
Organisational Behaviour Solved Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour Solved Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Impact of culture, political and power factor on behaviour of an individual:.............................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3Motivation theories to motivates the individual:........................................................................3Recommendation ............................................................................................................................7Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................8
Organisational Behaviour Solved Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisation behaviour is the study or activity to understand behaviour of an individualor team in the company. It is the research study on the behaviour of persons towards the work.The study of the organisation behaviour considers some areas of study which are essential toimprove the job satisfaction, job performance and encouraging leadership. This report is basedon the Tesco Ltd. It was founded in 1919. This firm is a third largest retailer firm in the worldwhich can be measured by it gross revenues. Tesco deals with groceries and general retailerproducts. This report will highlight impacts of factors that can influence individual and teambehaviour of the firm. It will explain handy’s culture model and impact of culture onorganisational behaviour. TASK 1Impact of culture, politics and power factor on behaviour of an individual:There are many factors that impact on the behaviour of an individual and team behaviourin the organisation because of the way of situation addressed by a person. There are key factorsthat can be influenced the team and individual behaviour in Tesco are following below:Culture factor:The culture of the organisation can directly impact on the performance of the employees,if the organisation culture is stronger than the workforce enjoys at least some control over the jobinstead of feeling powerless in the firm (Weick, 2017). It is important for companies tounderstand cultural difference, this helps in avoiding confusions and improving coordinationamong all employees. If there is The strong culture can motivate the workforces to perform in aneffective manner in order to achieve the objectives. There is Handy's four classes of culturewhich defined the types of culture, i.e. Power, role, task and culture:Power culture: According to Handy's four cultures, the power culture is like a one-manrule. In this culture only one man handed the rule and regulation. In such types of cultureemployees were directly contacts with the management. In the power culture there are all thedecision is taken by few person (Vasu, Stewart and Garson, 2017). It can be affects theemployee’s behaviour like they were do not feel valued in the organisation and feels likeoverburdened as the responsibilities are not deified properly, this may lead to workers wereleaving the organisation which increase the turnover ratio of the company. In this type of culture,1
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individual feel demotivated because a person has to work under pressure of manager. This makesindividual negative and influence their behaviour and performance as well. When an employeefeels over burden or tactic then person fail to perform in a team effectively which influence teamperformance as well.Role culture: In role culture manager’s allot responsibilities to all employees as per theircapabilities, they are given different roles and have to work in different departments, they have aclear delegation of roles and responsibility with the higher authorities. This culture is built on thedetailed firm structures which are tall with the length of chain of command. In this culture theculture of the organisation is highly bureaucratic. It can be implemented in large organisationalstructure. This type of culture sometimes impacts negatively on an individual because employeeshave to work under huge chain of command. This demotivate them and influence theirperformance and behaviour as well. but role culture enhances understanding of the person andthey become able to perform their job effectively. This aids them to perform in a team greatlywhich impact positively on team performance. Task culture: In this kind of culture the individuals don’t depend upon the jobdescription, but they focus on addressing a specific problems or projects (Podsakoff, MacKenzieand Podsakoff, 2018). This is an important thing so the authority or the power is shifting to themix of the team members. This culture gives clear tracking of employees in order to performwell and shines and being awarded for such project success. Each person has a different task andindividual has an understanding about their allotted work, hence it makes them confident andthey become positive towards the brand. this enhances their performance in team andindividually.Person culture: It is the type of culture where each employee thinks that they are superiorin the company and all people work individually. They don’t need to make much permissionfrom senior which makes them positive, but they do not follow the instruction of higherauthorities that sometimes impact negatively on team performance as people work individuallyand fail to work with each other effectively. Political factors:There are different levels in the organisation, an individual work at lower level, whereasmanagers work as decision making level. Difference in both these levels creates issues and createpolitical environment. When higher authorities promote their favourite employees than it makes2
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