
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case


Added on  2023-06-03

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Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_1

Reddy et al. (2012) states that natural disaster is one of the most common
phenomenon in the world of events which cannot be altered under any cost or circumstances.
There is no control for human beings over the natural disaster which is there for the longest
period in spite of being so scientifically alert. Natural disaster is one of the main concerns of
the world in the times of crisis as with the effective maintaince of the scientific alliance to the
disaster causing elements in the time. The overall natural disaster is there in the period of the
span accounting to the disaster that has been Natural disaster can be caused by a multiple
number of reasons which can cause damage to the people as well as the natural surroundings.
However, when nature has been exploited by man in a number of ways which results in a
number of disastrous events, then the disaster is huge which cannot be altered under any cost.
According to Redmond and Valentine, (2012) that the BP Deep-water Horizon Oil leak case
is one industrial disaster case in which the oil leak resulted in a number of causalities as well
as the loss of a huge amount of monetary and financial stages. The incident was one of the
most scientifically and naturally disturbing incidents that occurred in the span of the time and
resulted in a number of false claims by the company as well as occurring in the time. The
following essay analyses the BP Deep-water Horizon Oil Leak case along with its variables
that had a significant influence and also the implications of the variables. The following essay
describes the recommendations for the organizational behaviour that contributed to the Deep-
water Horizon Disaster.
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_2

Figure – NASA Satellite vision for Deepwater Oil spill site
(Source – NASA.gov 2018)
The event which is being described here is the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill which is
also referred to as the BP Oil spill and the Gulf of Mexico Oil spill. This is one of the biggest
industrial disasters that has occurred from the time of 20th April, 2010 in the region of Gulf of
Mexico. This has been one of the most horrific oil spills which even after eight years of
happening still has a fresh amount of sense in the minds of the people. The horrific oil spill
case has tremendously affected the overall happening of the world events which has led to the
fact that the gulf oil spill has been named as one of the worst in the history of disastrous
events. Leifer et al. (2012) states that he event which resulted in the casualty of 11 people and
also made 17 injured in the span of time resulted in the spilling of 4.9 million barrels of oil
into the water basin. This spilling of oil into the water basin has led to pollution in the overall
section not only in the water but also on the land and has affected the total ecosystem of the
whole time including the marine or the aquatic water system. The overall system of spilling
has made disastrous spilling in the time but there was some efforts to control the flow to
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_3

make sure that the spilling can be controlled. After a number of efforts to control the flow and
to maintain the response, the well was declared sealed on 19th September, 2010 (Allan, Smith
& Anderson, 2012). However, according to the reports in the year 2012, indications were
made that the well was still spilling resulting in more loss of oils which cemented the
intensity of the oil spill for the part of the time. The oil spill was accustomed by a blast that
happened in the era leading to the fact which made the overall section of the event have
disastrous reactions in the span of the time. The blast and the oil leak in the section led to the
indication of the amount of oil spill leading to the event which is still one of the most
disastrous event in the span of time.
Figure – Deepwater Horizon Explosion
(Source - Allan, Smith & Anderson, 2012)
The overall spilling of the oil was dangerous for both the marine ecosystem as well as
the coastal ecosystem that was heavily influenced resulted in the heavy pollution and massive
effects on the fishing and tourism industry of the country that had tremendously affected the
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_4

economy of the place. Marine ecosystem refers to the overall aquatic ecosystem that is there
in the water of the every ocean or sea base accounting to the overall analysis of the sea base
in the span of time. The aquatic or marine ecosystem is the primary base of the aquatic
ecosystem which is related to the coastal ecosystem in the environment. The coastal
ecosystem is one o the most diversified ecosystem which accounted for the overall prospect
of the oil spill and was greatly affected for the situational oil spill in the span of the time. The
oil spill led to the havoc on both the kind of ecosystems which has been deciphered in the
span of time. Leifer et al. (2012) states that the marine and the wildlife of the place was
extensively affected to the fact that that the place had been subjected to a number of disaster
from the oil spill.
Figure – Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
(Source – Whitehead et al., 2012)
Allan, Smith & Anderson, (2012) states that the oil spill resulted in a number of
events like the explosion and subsequent fire at the Deepwater Horizon Semi-Submersible
Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) which made the coastal region of Louisiana Coast
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_5

affected and the overall area of 40 miles or 60 Kms got affected (Whitehead et al., 2012). The
sinking and the blow out of the event made the largest accidental oil spill of the Gulf of
Mexico as one of the largest man-made environmental disasters in the history of USA. The
Gulf of Mexico is one of the prime agendas of the time making sure that the overall incident
of the span of time has been in the news due to the spill of the oil for the span of time. The
overall oil spill resulted in the malign of 60kms into the sea space which again made sure of
the events that has been occurring in the time.
The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill platform was created by Hyundai Heavy Industries
in South Korea in the year 2001. BP had a lease to the organization of this heavy industry
module to have the business needs fulfilled in the course of time. Lin and Mendelssohn,
(2012) states that the marine explosion and oil spill resulted in a number of problem in the
overall sector as well as the incident. The oil spill incident has led to a number of effects
which has a number of variables attached to it which are discussed as below. The overall
effect of the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill is one of the major instances of the Hyundai Heavy
Industries that had to the lose the organizational business in the span of time and also helped
to cope up with the problem in the facts of the time.
Part A - Variables that led to significant influence on the organizational behaviour at
the oil leak case at BP Deep-water Horizon
There are a number of variables that has led to the episode of oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico which have affected the lack of organizational behaviour of the span of time. The oil
leak case had a significant influence on the overall impact of the business as well as the
economies of the country.
Poor Risk Management – One of the major variables that has led to significant influence in
the oil leak case of BP Deepwater Horizon is the value of poor risk management. Risk
Organizational Behaviour and Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Case_6

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