
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC


Added on  2023-06-11

12 Pages3409 Words349 Views
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_1

Executive Summary...................................................................................................................3
Topic-1 Motivation (Unilever PLC)..........................................................................................3
Topic-2 Leadership (Unilever PLC)..........................................................................................4
Primary research findings and discussion..................................................................................5
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_2

Executive Summary
The aimed of study to understand the motivation and leadership approach, which
provides brief idea, assumption in the organisation’s growth and development. Discussion on
the topics, relates to the public enterprises such as Unilever Plc. Throughout report, it has
gained the importance of leadership and setup a particular tasks, tackling the competition,
solving complex problems. Analysis that understanding of how motivational theories such as
Maslow’s and Vroom theory.
Organisational behaviour refers to the study of how individuals interact with groups
or teams. On the other hand, it has been examined the principles which applied in attempts
and make enterprise operate efficiently as well as effectively. In case of organisational
behaviour, it focused on the different areas of research dedicated to be improving the job
performance, promoting the innovation and encouraging leadership. The report will discuss
the concept of motivation and leadership which plays an important role in the organisation. It
helps to motivate the employees, achieving the desirable goals or objectives. Furthermore, it
will describe the fundamental terms of leadership and setup a particular tasks, tackling the
competition, solving complex problem decisively or quickly manner.
Topic-1 Motivation (Unilever PLC)
Motivation is based on the concept in which explains a motive and means identifying
needs, desired, drives and wants within individuals. This kind of motivation process has been
stimulating the people to perform actions and accomplish appropriate goals (Cross and
Carbery, 2022). In the context of Unilever, it promote the positive aspect in terms of mental
as well as physical health related environment in the workplace. It enabled the people to
thrive, and also empowering the employee to be participated as best version of themselves.
Unilever is always focused on motivate their employees and implemented a suitable
innovative ways to ensure high employee motivation and ensure that achieve best assets that
will remain exist in the organisation. By monitoring or tracking the employee motivation, it is
carried out the survey or interview. This will help to identify the opinion towards
organisational goals or objectives (Khan and Khan, 2022). Unilever is a leading enterprise
that is always putting into practice new and efficient way to identify pattern of human
resources. The strategic management of Unilever lead by manager and motivate employees
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_3

so that they can directly influenced on the success and achieve desirable growth in business.
Unilever motivate their employee for long-term basis. But it should be considered the
different strategic tactics such as intrinsic & extrinsic rewards. These are given to the staff
members and make them loyal, utilize their skills in further improvement. It helps to improve
the overall performance of Unilever through factors on the basis of reward strategies. It has
been evaluating the performance of staff members which might be affected, if rewards are not
provided to the staff members.
According to the Maslow’s theory, Unilever has focused on identifying needs of
financial reward for work which have been satisfied the sufficient to meet the demand of
consumers. In the context of physiological needs, Unilever includes having a right place to
work, providing the comfortable working environment. It helps to resolve all kind of essential
facilities. On the other hand, Unilever always supports the concept of employee safety and
giving the best facilities at workplace. It emphasis on the health & safety aspect of working
environment. Social needs should be considered to manage employee’s requirements that can
be usually be done through promoting group working across departments, teams. This type of
process is encouraging team or group through social activities (Jonker and Treur, 2021). Self-
esteem, self-actualisation has become consider the important factors which is always
motivating or inspiring the employees through reward contributions. Maslow has been
introduced the idea, assumption that are provided constantly change: as need to meet the
desirable goals or objectives. As applied the Maslow Hierarchy of needs in terms of Unilever,
focused on the different areas get improve as the employers. It has been satisfied the specific
needs of the employees.
Topic-2 Leadership (Unilever PLC)
Leadership is based on the process or method that is always expressed the social
influence, which increases the efforts of others. It is also achieved the desirable goals or
objectives. The effectiveness of leadership style promotes the staff members of enterprise
where they will be achieved the desirable objectives. In some cases, it encourages in pursuing
their full potential and innovative, constantly searching for new ideas that drive growth
developing them across different areas (Nani and Safitri, 2021). The employees of Unilever
were committed to help other people realised and reached their potential. This kind of
achievement has been performed different ways: - training & development opportunities but
it is strongly believe that a great leader is creating a specific conditions for staff member to
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_4

Organisation Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................1
P1. Analysation of influence of culture of organisation, politics and power on individual as
well as team behaviour ................................................................................................................1
P2. Evaluation of content theory of motivation and motivational techniques for achievement of
goals of organisation ..................................................................................................................3
P3. Explanation of what makes a effective team opposed to ineffective team............................6
P4. Application of concept and philosophies of organisation behaviour in context of
organisation and business situation..............................................................................................8
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................11
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_2

Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_3

Organisational behaviour refers to study of behaviour of people in an organisation about
how they interact in group (Baeza and Wang, 2016). This study helps business in improving
performance of employees, enhance satisfaction of job, promotion of innovation and many other
things. This project report includes study of Unilever Plc which is established in the year 1929 in
UK by William Lever. This organisation is offering personal care, health care product, food and
refreshment products to their customers. It is a multinational organisation which is providing
their products and service in different country. This project report includes analysation of
influence of culture, power and politics of organisation on individual behaviour and team
behaviours. It consist evaluation of content as well as process theory of motivation and
techniques to enable effective achievement of goals in organisation. Explanation of different
among effective team and ineffective is also discussion in this report, Moreover, it includes
application of different concept and philosophises of organisation behaviour in context of
organisation in different business situation.
P1. Analysation of influence of culture of organisation, politics and power on individual as well
as team behaviour
Organisation culture:
Organisation culture is one of important thing for success of company as it provide
support to structure and strategy of company. Organisation culture refers to collection of
expectations, practices and values which inform and guide action of different team members.
Good culture of company includes positive traits which helps to improve performance and also
contribute in success of organisation (Kao, 2017). Organisation culture is important for Unilever
Plc as it helps them in transforming employee, increase engagement of employees and improve
employees turnover of company. Charles handy is one of philosopher who define four types of
organisational culture which are mentioned below:
Power culture: In power culture, power is centralise in hand of some people and they
has authority of make decision in business. These people get special privilege at workplace in
organisation and are considered as important who are responsible for making decisions.
Organisational Behaviour: Motivation and Leadership in Unilever PLC_4

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