
Organizational Behaviour M&S Report


Added on  2020-07-22

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Professional Development
Organizational Behaviour M&S Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................3ASSIGNMENT 1............................................................................................................................................3ASSIGNMENT -2...........................................................................................................................................7CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................10
Organizational Behaviour M&S Report_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behavior is a study of the method in which an individual may interact or communicate with other people or with their colleagues for attaining similar goals or objectives. Basicallyit shows the efficient way in which an enterprise is going to run their business by considering macro and micro factors. In fact it also consist of culture, background and policies of entire association that means organizational behavior is act as a overview of a an employees as well as company. Marks and Spencer is one of the famous retail enterprise by having almost 959 stores in number of countries which requires proper management system to accomplish their task and activities for attaining their set targets. This report is going to classified into two equal parts for highlighting the importance of organizational behavior which have a greater impact on employees performance (Kitchin, 2017). This assignment is also throw few lights on different motivational theories and concepts which is used by an enterprise to encourage their staff members towards their personal and professional goals or objectives. Apart from this, report is going to cover various philosophy of team performance which applied by manager of a company while running their business as well as during decision making process. ASSIGNMENT 1P1 Impact of organization culture, politics and power on individual as well as team behavior and performanceMarks and Spencer is British multinational supermarket which is popularize for its qualitative products with best services by fulfilling their costumer needs and wants. It was founded in approximately 1884 by Michel Marks and Thomas Spencer by having almost 959 stores across the UK and becomes and becomes one of the famous retail company. Individuals are valuable asset for every organization either small or large because every set of activity or managed and controlled by them only. Enterprise is also indulging in selling clothes, home products, luxury items for generating maximum revenue by satisfying their foreign as well as domestic clients.Culture is a cluster of norms, beliefs, values, rules and regulations which is followed by specify society or team for attaining set targets in given time frame. Basically culture shows actual path and direction to every employee working in a referred organization for maximizing their profit in minimum duration furthermore the norms and values are set by hire society authority because they have the only right to make effective decisions which must be adopted by every single member of an association (Odetunde, 2013). Therefore influence of institutional culture on individual and team is described as follows:-Behavior of every staff member is greatly affected by rule of management because it shapes their working capacity in different manner. For example if an employee is going to follow policies of company in a given way then it automatically enforced them towards achieving extra income as well as defend and individual from any punishment.Secondly, culture affects performance of employees by motivating them toward their personal and professional goals without exploiting any policy.Furthermore, it also polish their talent Encourage them towards decency and politeness Maintain the positive relationship between supervisor and subordinates by clearing all their grudges which beneficial for entire association
Organizational Behaviour M&S Report_3

Great a healthy environment which attracts number of customers Togetherness is key to success for Marks and Spencer because it helps them to achieve their organizational objective as soon as possible.Organizational politics is a term which considered as a informal, unofficial and sometime it act as barrier for overall company because it creates confusion between staffmembers which influence every single person of an association. Power and politics plays a very eminent role in marks and Spencer because all the decisions which is made by governing bodies as well managerial team influence employees performance and its behaviors. Thus it has been understood that these two terms are interrelated with each other due to their positive and negative impacts. Basically power and politics affects either in a positive or negative manner due to their roles and responsibility towards entire association. Therefore influence of organizationalpower and politics on individual as well as team performance or behavior are stated as follows:- Positive:- Strict rules and regulation creates equality amongst staff members for example if similar policies is followed by every member then it automatically reduce discrimination at workplace.Negative:- Sometimes politics in organization creates disputes between employees which influence success of a company as well as disturbed peaceful environment.Positive:- Completion of assigned task and activities in a given time frame without wasting much time due to strict policies.Negative:- Increase mental stress due to higher pressure which may resulted in minimization of employees and it also affects health of a person. Positive :- Generate more and more revenue in a minimum time period by achieving set objectives.Negative:- Absence of effective communication between higher and lower authority because of so much conspiracy. Planning and plotting. As a business advisor I thought that higher authority of Marks and Spencer needs to pay full attention on culture, power and politics of a company because they all have a greater impact on overall organization as well as employees’ performance. Along with this it also transfer the positive surrounding into negative by creating contentions in an enterprise due to their negativity.Therefore at the end it has been understood that individuals or a team both of them are greatly affected because they are the indispensable part of an organization and responsible for executing all the managerial activities. P 2 Theories of motivation and tools for encouraging employees to attain goalsMarks and Spencer is a very large organization which requires proper management system for establishing their policies at workplace by considering relevant facts and figures. Motivation is a term which act as a reason for an individual action, desires or needs because it guides a particular person towards corrective path by changing their behavior. In fact motivational tools and theories are very much useful for employees of referred company becauseit supports them in encouraging towards their personal and professional goals which resulted in aprofit maximization. There are number of motivational quotes, tools and theories are proposed by different scholars for enforcing an individual towards their assigned task and activities. Basically techniques for encouraging employees categorized into two parts one is intrinsic and another one is a extrinsic. For examples bonus, compensation, monetary rewards, health are all these are falls under external tools whereas psychological or personal improvement like feelings
Organizational Behaviour M&S Report_4

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