
Organisational Behaviour - Tesco Assignment Sample


Added on  2021-02-19

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Leadership ManagementLanguages and Culture
Organisational Behaviour - Tesco Assignment Sample_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3Evaluate the effect of organisational behaviour on organisational culture, power and politicalbehaviour of managers ..........................................................................................................3TASK 2............................................................................................................................................7Explain how Content & Process theories of motivation helps in achieving organisationalgoals........................................................................................................................................7TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................10Explain and demonstrate what makes an effective team as opposed to an ineffective team.10TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................13Define Philosophies and concepts of organisational behaviour..........................................13CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................17.......................................................................................................................................................18
Organisational Behaviour - Tesco Assignment Sample_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational Behaviour is interface between the individual behaviour and theorganisation and underlies various assumptions to how individuals behaves in the organisation soas to attain goals and objectives in an effective manner. Therefore, individuals behaviour andorganisational performance are interrelated terms and growth of the company is dependent onemployee performance (Barry and Wilkinson, 2016). Chosen organisation for this assignment isTESCO, which is a British multinational groceries and a merchandise retailer, headquartered inEngland, UK. Present report will highlight organisational behaviour on organisational culture,power and political within organisation as well as discuss motivation theories to motivateemployees and enhance their performance. It also discuss various team building theories to makethe employees work in a cooperative manner and apply concepts and philosophies oforganisational behaviour to influence and enhance the performance. TASK 1Evaluate the effect of organisational behaviour on organisational culture, power and politicalbehaviour of managers Organisational Behaviour underlies how the individual performance is affected by the culture,power an politics within the respective organisation, described as follows- Culture is considered as the values, assumptions and beliefs of the employee whichshapes the behaviour of the individual towards performing the work. Therefore, culture plays animportant role within the organisation as it guides the member’s behaviour towards sharedattitude, beliefs so that they can perform their task effectively towards the realisation of targetgoals. Organisational culture includes the vision, norms, systems, language and beliefs andprovides the way to the employees that how the work should be done in an effective manner(Chung, Lee and Han, 2015). Politics- Politics within the organisation is concerned with the variety of the activitiesundertaken by the employees so as to improve personal or organisational interests. Employeeswithin respective business organisation makes high use of politics so as to safeguard personalgoals over organisational goals. Politics has an effect on the individual performance as whennegative politics are used within TESCO, it decreases employees efficiency to work and leads toengagement in unethical activities.This affects their performance towards attaining
Organisational Behaviour - Tesco Assignment Sample_3

organisational goals. It also affects team behaviour performance as to employees within teamwill adopts unethical practices towards gaining personal goals over organisational goals anddoesn't work in a collaborative manner which will affects the environment at the workplace andleads to change in attitude of employees. Power- Power is described as the capacity and ability of the individual within theorganisation to act in such a manner that influence the behaviour of the employees. Employeewithin the respective organisation with power has enormous control over other people within theorganisation. Employees or managers with excessive power within TESCO affects individualperformance as when they are forced to work within specific time without proper instructionsand guidance it impacts their quality of work and affects profitability of business as well as whenpower is distributed unequally within the team, it demotivate the employees to work in acollaborative manner and hence impacts profitability of Tesco (Driskill, 2018). These factors have an influence over the individual and team behaviour performancewhich impacts the profitability and productivity within the respective organisation.Organisational culture has influence on the individual and team behaviour performance- As individual within Marks and Spencer are from various backgrounds havedifferent cultural values, beliefs and customs. This creates problem for them to work properlyand coordinate with another employee. It creates problem for the employee to change theirworking style and impacts their performance of work to attain maximum profitability. It has aninfluence on the team behaviour performance as employees within team possess different culturecrates complexity in working collaboratively as every employee have different belief whichaffects their perform to work in collective manner with employees from different culturalbackgrounds. In order to overcome the influence of the organisational culture on individual andteam performance manager within the organisation can adopt to Handy's model of culture so asto maintain effective organisational culture (Furnham, 2012). Handy's model of culture Power Culture- Under this culture power remains in the hands of only few people andhas the authority to take decisions. Employees within TESCO within enormous powerhas the right to take decisions and further delegate responsibilities to the employees byproviding them proper instructions and guidance.
Organisational Behaviour - Tesco Assignment Sample_4

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