
Organisational Behaviour - Arcadia Group Ltd Assignment


Added on  2021-02-21

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Organisational Behaviour - Arcadia Group Ltd Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and teambehaviour and performance.........................................................................................................1M1 Critically analyse the impact of culture, politics and power................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5P2 Evaluate content and process theories of motivation ............................................................5M2 Critically evaluate how to influence the behaviour of others by applying behaviouralmotivational theories...................................................................................................................7D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation .........7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8P3 Explain what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team............................8M3 Analyse relevant team and group development theories......................................................9M4. Evaluate how concepts and philosophies of OB influence the behaviour in positive andnegative way..............................................................................................................................11D2. Critically analyse the relevancy of team development theories and concepts...................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
Organisational Behaviour - Arcadia Group Ltd Assignment_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour refers to the behaviour of individuals and a group of peoplewithin the organisation while performing their roles and responsibilities. The learning of theorganisational behaviour helps the business in understanding and controlling the humanbehaviour so that the performance of every individual can be improved. This study will also helpthe business in increasing job satisfaction, encouraging effective leadership and promotinginnovation within the business organisation. The selected organisation in this file is ArcadiaGroup Ltd. Which is a British multinational retailing company and its headquarters situated inLondon and UK. This study will cover about the influence of organisation's culture, politics andpower on individual or team behaviour and performance. Along with this, the differentmotivational theories and techniques which helps the business organisation to achieve theirdesired goals and objectives in the limited period of time will also discuss in this report.TASK 1P1 Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power influence individual and teambehaviour and performance.In order to attain the higher success and growth in the marketplace an organisation needsto stay concern for its human resources which are directly and indirectly affected by theorganisational culture, politics and power. The organisation culture refers to the environment ofthe business organisation whereas, the power and policies are related to the leadership andmanagement of the business organisation. The impact of these elements on the individual as wellas whole team is discuss below: Organisational culture: It refers to the beliefs, values, assumptions and behaviour of allthe members within the organisation. In order to operate all the business activities effectivelybusiness organisation needs to maintain a healthy relationship with their employees, clients andtheir stakeholders. The business manager of Arcadia Group can use the Handy's cultural typologyfor understanding the culture of the business which are described below: Power culture: It represent that type of culture in which the power is centralised amongthe single person or a few individuals, usually the founder of the business. This kind ofculture generally seen in the small start-ups in which the founder of the business is single1
Organisational Behaviour - Arcadia Group Ltd Assignment_3

person. It might create the tension and stress among the employees as it restricts thecreativity and innovation within the business(Christina and et. al., 2014). Role culture: This type of culture implied the strict rules, regulations and high control onthe employees. In this, all the members within the organisation are well-introduce withtheir roles and responsibilities which is determined by a person's role within theorganisation structure. By creating the role culture a firm will be able to accomplish theirtask on time as all the members are already aware form their duties and roles.Task culture: This culture forms by an organisation when they want to resolve a specificproblem or issue. As the task is the most important factor, so in this case the power isshifting as per the team member and the status of the issue or project.Person culture: An organisation with person culture, reflects all the individuals superiorunique, well-educated and expertise in their own field. This culture helps the businessorganisation in bringing the expertise so that all the problems can be resolved easily anddesired outcomes can be attained. One of the important example of this culture is lawfirms. As per the above study it can be stated that the task culture is more appropriate for theArcadia Group Ltd. as it will enables them to complete their complex problems on time by usingskills and knowledge.Organisational politics: This depicts the use of power, authority and social networkingwithin the organisation in order to influence the individuals and teams to achieve its set targetsand goals. These are unofficial and informal efforts of the business to maintain the functionalcapabilities and balance between the different view of the employees. The effect of theorganisational politics are define beneath:Decrease in overall productivity: Organisational politics increase the involvement of theemployees in playing politics and waste their time on unofficial issue due to which theoverall productivity of the employees as well as overall organisation in going in thedownfall position which hinder the chances of the succession and growth of the business. Demotivated employees: It create bias and demotivation among those employees whoare serious towards accomplish their work although not getting the promotion and otherbetter opportunities because of the politics(Teh and Sun, 2012).2
Organisational Behaviour - Arcadia Group Ltd Assignment_4

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