
Organisational Behaviour of BBC Company


Added on  2020-06-04

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour of BBC Company_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1 Influence of power, culture and politics on organisational behaviour...................................3a) Utilisation of Handy cultural typology to identify the culture in BBC...................................3b) Identify the power, culture and politics with its affect on BBC.............................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P2 Content and process theories of motivation...........................................................................6a) Definition of content and process theories..............................................................................6b) Evaluate the motivational techniques so as to improve the effectiveness in BBC.................7c) Motivation and its role in attaining organisational objectives................................................7P3 Features of an effective team.................................................................................................8a) Various kind of teams.............................................................................................................8b) Factors that make an effective team.......................................................................................8TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9P4 Usage of concept and philosophies of organisational behaviour on enterprise situation......9a) Application of path-goal theory to better team performance..................................................9b) Barriers to team performance...............................................................................................10CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Organisational Behaviour of BBC Company_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational can be state as a group of people who work for a common goal. Thisinvolves many different activities through which an individual can predict or influence one'sbehaviour (Acharya and et. al. 2011). In this process company ensures that their workers areinteracting with their superiors and understanding the purpose of the task which will assist themto know the behaviour of their fellow workers. Thus, this approach has resulted in enhancingtheir business in an appropriate manner. British Broadcasting Company (BBC) is a public servicebroadcaster which provides information related to any nation. In this report, how behaviour of anindividual is affected by culture. Different ways to identify the motivating element has beenmentioned here. Other than this tools are used which have increased their work efficiency isincluded. TASK 1P1 Influence of power, culture and politics on organisational behaviourOrganisation is not a small term rather in this a large number of workers are includedfrom various cultural and region. In this many people interact with each other so as to work in aneffective manner. Thus, it is very essential for managers to identify and determine the behaviourand attitude of a person so that they can achieve their goals in set time period. Values andcultures are inherited in a person so it is important for BBC to create a healthy environment inwork place so that workers can work in a positive manner. Power and politics are wide factors which affects in the growth of business enterprises.Therefore, it is essential for management that they can implement rules and regulation bykeeping all people's perceptions into considerations (Adeniji, 2011). This kind of approachincreases the productivity and sales which provides a long term benefits to an organisation. a) Utilisation of Handy cultural typology to identify the culture in BBCCulture may differ according to the behaviour or environment provided by anorganisation. Hence, BBC should provide equal status to all person whether they are from samecountries or different this will help them to generate a effective work place. One of the majoradvantage of cultural typology is that it gives best surroundings to their employees where theyfeel free to express their views and feel motivated to perform their task in an appropriate way. It
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will gradually enhance the productivity and sales of an organisation. Some of the elements arementioned below:Skills: A person with improved skills and knowledge is more successful rather than thosewho have less knowledge. This assist them to take things with different perspective. Therefore,BBC Should recruit those persons who are eligible and fit best for the particular job. All theseskills helps them to deal with various workers effectively that will enhance the businessactivities.Attitude: Attitude aid a person to take decision in complicated situations andcircumstances. For the sake of the company an individual must have a positive attitude this willencourage him/her to work in specific time period. Leadership: It can be is a trait which plays a prominent role in the growth of anorganisation. A person with different leadership styles can handle every kind of pressure whetherrelated to marketing strategies or employees relations. Leaders take their team all together so asto work in an effective manner (Armache, 2012). Leaders and managers of BBC guide their co –workers and explain them the whole task so that they attain their objectives and set targets. Handy Cultural typologyThis typology was given by Charles Handy in the year 1999 which was based onorganisational culture. It is one of the popular and effective theory which many companies applyin their business activities. Further more it is classified into four major parts which are asfollows:Power culture: BBC is a Broadcasting company in which a large number of employeesare working. Under this main functions are and powers are in the hands of superior authorities.They implement rules and regulations which aid them in making proper decisions for any task. Task culture: In this company assigned the task to their workers and they do accordingly.For this the team has to maintain a healthy relation so that the work is being carried outineffective manner.Person culture: In this process a person is more concern about the performance done byhimself rather than for the sake of the organisation. Thus, it tells about the behaviour of anindividual, this can hamper the action of any company.
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