
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Team Performance in Tesco plc


Added on  2023-06-07

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Leadership Management
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Team Performance in Tesco plc_1

Table of Contents
P1. Analysation of organisation culture, politics and power influence individual as well as
team behaviour and performance...........................................................................................3
P2. Evaluation of ways in which content and process theories of motivation and motivational
techniques which enable achievement of goals in context of organisation............................6
P3. Explanation of things which make an team effective and ineffective..............................8
P4. Application of philosophies of organisational behaviour within context of organisation
and business situation...........................................................................................................10
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Team Performance in Tesco plc_2

Organizational behaviour refers to the study of behaviour of the people rare individual
communicate in a team and also implement several different attitude in the individual in
accordance to function more efficiently and effectively. This research provide assistance to the
organization in order to evaluate how a person communicate with other people in the
organization And also permit leader of managers of the business in order to effect the attitude
and behaviour of the staff in accordance to perform with more motivation and dedication
(Abbasi, and et.al., 2022). The following report is based on the organization Tesco plc that is
known to be the international business company that deals in grocery item and the organization
is situated in United Kingdom. In addition to rate the following organization was founded in the
year 1919 and it was founded by Jack Cohen. Moreover to bridge the following report will cover
about the evaluation of power, politics as well as culture of the business that influence the
attitude of a person and the members of the team. It will also involve about the determination of
several different theories of motivation that permits the business in order to accomplish there
long term goals and objectives.
P1. Analysation of organisation culture, politics and power influence individual as well as team
behaviour and performance
The organization behaviour means to the research on the river of the human in formation
of the business and its several different methods of communication with others as well. In
addition to this main objective and purpose of the businesses implement model and framework
strategy for the betterment of the organization (Abdullah, and Al-Abrrow, 2022). In relation to
the respective organization Tesco plc management is offering optimistic environment of the
business and working where the workers and staff of the company feel more motivated and
satisfied and they also function with more encouragement and higher productivity for
achievement of the long term business goals and objectives. Below is the brief description of
power, culture as well as politics in relation to them respective organization.
Power means to the capability of an individual in order to affect the behaviour of other
members in the business. it can also be evaluated with extent where are individual can affect the
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Team Performance in Tesco plc_3

stakeholder of business for functioning something management is not preferred to do. In addition
to this it offers advantages to the leaders of the managers of the respective organization Tesco plc
that permit them to delegate several different work to the workers and also assist them to
complete those targets in an effective and efficient way. Moreover to this power provide
assistance to the leaders of the business in order to direct the activities of the staff for a
completion the sustainability and success of the business (Burakova, McDowall, and Bianvet,
2022). There are several kind of the power that can be asked by the leaders and managers of the
respective firm for several different regions are described below in brief.
Reward Power: Reward power is known to be the capability of an individual in order to
offer compensation and reward and it includes giving resource full values of business to their
members. In addition to this these rewards can either be financial or it can also be non-financial
that supports the members of the business to enhance their level of motivation in order to
function more effectively and efficiently.
Coercive Power: This power is known to be the authority that is derived from the
capability of an individual in accordance to impact the attitude and behaviour of other people by
punishment, sanction and threat. For instance a member of the staff is not capable to complete
the task on the given period of time so the seniors will take the disciplinary action against him.
Legitimate Power: This type of the power comes with the position of an individual and
includes delegation of authority that comes with the position of the person in the business. This
involves several rights that died people in in order to function of others and it also permits to
spread rewards in section as permitted by the management.
Referent Power: Referent power is one of power where other individual has optimistic
impression in their minds regarding the person and it also consists other management regarding
the individual related to the attributes which are possessed by them.
Informational Power: Information power is one which come from logic as well as
reasoning, it includes providing information which is powerful and is not possess by other person
(Cameron, and Taylor, 2022).
Expert Power: Expert power is known to be such type of the power that comes with
more understanding and knowledge of the individual and it involves special skills and
knowledge which are possessed by them.
Organisational Behaviour: Analysis of Culture, Politics, Power, Motivation, and Team Performance in Tesco plc_4

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