIONTable of ContentsChapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................51.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................51.2 Background study of the research..........................................................................................51.3 Research aim..........................................................................................................................61.4 Research objectives...............................................................................................................61.5 Research questions.................................................................................................................71.6 Research hypotheses..............................................................................................................71.7 Research rationale..................................................................................................................81.8 Structure of the research........................................................................................................9Chapter 2: Literature review..........................................................................................................102.1 English as an international language...................................................................................102.2 English language proficiency and implications in the workplace.......................................102.3 Workplace Safety and Health..............................................................................................112.4 English proficiency and organizational policies..................................................................122.5 Summary..............................................................................................................................13Chapter 3: Research methodology.................................................................................................143.1 Research philosophy............................................................................................................143.2 Research approach...............................................................................................................14
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4DISSERTATION3.3 Research strategy.................................................................................................................143.4 Research design...................................................................................................................153.5 Data collection process........................................................................................................153.6 Sampling method.................................................................................................................163.7 Data analysis process...........................................................................................................163.8 Ethical consideration...........................................................................................................173.9 Summary..............................................................................................................................17Chapter 4: Data analysis and discussion........................................................................................184.1 Analytical findings and explanations...................................................................................184.1.1 Demographic elements.................................................................................................184.1.2 Subjective factors..........................................................................................................20Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations..............................................................................275.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................275.2 Linking to the objectives.....................................................................................................275.2.1 Linking to the first objective.........................................................................................275.2.2 Linking to the second objective....................................................................................285.2.3 Linking to the third objective.......................................................................................285.3 Recommendations................................................................................................................295.4 Limitations and future scope of the study............................................................................30References......................................................................................................................................31
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5DISSERTATIONChapter 1: Introduction1.1 IntroductionLanguage proficiency is very important in the matter of WSH. In the times of emergencyin the occupational safety, if people cannot understand each other’s language, it may bring fatalconsequences (Sawir et al. 2012). English is the global language and as the instances ofoccupational migration have been increasing at a very rapid rate, the need to have a commonlanguage is increasing also. This research paper intends to find out the impact of the Englishlanguage on the workplace safety and health. The researcher will be conducting a survey on theemployees of five reputed companies of Singapore to get an idea about the implications of thetopic of the research. This chapter is the introductory chapter that aims to introduce the topic ofthe research study to the readers. The aim and objective of the study, background study, researchquestions and hypothesis and research rationale are presented in this chapter.1.2 Background study of the researchWSH is often referred to as occupational health and safety. This is concerned with theassessment and mitigation of the risks and hazards associated with the health and safety of thepeople in the workplace (Murray 2013). This includes the welfare, health and safety of thecustomers or visitors as well along with that of the employees, contractors, suppliers andvolunteers. The government sets many laws regarding the workplace safety and health (WSH)issues and any business owner, be government or private, must comply with those WSHprinciples and regulations as a mandatory requirement while conducting the business. Theemployees are also expected to know those policies very well while working in an organization.
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6DISSERTATIONIn the era of globalization, the instances of employee migration have increasedsignificantly. The skilled as well as unskilled workers are migrating from their home county toanother for better career growth and higher salary (Vertovec 2015). Singapore has also seen arapid increase in the migrated workers in the last few decades. Skilled and unskilled workersfrom various parts of the world have migrated to Singapore and they have a vast difference intheir culture and languages. Many of these workers as well as many citizens of Singapore are notproficient in English language. However, almost all the organizations maintain English as theirofficial language and some also keep Mandarin and Chinese as another official language. Therules and regulations and the policies are often drafted in English. It is found that, the natives,who do not have proficiency in English language, sometimes face challenges to understand thepolicies and often they skip the effort to understand those (Bai, Hu and Gu 2014). These createproblems in the working system, especially in case of WSH issues. This research paper aims toevaluate the impact of knowledge and proficiency of English language that helps to understandand follow the WSH policies in the Singaporean organizations.1.3 Research aimThe aim of the research study is to find out the impact of the knowledge and proficiencyof English language on the WSH. As English is the global language, it is expected that themigrated workforce in any country are proficient in English, if not in the local and regionallanguage. Hence, the extent of impact that the language proficiency can have on the occupationalhealth and safety is the subject matter of this research paper. 1.4 Research objectivesThe objectives of this research paper are as follows.
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7DISSERTATIONTo evaluate the impact of knowledge on the English language on the workplaceenvironment in terms of WSH issuesTo identify the effectiveness of English language proficiency in understanding the WSHprinciples of an organization To evaluate if the people who are either bilingual or proficient in the English languagehave an advantage over the people who speak other languages during the implementationof the WSH policies and principles.1.5 Research questionsThe research questions for this research study are: 1)What is the impact of having knowledge in English language on the work environment interms of WSH issues?2)How much the proficiency in English language is effective for understanding the WSHpolicies of an organization?3)Do the people, with knowledge or proficiency in English, have an advantage over thepeople speaking other languages while understanding and implementing the WSHpolicies?1.6 Research hypothesesH0 (null hypothesis): Proficiency of English language does not have any impact on WSH H1 (alternative hypothesis): Proficiency of English language has significant impact on WSH
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