
Importance of Facilities Management in the Hotel Industry


Added on  2023-01-13

1 Pages757 Words91 Views
Cert. IHM LV4 Learning Log:
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Lecturer 's
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Lectu re Week
Da te:
What are the key topi cs exa m ined in the Guest Speaker's session (these may includ e va rious key themes, activities and
skills in the field of facilities managem ent in the hotel industry, etc):
Guest speaker provided information about Burger King and KFC food companies which support economy by generating effective
revenues and promoting employment to local community. Burger King and KFC also helps to improve the infrastructure and increase the
efficiency of the community. Burger King and KFC is customer oriented and all the activities which are done are focused on customer
satisfaction. Burger King and KFC also need to understand the procurement process to decease the cost and increase profit margins effectively.
Training and development of employees is very essential in Burger King and KFC as it provide better customer service engagement also
increase the customer experience to become loyal.
What are the importance of req uisite skills in facilities management in the hotel industry as explained by Guest Speaker
(please fill in as appropriate):
Employees need to have proper knowledge of numerical to make effective decision in statistical manner and understand all the data
which is provided by customers effectively. Facility management in also require to have better experience to increase the customer relations in
the Burger King and KFC and improve the efficiency. Facilities managers should also have better information about Burger King and KFC
which reduces the time to think and increase the ability to solve problems faster. Motivational skills and leadership skills helps facility
management to improve performance of other employees in team and achieve effective coordination in Burger King and KFC. Facilities
managers must also have effective communication skills to provide clear information to guests and other employees in the Burger King and
How has this Guest Speaker's Session impacted on you r Knowledge of facilities ma nagem en t in the hospitality/h otel
The guest speaker has provided me the knowledge about what is the skills which help facility management increase efficiency of Burger
King and KFC . As I have learned from this session that facility management is very essential in industry as facilities are the resources which
helps to make the operation of running businesses effectively. Guest speaker also helped me to understand why facility management helps
Burger King and KFC be more productive in achieving its objectives and providing satisfaction to customers. It helped me to learn that every
basic knowledge in food industry is very important and it helps to provide better opportunities in the future.
Perform a self-a ppraisal of you r u nderstanding and key skills required in facilities management:
I need to develop my problem solving skills and communication skills to be a part of facility management. It is very essential for me to
understand how to develop skills which will help me to coordinate in team and understand each member to achieve objectives effectively. I also
need to focus on every detail which helps to develop better vision to make decisions. I also need to learn interpersonal skills and technical skills
which helps to understand all the functions of hotel industry effectively. As it is also very essential for me to perform better in Burger King
and KFC.
Based on your self-appraisal, what would you do to improve on these skills?
I will develop self management and accept more challengers which helps to gain better decision-making skills. I will increase reading
more books related to food industry to gain information and think more innovative and improve my communication skills. I will also improve
my effectiveness in understanding all the data and creating better values and ethics to develop my interpersonal skills.
How has this Guest Speaker 's Session shape your understanding of facilities management in the
hospitality/hotel industry?
This session has helped to learn different skills which helps to increase my potential in deliver effective performance my
career. This session of facilities management of Burger King and KFC helped me to gain knowledge that it is very important for
any person to gain effective skills to operate certain job effectively.
Importance of Facilities Management in the Hotel Industry_1

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