
Organisational Behaviour Report of BBC (Doc)


Added on  2020-07-23

13 Pages4331 Words30 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Organisational Behaviour Report of BBC (Doc)_1

Table of Contents
PART 1............................................................................................................................................2
P1. (A) Using Handy's cultural typology to discuss organisational cultural ..............................2
(B) Influence of culture, politics and power of an organisation on individuals' behaviour and
team performance........................................................................................................................3
P2. (A) Content and process theories of motivation ..................................................................4
(B) Describe motivational techniques.........................................................................................4
(C) How to improve the level of motivation...............................................................................5
TASK 3 ........................................................................................................................................6
P3 (A) Identify and explain about various types of team with their importance .......................6
(B) Use of various theories in relation to prepare an appropriate team for working..................7
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
P4 (A) Applicability of appropriate theory for improving team performance and productivity 8
(B) Main barrier to effective performance..................................................................................9
Organisational Behaviour Report of BBC (Doc)_2

Organisations behaviour can be defined as the study of human behaviour in the
organisation. It is very important for the company to maintain the a good behaviour in the
organisation. This study is conducted by the firms so as to know the behaviour of staff working
in the company. It help them in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness as well. Here , the
management of the company is responsible to identify the behaviour of the employees and for
this company applies various plans and strategies (Adeniji, 2011). The behaviour of the
individuals only decides the culture of the company so maintaining good behaviour is very
important. The organisation that is referred here is British Broadcasting Company(BBC) which
is a British public service broadcasting company which is a news channel and gathers
information about current affairs as well. In this report, an organisation's culture , politics and
power is discussed and various theories of motivation and techniques are discussed.
P1. (A) Using Handy's cultural typology to discuss organisational cultural
Handy's culture typology was developed by Charles Handy in 1999. it is one of the best
theory that has been derived for maintaining the culture in the organisation. It is very important
for the company to maintain an proper organisational culture so that the employees behave in the
way that is defined to them . BBC also follows an organisational culture in their organisation.
There are four types of culture that is defined in Handy's culture typology are:- POWER CULTURE – If a company is following this culture then here the power will be
in the hands few individuals only and they influence the whole organisation. In this,
performance of the employees are judged on the basis of the results given by the
employees rather than how they have done it or they act in the organisation. If BBC will
follow this then it will be good for them as decision making authority will be with few
people only and there will not be any conflicts then. ROLE CULTURE – Companies who follows Role culture are based on rukles and
regulations here the whole staff knows what role they have to play in the company. In
this, position of an individual plays s very important role (Alfes and et. al., 2013). In
BBC, if this culture will be followed then the employees will have to face certain types of
challenges in which they have to use their knowledge and skills so as to achieve success.
Organisational Behaviour Report of BBC (Doc)_3

TASK CULTURE – In this type of culture, a team is formed by the company for a
specific project or purpose. All the groups are having decision making power with
themselves so there is no chance of conflicts. This culture can also be applied by BBC as
it is beneficial for the company (Burnard and Bhamra, 2011).
PERSONAL CULTURE - It is very difficult for the companies to include these type of
cultures inside the organisation. Here the employees does care much about the company
and focus more on themselves. BBC cannot follow this culture as it is not beneficial for
the company to maintain a culture like this.
(B) Influence of culture, politics and power of an organisation on individuals' behaviour and
team performance
In the fast growing business environment, almost all the companies are trying very hard
to maintaining good employee relations so that the work of the company is not hampered and is
being completed effectively by the staff members. If the employees of the company will behave
well then it will make a positive environment in the company . There should be cooperation and
coordination between the employees and management and no conflicts should take place. In
BBC , managers of the company is maintain effective strategic in the company so as to maintain
a good working environment. If the environment will be good then only the company will be
able to do their work properly and give good results to the company.
In an organisation , culture , power and politics play an important role in influencing the
behaviour of the individual. According to smith, culture is having a very strong influence in the
working of the company. If the company is able to maintain good culture then the employees
will feel comfortable and will not leave leave the company. A culture basically includes value
and beliefs that is present in the company.
As per Smith, politics is very important for the company as it helps in developing the
skills and knowledge of employees but simultaneously it is bad for the company also it affects
the working in the company. Many employees do conflicts in the company and this is the case in
BBC also and this is the reason of so many conflicts in the company. Employees do politics
when they are not satisfied with what is being given to them by the company (Coccia, 2014).
Power and politics is also having positive impacts in the organisation. They help in
developing relations inside the company. Certain components which are involved in
organisational cultural of BBC Ltd. are stated as below: -
Organisational Behaviour Report of BBC (Doc)_4

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