
Influence of Organisational Culture, Power and Politics on Individuals and Team Behaviour


Added on  2023-01-13

15 Pages4759 Words41 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Influence of Organisational Culture, Power and Politics on Individuals and Team Behaviour_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Influence of organisational culture, power and politics over individuals and team
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
P2 Evaluation of motivational theories..................................................................................4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
P3 Evaluation of effective and ineffective team.....................................................................7
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9
P4 Applying philosophies of organisational behaviour..........................................................9
Influence of Organisational Culture, Power and Politics on Individuals and Team Behaviour_2

Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in an organisational setting and
their job roles. In other words, organisational behaviour is the study of individuals and group,
their performances, attitude, behaviour and activities within company. In context of this report,
PRIMARK is selected which is an Irish fast fashion retailer. PRIMARK was established in 1969
by Arthur Ryan and headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. PRIMARK deals in clothing, cosmetics
and house ware goods and serves in worldwide locations. This report covers various aspects of
organisation such as culture, power and politics along with their impacts on the behaviours of
individuals. Motivation is one of the most important factor for influencing employees and
making them work according to the needs of company. Therefore, content and process theory of
motivation are discussed. Moreover, teamwork and coordination is required in every company
for attaining all goals and objectives and increasing its efficiency. An understanding is developed
for making a team most effective and efficient (McShane and et. al., 2018). And at the end,
philosophies of organisational behaviour is applied for achievement of organisational goals and
P1 Influence of organisational culture, power and politics over individuals and team behaviour
Organisational Culture
Organisational culture is defined as beliefs and behaviour that determines the interaction
taking place between company and its employees, along with how they handles outside business
communication and transactions. Organisational culture involves the expectations, experiences,
values and philosophies. These all are the factors which holds the company together and makes it
run smoothly. Organisational culture also includes its customs, beliefs and rules which works as
a guide for personnel working in particular workplace (Maio and et. al., 2019). The culture
which an entity follow is in accordance with its size and its structure. There are several different
types of cultures and for elaborating those Handy's Culture model is used which are as follows: Role culture is followed by those organisation who adopts functional structure, in which
employees have clarity of their job, reports to their superiors and believes in maintaining
efficiency and stability (Wu and Lee, 2017). Every employee or personnels are delegated
roles and responsibilities according to their expertise, abilities, and skills for extracting
Influence of Organisational Culture, Power and Politics on Individuals and Team Behaviour_3

the best out of them. In such form of culture individual themselves decides their
performance level, as it depends upon their willingness to accept new challenges. All
employees who are working in an organisation following role culture are responsible for
their actions and have to take the ownership of their tasks. They are accountable for what
they are doing in order to perform their duties and fulfilling their responsibilities.
Power culture is where leaders have all the power and hold all authority of making
decisions. Top level is responsible and holds authority to take all decisions for the
operations of company and therefore, vertical structure is adopted by entity who follows
power culture. This culture has negative impacts on employees as no importance is given
to them and their opinions are ignored, which demotivate personnel affecting their
performances and behaviour.
In Task culture, workforce is divided into small teams or groups. These teams are made
of experts having common skills and characteristics, having common goals and task. The
aim of each team is to perform their given duties for achieving small objective of group
and contributing their share to ultimate goals of company. Matrix structure suggested to
organisations following task culture (Coccia, 2015).
PRIMARK is a multinational serving in several countries and having huge operations. The
company was established long time ago have several functions, the company has divisional
structure. Therefore, task culture and power culture is followed and practised by entiy, both these
cultures will guide employees of PRIMARK in right directions assigning them jobs according to
their expertise. Also, through power culture one leaders is responsible for making overall
decisions which enables them to have job clarity and thorough guidance for completing their
tasks in prescribed manner.
Organisational Power
Power refers to the ability and influence on have over others to make them works
employees according to themselves and follow all of their instructions. In relation with company,
power is defined as the capabilities of top level management and other departmental managers or
leaders to make maximum utilization of available resources including human resource. Some
powers which are leaders practice are explained below: Reward power is most commonly and widely used by leaders of organisation. This power
is basically used for motivating employees and appreciating them for the work and
Influence of Organisational Culture, Power and Politics on Individuals and Team Behaviour_4

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