
Online Election Using VPN: A Proposed Model for Enhanced Security


Added on  2023-06-11

12 Pages3976 Words439 Views
Title of Report Online election using VPN
Table of Contents
2.Literature Review
3. A proposed model Justifications for the newly/updated model, identifying which areas have been enhanced
The VPN and AES encryptions used for the online voting systems were not previously used or were not in vogue. This has always
caused disruption in the authenticity of the online voting system. Since, there are major chances that the voting system published online
can be easily rigged; online voting system with VPN should be used in the latest voting systems that are published online. The VPN or
Virtual Private Network is becoming much more widely used with every passing day since there has been a provision for the users in
the VPN networks to go anonymous while browsing. There are several reasons why a VPN encryption implementation should be ideal
for an online voting system.
One of the major reasons for VPN encryption is that it prevents online spying over a user while he or she is surfing the internet. This
provides ultimate support a person is on the move with their internet connectivity options open via mobile data or WiFi hotspots on
through their laptop, mobile or other connecting devices. Similarly it keeps a user safe from being spied over while surfing the internet
from a static network like at work or at home.
VPN also has a major masking capability that enables a user to alter the real location from where he or she is actually surfing the
internet. For instance, it is possible that Netflix US can be accessed while the user is in the United Kingdom. Therefore, using VPN
encryptions for online voting systems are safe enough to mask the location and the identity of a voter in order to save the person from
being spied over. It had been previously seen that the voters were easily spied on to find out where the votes have been casted and
were easily tracked down so that the voting system could be rigged. Implementation of VPN encryption would alter the matter for the
betterment of the procedure.
On the other hand, the use of AES or Advanced Encryption Standards could be very beneficial for the online voting systems since it is
one of the most secured encryption algorithms being used in the contemporary times. Although publicly accessible, the documents are
all encrypted in ciphers with the denotation of ‘top secret’. AES encryption is also known as block cipher, since the entire algorithm is
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based on several permutations, substitutions, and linear transformations that are executed on 16 byte data blocks for each of them. This
encryption process has the ability to encrypt electronic data in a symmetric block cipher. Without the use of this encryption method, the
traditional method of DES algorithm or Data Encryption Standard algorithm was gradually falling into becoming vulnerable to brute-
force attacks. This problem could be easily resolved with the use of Advanced Encryption Standards since the encryption method had
the capability of securing online electronic data through to the next century. AES is also very easy to implement in both hardware,
software and into restricted environments, such as smart cards, as well.
Therefore, it is justified to implement VPN and AES encryption algorithm standards for the online voting system to make the entire
process far more secured than it had been in the traditional way.
Explanations of the model, selecting key models used.
VPN AES Model for online voting system: The models used for the online voting system encryption to provide maximum security to
the voters as well as the casted votes, the VPN and AES models are to be used. This would be done by a very simple procedure as
described below.
At first, in the online voting system portal is accessed and then the voters would be available to enter their information in the login
form. If the login details are valid, then only it can be moved on to the next phase or else, the login page would not redirect to the next
pages. This would be justified with the unique login ID for each voter.
Each voters must be identified with a unique identifier, and for that, the proposed solution puts forward the idea of implementing a
three-step identification process. This process would be generated in the following way with the use of MEC smart cards, generating of
OTP or One Time Passwords and then the implementation of the VPN systems. The Multipurpose Electronic Card or the MEC card
would consist of all the electronic data to hold the information of the individual voters. The MEC card would be needed to be swiped
down to feed in the identification details into the computer.
The next phase of the online voting system would then ask the voter for their fingerprint, since fingerprints are unique to every human
being and cannot be altered in any manner. Only when the designated or registered fingerprint is verified for each voter, only then the
candidate list would be displayed, otherwise it would not open (Backert, Backert & Dahl, 2016). As per the proposed system, the
fingerprint verification would be justified by the generation of a unique OTP that would be send in the individual voter’s phone or
email account registered before. Only then the biometric verification would be justified.
When a specific candidate is chosen, the model thus selected would display whether or not the candidate has already casted their vote.
If it is found that the voter had already casted their vote for the specific candidate, he or she would not be allowed to cast their vote
anew and the process would end. However, if it comes to light that the voter chosen has not yet casted their vote before for any of the
candidates, then only it would assign the voter to encrypt themselves with the unique and specific encryption key. An admin would
randomly be selected to sign and bind the casted vote by the designated voter. The next phase would follow the generation of the
signature to append to the casted vote along with the unique ID of the designated admin. In the next phase of the online voting system,
the casted vote by the voters would be sealed with the process of a unique hash value along with unique hash values generated for the
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signature and the time stamp for the casting of the vote as well. The system would then store this entirely encrypted file in the database.
