
Operations and Quality Management of Marks and Spencer


Added on  2023-06-15

11 Pages3253 Words79 Views
Operations and Quality Management of Marks and Spencer_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Operations and quality management......................................................................................3
Background of Marks and Spencer........................................................................................4
Identify and evaluate the application of appropriate operations and quality management theory
Operations and quality management challenges facing by Marks and Spencer....................4
The scope and purpose of operations and quality management theory..................................6
Demonstrate an understanding of the approaches for managing quality and the application of
continuous improvement within organizations......................................................................7
Books and Journals...............................................................................................................11
Operations and Quality Management of Marks and Spencer_2

The report aims to present an understanding about operations and quality management within an
organisation. Operations management is all about undertaking major activities such as
production, inventory, quality control, risk association and many more. Operations management
is a crucial function to carry out all the product , price and sales related activities. A company's
operations department carry out the process of creating new products and services and make
changes in existing ones to make improvements for better growth. Operations management is an
important activity which focuses on planning organising controlling the resources which are
required for product creation. This report is going to focus on operations and quality
management of marks and Spencer (Miller, Jayaram, and Xu, 2018). The company was
established in 1884 first in Landon UK. It is a famous brand which deals in fashionable clothes,
online food delivery. The report will produce the concept about operations and quality
management. Also, it will provide understanding about quality management theory and
challenges which faced by company. There will be evaluation of the purpose of its theory and
how Improvement strategy works within marks and spencer continues.
Operations and quality management
Operations management undertakes all the procedure and activities which is used to to
produce an effective product and services to deliver in-market. This process involves all the
planning and organising the resources to meet with the quality of products. An organisation is
required to produce goods by focusing on many factors such as quality, price , cost , environment
. these are the main factors which influence on managing company's resources that must be
utilise effectively. Therefore quality management is an essential part of operations as managers
required being quality focused while producing goods and services. It is the most required thing
that required by every customer at priority as they can never sacrifice in quality and value of
products. It is a continuous process reforms in agribusiness to maintain effectiveness and
efficiency ( Zylfijaj, and Pira, 2017). The targets of profitability depends on how companies
operate there is sources in less cost and high value. Therefore, operations and quality
management assure inventory control management in monitoring the techniques used in
production activities. The role of operations management is to N sure the aims and objective
Operations and Quality Management of Marks and Spencer_3

organisation in terms equality which is being served by-products. Marks and Spencer perform
these important activities which helps them to make a huge brand into the market. as their
products are highly quality focused which gives long-term durability and cost effective
Background of Marks and Spencer
Marks and Spencer is one of the largest brands of British retail industry which established
their position since 137 years back. The company has its main products in clothing food and
home Furnishing. The company operates first within in UK which has grown a most
recognisable brand of London. Marks and Spencer has approx 959 stores in all over the UK in
which mainly known for selling food products and online deliveries. The company has took
much growth in the last few years and currently covers world wide area by selling high quality
products and services which meet with the satisfaction and demand of consumers. Marks and
Spencer also collaborate with many brands and undertake the advantage of digitalization to
ensure large customer engagement (Khalaf, and Salem, 2018). It is known for providing good
quality clothes at a reasonable price range but due to covid-19, there are many from problems
and challenges arise in managing cost efficient quality and making continuous improvement in
delivering products and services. The organisation is performing best practices for making
improvements in all over the operational department through adopting new technique and ways
of working. The impact of covid-19 drastically creating hurdles for Retail Industry so that it is
the high opportunity for Marks and Spencer to gain customer attention in this crucial time.
Identify and evaluate the application of appropriate operations and quality management theory
Operations and quality management challenges facing by Marks and Spencer
The theories of operation management are a great set of important elements which the
organisation needs to utilise for better productivity and quality control. As operation
management used to monitor and control the resources and focus on creating effective goods and
services. These theories help in analysing a perfect process in order to manage operations
Six Sigma theories:
It is one of the crucial methodologies for operations management. It is kind of tools
which organisation use for better profitability and productivity. There are mainly 5 steps under
Operations and Quality Management of Marks and Spencer_4

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