
Impact of Culture, Politics and Power on Organizational Behavior


Added on  2023-01-19

19 Pages6897 Words32 Views
Impact of Culture, Politics and Power on Organizational Behavior_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Evaluate how an organisation’s culture, politics and power impact on an individual and
team behaviour and performance................................................................................................1
M1 Critically analyse the impact of culture, politics and power................................................5
D1 Critically evaluate the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation .........6
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P2 Process and Content theories of Motivational and their use to achieve objectives...............6
M2 Impacts on employees after applying behavioural motivational theories............................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P3 Different teams operating in Ryanair, their effectiveness and inefficiency...........................9
M3 Developing cooperation in teams through Tuckman and Jensen’s group development
Task 4 ............................................................................................................................................11
P4 Concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour......................................................11
M4. Evaluate how concepts and philosophies of OB influence the behaviour in positive and
negative way..............................................................................................................................13
D2. Critically analyse the relevancy of team development theories and concepts...................13
Impact of Culture, Politics and Power on Organizational Behavior_2

Organisational behaviour is the study of a group of people and an individual functions and
performance within an organisation. The examinations of human behaviour isare essential for the
manager as it will helps them in determining the impact of itsits on the overall performance, job
structure, motivation, communication and other aspects of the business. Along with this, it will
assist the manager that how they can increase the job satisfaction and motivation of the
employees so that the overall performance of the business can be enhanced. This file is based on
the Ryanair company which is an Irish budget airline and formed in 1984. The headquarters of
this company is situated in Swords, Ireland and Dublin. This study will cover about the impact of
the organisational culture, politics and power on the overall team and individual performance and
behaviour. Other, the different motivational theories and techniques will be definedefining which
will assist the business organisation that how they can motivate their employees effectively so
that the desired outcomes of the business can be attained.
P1 Evaluate how an organisation’s culture, politics and power impact on an individual and team
behaviour and performance.
All these factors such as organisational culture, power and policies has an important role
in the succession of the business due to which it is necessary for the business to give their major
on properly managing their human resources (Al Saifi, 2015). In which the organisational culture
refers to the behaviour of the employees within the organisation and the outside parties .
Whereas, the power and politics are directly linked with the management and leadership of the
business organisation. The impact of all these factors on the individual and the overall team is
described beneath:
Organisational culture: Organisational culture is depicts as the implicit assumptions,
beliefs, values and ways of interaction of all the members within or outside the organisation. In
order to get the success in the business it is essential for the business manager to give their main
focus on developing a unique culture which will enables the to provide the appropriate guidelines
and boundaries to the member for behaving in the organisation (Anitha, 2016). In this aspect the
business manager of Ryanair company can use the Handy's typology which is described below: \
Impact of Culture, Politics and Power on Organizational Behavior_3

Power culture: It showcase that type of culture within the organisation in which the
power is remains in the hand of some people who are responsible to take decisions. In this
the employees have to follow their superior's instructions as they does not have freedom
to share their ideas and views. This culture is generally seen in the small start-ups where
the single person is operated operates the business. It might lead the negative impact on
the employees as it hinderhinders the rights of them which create unrest among the
employees towards their job (Arnold, 2015).
Role culture: This culture focus on delegation delegating the responsibilities and roles as
per the specialisation, education and interest of the employees so that the best outcomes
can be extracted. In this aspect the power comes with every individual responsibility
which will enables them to accomplish their work with great efficiency.
Task culture: This type of culture is most suitable for those organisations who which is
concerning for achieving the specific task or solve the critical problems. In the task
culture every employee has their own contribution in accomplishing the task or solving
out the issue in the most effective or innovative manner.
Person culture: An organisation which is followed this culture is give their more
emphasis on employees. In this culture, the employees more concerned for their own
rather than the overall performance of the organisation. Due to this, the overall
organisation will suffer badly as the overall performance of the business will go in the
lower stage.
At the present scenario the business organisation of Ryanair following the power culture
in their organisation in which the power is handed in one person. For example, in the Ryanair the
power of formulating strategies and plan only in the hand of manager due to which the employees
have to do their work in given boundaries which decrease the flow of ideas and plans in the
organisation. In order to get the success, the firm need to adopt that task culture as it will help
them to cope from all the negative situations of the organisation with the contribution of each and
every employee.
Organisational politics: This refers to the all the rules and guidelines of the company
which are decided by them in order to keep awake their employees that how they want to behave
and how they want to do a specific task for achieving their desired outcomes (Butchibabu, 2016).
All the policies are determined by the business organisation in place to prevent the rights of the
Impact of Culture, Politics and Power on Organizational Behavior_4

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