This entire system would form the suitable model that would be far more essential than the traditional ways of recording online votes in
an online voting system.
Highlighting some strengths of the model compared to previous models
There are several reasons behind the implementation of VPN algorithm and AES encryption process in the proposed system. Most
definitely because it possesses numerous advantages over the previous tradition method of online voting systems. The strengths of the
proposed model in comparison with the previous models in vogue are as listed as below:
i. Enhanced Security: The proposed model is far more secured in comparison with the previous models given the VPN
algorithm system and AES encryption methods. This is because with the use of the VPN method, data is kept from being
stolen, altered or hacked by keeping it encrypted. The AES algorithm is used for the encryption. This acts as an advantage on
the previous online voting systems as they were easily prone to get hacked given the less secured system.
ii. Remote Control: With the use of VPN, the online voting system can be managed from any area and information can be
accessed from any device. In addition, the VPN algorithm also allows masking the accessing location from the hackers. This is
another reason why the productivity can be increased much more in comparison with the traditional system of online voting.
iii. Sharing of Files: VPN algorithm, along with AES encryption system also allows several devices to share files amongst each
other for a long period of time.
iv. Online Anonymity: VPN possesses another quality of successfully hiding the web browsing for any user maintaining
complete anonymity. Although, there are other ways by which user anonymity can be achieved, like the web proxies and Hide
IP software, but the proposed system allows a user to access both websites as well as web applications maintaining complete
anonymity of a user.
v. Bypass filters and unblocking of websites: There are various reasons for which the proposed system uses VPN and AES to
access blocked websites and bypass internet filters. While remote accessing the online voting portal, it may happen that the
user is situated in a place that does not allow the specific IP or URL to be accessed from that region (Backert, Backert & Dahl,
2016). Therefore, this new implemented technology would enable accessing the portal from any place in the planet penetrating
the website blockers and bypass internet filters. Compared to the older technologies, this is a breakthrough system proposed for
the online voting systems since in previous times remote accessing and penetrating website blockers was not at all possible.
vi. Change of IP address: The proposed system is also available to make changes in the IP address when needed while moving
from one country to another and accessing the portal from different IP addresses. This system was unavailable in the old
vii. Cost Reduction: Since maintenance of the entire system is severely low, it has a much reduced cost than the older systems for
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online voting.
4. Implementation of
the model
Context of the model implementation:
Voting processes are considered to be one of the chief elements that support democracy which helps the entire population of a country
to decide unanimously. These processes are influenced by the information technology processes and hence are evolved into e-voting or
online voting systems. The topic forms an important aspect for research where cryptographic primitives were utilized in order to make
the voting system much more secure. This was done since every data in the cyberworld are prone to extensive hacking. The encryption
process have so far been tried to be made more and more secure since the previous models are still prone to hacking. The proposed
models hold the use of VPN and AES encryption models to make it impenetrable by the hackers. Through the use of the model
proposed, it could be seen that there are many advantages due to the implementation of the newest proposed model. The use of VPN
and AES algorithms help in maintaining utmost security. Maintaining security is the primary important factor for online voting system
since there is a high chance of the voting results being rigged as this hold utmost importance for the entire country. Therefore, the
primary factor that should be focused on is the security reasons of the online voting results. This holds great importance in the
maintenance of democracy in a country and forms a deciding factor for the entire nation.
Demonstration of implementation:
The models used for the online voting system encryption to provide maximum security to the voters as well as the casted votes, the
VPN and AES models are to be used. This would be done by a straightforward procedure as described below.
At first, in the online voting system portal is accessed and then the voters would be available to enter their information in the login
form. If the login details are valid, then only it can be moved on to the next phase or else, the login page would not redirect to the
following pages. This would be justified with the unique login ID for each voter.
Each voter must be identified with a unique identifier, and for that, the proposed solution puts forward the idea of implementing a
three-step identification process. This process would be generated in the following way with the use of MEC smart cards, making of
OTP or One Time Passwords and then the implementation of the VPN systems (AboSamra et al., 2017). The Multipurpose Electronic
Card or the MEC card would consist of all the electronic data to hold the information of the individual voters. The MEC card would be
needed to be swiped down to feed in the identification details into the computer.
The next phase of the online voting system would then ask the voter for their fingerprint since fingerprints are unique to every human
being and cannot be altered in any manner. Only when the designated or registered fingerprint is verified for each voter, only then the
candidate list would be displayed; otherwise, it would not open. As per the proposed system, the fingerprint verification would be
justified by the generation of a unique OTP that would be sent in the individual voter’s phone or email account registered before. Only
then the biometric verification would be justified.
When a specific candidate is chosen, the model thus selected would display whether or not the candidate has already cast their vote. If
it is found that the voter had already cast their vote for the specific candidate, he or she would not be allowed to cast their vote anew,
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