
Organisational Behaviour : Arcadia Group Ltd


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour : Arcadia Group Ltd_1

Organisational Behaviour : Arcadia Group Ltd_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisation behaviour is the learning of behaviour of individuals in an organisationwhile carrying out their roles and responsibilities. It helps in understanding, predicting andcontrolling human behaviour individually and in group so that their performance can beenhanced to achieve organisational goals and objectives. It interprets people-organisationrelationships. This helps in understanding the employees better and solving their conflicts byapplying effective leadership strategy within an organisation so that a good team can bedeveloped and their productivity can be increased. Arcadia Group Ltd. Which is a multinationalcompany dealing in retail market and has its headquarters in London, UK is taken to understandhow the members behave in an organisation. Through this report the effects of culture, politicsand power existing in an organisation on the behaviour and performance of individuals, groupsand organisation as a whole will be discussed which will help in making positive changes in theworkplace.TASK 1P1An organisation's ability to grow and develop in a market depends on its human resourceswho are directly and indirectly affected by its culture, politics and power. These parameters havean impact on their performance and productivity which help in achieving organisational aims(Atherton, 2015). Power and politics are often related to the management and leadership of anorganisation. The influences of these aspects on individual and team behaviour are discussedbelow:Organisational culture: These are the shared ideas, beliefs, values and behaviours of all themembers who work together in an organisation. This makes the unique social and psychologicalenvironment of each organisation. Handy's cultural typology model can be used to understandwork cultures which are described as follows:Power culture: This represents a type of culture where power is concentrated with asingle person, usually the founder of the organisation. Small start-ups usually have thistype of culture. This culture creates tension and stress among the employees and restrictsinnovation.
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Role culture: These organisations follow strict rules and are highly disciplined. All themembers know about their area of duty and power is determined by a person's role in theorganisational structure.The task gets completed on time as everyone knows about theirroles and responsibilities.Task culture: This culture usually forms when a specific problem is to be solved or aproject is to be completed. Task is the most crucial factor and power often shifts amongmembers of team depending on the progress of project.The problems get solved andprojects get completed on time.Person culture: This culture usually exists in organisations where professionals work intheir individual capacities, have complete freedom, are well-educated and work with theirown expertise and knowledge. Law firms for example have this type of culture(Chevallier and et. al., 2012). This culture brings expertise in a particular area and helpsin dealing with related situations efficiently.Arcadia Group Ltd. Needs to adopt task culture in the company so that employees cancomplete projects and solve complex problems using their knowledge and skills on time. Thishelps in achieving goals and objectives of the company efficiently. Organisational politics: It is the use of power, authority and social networking in anorganisation to influence the individuals and teams to achieve targeted objectives. These areinformal and unofficial efforts to assess the functional capability and balance different views ofemployees. Following are the effects of organisational politics:Decrease in overall productivity: The productivity of employees decreases as they aremore involved in playing politics in the workplace and spend their time in gossiping onunofficial issues. This impacts their concentration and targets are not achieved withintime.Demotivated employees: The employees who are serious towards their work getsdemotivated when undeserving employees gets better opportunities on-behalf of politics.Spoils the ambience: The relationships among workers get affected due to negativeimpacts of workplace politics. It also inflicts hatred among them.Organisational power: It is the ability to force someone to do something according to one'sperspective even if the person is not willing to do so. Managers exercise their powers so that the
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