


Added on  2020-10-23

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational Behaviour TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION_1

TABLE OF CONTENTINTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................31. Identify the culture with model..........................................................................................32. Culture improve effectiveness of company with focus on communication.......................53. Role of culture on employee motivation............................................................................64. Company utilise the culture to further increases their success..........................................8CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................9REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................10
Organizational Behaviour TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganization behaviour is learning of both single person and team execution andattitudes within the company. It is the revise of human behaviour in setting the interfacesamong man like attitude and company. The leading objective is to revitalise approach ofcompany and develop better concept of life of firm (Miner, 2015). It is the directly focusedwith the understanding, forecasting and control of human attitudes in company. This study isbased on Marks and Spencer. It is the multinational retailer which selling high qualityclothes, home and foods products across the world. Report will identify the culture byutilising the model. It will explain role of culture on employee motivation in the company. 1. Identify the culture with model Organizational Culture: It is the described as the underlying values, hypothesises and modes ofcommunicating which contribute to the specific social and emotional atmosphere in thecompany. Organizational culture involves probability, experiences, thinking and beliefswhich guide member attitude. It is articulated in members self image, internal activity andcommunication outside world as well as upcoming opportunities (Vasu, Stewart and Garson,2017). Culture is based on shared behaviours, values and custom which have been evolvedover time and are measured valid. Also, it includes vision, value, standards, signs,communication, and practices as well as hypothesises. For that, Marks and Spencer needs tofollow the Handy’s organizational culture which can aid to determine the culture oforganization.Handy’s Organizational Culture: There are four cultures in this model like power, role, person and task which arefollowed. Power distribution is the all about the level to that top of the company that is opento work with either bottom-up or top-down concept. For example bottom-up concept, there ishigh power sharing. Workers are ordinary to take their accountability that determine theiractivities and make independent decisions (Gelfand and et.al., 2017). There is hardly andpower allocation, management and owner is completely in control and is the only individualdecisions in case of case of whole top-down concept. Power culture:This kind of culture is featured of business organization. In this culture, an individualis held power of organization. The businessman has discovered their firm with much love.Thus, it is the difficult to delegate decisions making. Cooperation is tremendously essential in
Organizational Behaviour TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION_3

companies with power culture. The largest power lies with top figure in the power culture.Workers are loyal to the leaders of the firm. There are few rules and procedures due to flatstructure and start-up nature of company. As outcome, company is highly flexible. Therelationship among workers is defined by the leader, but also by the means available to them.The founder attaches great significance to their power (McShane and Glinow, 2017). Theycontrol company centrally after that they determine who gets more power or to whom theydelegates certain activity. Individual execution and mutual collaboration are highly important.Role culture:This kind of culture is highly job-oriented which can frequently be discovered inbureaucratic company. There are large level of cooperation and low power sharing in the roleculture. Worker wants as much security and stability as possible in role culture. The culture iscalled for their regulations, obligation, agreements and process. There is clear hierarchy andstatus in more essential than performance (Alvesson and Sveningsson, 2015). Administrationof activities takes places through means of process and clear job description. This relates toboth individual jobs and communication among departments. Safety, stability, conservatismand inevitability are keywords within the role culture. Person culture:This kind of culture can frequently be establish in professional companies whereworkers have complete freedom which are high educated and can work with their expertise.This type of culture is people-oriented. It is all about the knowledge and expertise of theworkers who are preferably rather than referred to as members of the company. The numberof workers in person culture is normally small (Bortolotti, Boscari and Danese, 2015). Thereis lower cooperation degree and high power sharing in person culture. Individual is central inthe person culture. There are few regulations and processes in these companies Task culture: There are many projects and matrix companies have task culture that is leading result-oriented. Workers are experienced professionals and oriented problem solving. Task culturecompanies frequently organize temporary teams in which cooperation is paramount. Thehierarchical power is not needed to connect to particular person but it increases over thewhole organization. Outcomes are more essential than rules, the balance of power orindividual personal wants. Expertise and flexibility are focused as well as coordinationdepends on the task or project requirements. In order to that, Marks and Spencer follow the role culture effects on team andindividual behaviour in which offers security and chances to get special expertise,
Organizational Behaviour TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION_4

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