
Understanding Online Customer Experience: Antecedents and Outcomes


Added on  2023-06-07

4 Pages649 Words135 Views
Understanding Online Customer Experience: Antecedents and Outcomes_1

With the advancement in technology online services have become a part of almost
every internet user. As a customer on an online website for instance shopping different thing
affect or influence my decisions in relation to the sites that one normally visits. As seen from
the figure framework for understanding online customer experiences from rose and Hair, it is
important to use this information to critically analyze the customer experience (Bilgihan,
Kandampully, & Zhang, 2016). The frame work is divided into three sections starting with
the first section namely the Antecedents. This involves a number of concepts first being the
information processing, this is extremely important since it shapes the customers interaction
with the data and information presented to them (Godey et al., 2016).
Once I visit a website the design and the placement of the information gives me the
notion or set my mind on how to interact or behave with the information. For example, some
website utilizes different font some which look fancy and elegant making one interact with
this data and information with a lot of concern. Others tend to use funny fonts which make
one lose interest or lack the need for taking the information seriously (Aherne et al., 2014).
The other aspect is the perceived ease of use; this has affected my experience with several
online websites or applications for instance the introduction of snapchat application, the
application was too complicate to use and in return it ended up losing so many potential
customers (Bilgihan, Kandampully, & Zhang, 2016). Perceived usefulness is another major
concept, what is the solution or service or product the website offers, does the blog for
instance, offer relevant information, then this would bring me back again and again to the
website since it has proved its usefulness. This also closely relates to perceived benefits
where the minute the online experience received brings benefit it influences the consumers
attention. Perceived control on the other hand is the online control the consumer receives
while using the website for instance, no un wanted popups for instance that can hardly be
controlled. Such feature as a consumer greatly influence one’s behaviour. Once an online
Understanding Online Customer Experience: Antecedents and Outcomes_2

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