
Journal of Organizational Behavior (Doc)


Added on  2021-04-16

19 Pages4369 Words31 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOROrganizational behaviorName of the studentName of the universityAuthor name
Journal of Organizational Behavior (Doc)_1

1ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOREssay: 1Introduction As discussed in the case study, Skyline international is facing the issue of employeedissatisfaction. This is due to the reason that, in the initial stage of the operation, employees inthe Skyline international are motivated and engaged in their workplace. However, after theturbulence in 2014, employees are becoming more stressful and are more resisting to thestrategic change of the organization. Thus, it can be said that, there is a need of positivepsychological contract between the employers and the employees. Psychological contract refersto the informal and causal forms of relationship between the employers and employees, whichhelps to creates positive impression and expectation among the employees regarding theiremployers (Bal, Kooij and De Jong 2013). This essay will discuss about how psychological contract can be integrated in Skylineinternational and how it will help in converting the negative feedback of the employees inpositive form. Theories related with the management of the employees will also be used in thisessay in order to present the integration of the psychological contract in the organization. McGregor theory X and YMcGregor theory X and theory Y will be the most effective and proper theory that will beapplicable in integration of the psychological contract in the organization. According to thistheory, there are mainly two types of employees seen in the organization. One type of theemployees are considered as theory X (Mohamed and Nor 2013). This theory refers to theemployees who are not engaged in their workplace and are having negative impression in theirworkplace. In addition, both positive and negative coercive factors are being used to motivate the
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2ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORemployees in their workplace. This theory also states that these employees also create resistanceto organizational change. Figure: 1McGregor’s theory X and theory YOn the other hand, theory Y refers to the positive set of the employees who are moreengaged in their workplace and who are not in the need of authoritative style of leadership (Russ2013). Moreover, these employees know to take responsibility in their workplace along withmeeting the goals and objectives of the organization effectively. In the case of the Skyline International, the given elements of the employees can be morerelate to the theory X, which denotes more negative compared to the theory Y set of employees.Thus, the psychological contract should be designed and integrated in the organization in such
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3ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORFairnessCommunicationEmployee supportReinforcementEmployerTheory Y Set of employeesPsychological contractway that, it will help in reducing the negativity of the employees along with converting them inthe set of theory Y.Integration of the psychological contract Figure: 2Psychological contract for Skyline International Skinner’s reinforcement theory will be applicable in integrating the psychologicalcontract in the organization (Skinner 2014). This is due to the reason that, Skinner’sreinforcement theory states the positive and negative reinforcement according to the situation. Itis stated that positive reinforcement such as reward should be used for positive motivation of theemployees and punishment should be used for negative motivation of the employees. In the case
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