
Research on Organisational Behaviour - BBC


Added on  2020-06-03

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Research on Organisational Behaviour - BBC_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Influence of culture, politics and power on the behaviour of others in context to BBC.......1Handy’s cultural typology and earlier organizational culture within BBC................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P2 Motivational theories for achieving organizational goals......................................................3TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P3 State what makes a team effective as opposed to an ineffective team...................................5TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8P4 Philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour........................................................8Leadership Path Goal Theory......................................................................................................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................11
Research on Organisational Behaviour - BBC_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behaviour is can be described as an analysis of human behaviour in itsworking environment and analyse its impact on performance, communication, job structure,motivation, leadership etc. It is a sequential study about how group and individual interact andact within firm where they work. BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is a public service world's largest and one of theleading broadcaster business division in London. The firm gathers and broadcast news andcurrent affairs at about 120 hours of television and radio as well as online coverage too.This report will talk about the effects of politics and other related factors on an employeeand group results and behaviour. In addition, this shall be evaluated the contribution ofmotivational theories in achievement of goals of a firm along with given synopsis about certainconcepts of organizational behaviour (Azzone and Palermo, 2011). TASK 1P1 In this present era of high competition where an organization works in dynamicenvironment power and politics are two major determinants that can either cause downfall orcan be major factor behind success of an organization. Power can be defined as capability to ofmanager to influence and modify conduct of employees or teams in the desired manner whichcan help in achieving firm's objectives. Organizational politics can be describes as thoseactivities which are related with use of influence strategies or tactics so as to improve personal orfirms interests. While organizational culture can be defined as values, norms, beliefs etc. that arebeen followed by a company and its people (Boohene and Williams, 2012). It is of vitalimportance that culture of an organization should be good enough providing a comfortableworking environment to its employees along with helping them to develop their performancelevel. The role of power and politics also are key factors in business success as it is requisite formanagement to utilize its strength and skills in an appropriate way so that employees can work inone direction for achieving goals of a firm.
Research on Organisational Behaviour - BBC_3

Handy’s cultural typology and earlier organizational culture within BBCHandy’s cultural typology : According to this theory each organization have a specificculture having unique set of values, beliefs etc. that keeps on changing accordance with thechange in time and business environment. Handy explains the different parts of the organisationand their particular impact in the following mannerPower Culture: Handy compares this culture with a spider web in which all main people ofan organization are having centralized control over other members and employees. In case ofBBC very few individuals have the power and influence over other people. The system of BBCrecognises a person on basis of their achievement rather than their performance. It follows aculture which enables firm to take quick an accurate decisions leading to work efficiency andproductivity of its personnel (Contrafatto and Burns, 2013).Role Culture: Role culture put emphasis on the roles played by employees of anorganization. In BBC every employee is aware about their expected role andresponsibilities that helps them to complete their task with best of their abilitiesefficiently and effectively. In BBC, proper system of delegation of authority andresponsibilities takes place which increases their work efficiency. Task Culture: Task culture is highly job oriented focusing on influencing people to getwork done through them. BBC follows team culture where in employees are groupedtogether as a team to attain some specific objective. Person Culture: Person culture is employee centric giving chance to employees toconsider themselves as superior and unique to the firm. The workforce of BBC is highlyconcerned about their work performance for which they give their best efforts tocompany but at the same time their expectation with firm is quiet high too.2
Research on Organisational Behaviour - BBC_4

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