
Organizational Behaviour in Marks & Spenser


Added on  2021-02-19

17 Pages6206 Words94 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organizational Behaviour in Marks & Spenser_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3P1. Influence of organizational culture, power, politics on team behaviour and performances..3M1. Critically evaluate that how culture, power or politics influence the business andindividual as well as team performance.......................................................................................6TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P2. Content or process theory with motivational techniques which beneficial for theorganization to achieve business goals & objectives...................................................................6M2. Critically evaluate that how individual behaviour influence organization with the help ofvarious motivational theories.......................................................................................................8D1. Critically analyse the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation whichenable the team to succeed their goals.........................................................................................9TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P3. Evaluate that what makes an effective team opposed to the ineffective team.......................9M3. Evaluate theories which support the development of effective team in an organization...12TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12P4. Philosophies or concepts of organizational behaviour in context of business situations....12M4. Evaluate the concept of organizational behaviour which influence individual behaviour inany situation...............................................................................................................................13D2. Critically evaluate the development of team with the help of philosophies and conceptswhich influence the individual behaviour in the workplace......................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behaviour is the set of management activities which helps inunderstanding and predicting human behaviour in the business. It is the study of some specificarea such as job satisfaction level of an individual, innovation, leadership that encourageindividual to perform well. After the study of organization, some modification required such asteam development, change compensation structure, performance evaluation method etc.Organization behaviour analyse the cause or impact of business activities on individualbehaviour which can influence business performance or productivity (Bergeron and et.al., 2013).Marks & Spenser selected for the better understating of this concept. M&S is Britishmultinational retailer company which specialised in selling quality cloths., food or homeproducts. Company also listed in London Stock Exchange (LSE). Company founded in 1884 byMichael Marks & Thomas Spencer and its headquarter situated in London, United Kingdom. Currently Marks & Spenser has more than 959 stores across the UK and only 615 storessell food items (Marks & Spencer, 2019). This project report cover various topics such asculture, power or politics in the organization which influence business operations andproductivity. Motivation theory such as content or process theory applied for effective leadershipwhich helps in improving individual performance. In addition, it includes the effectiveness ofteam members and apply various philosophies that used to understand individual behaviour aswell as performance which increase productivity or profitability as well. MAIN BODYTASK 1P1. Influence of organizational culture, power, politics on team behaviour and performancesOrganizational culture: Every business has their own personal just like every individualhave and it includes beliefs, value, assumption, culture and interaction of individual to the socialpsychological environment (Indvik, 2016). Along with this, it also include the expectation,experience and guidelines. There are four types of organizational culture which is founded byCharles handy in 1999 and it was discussed below: Power: This type of culture totally based on the power of some authoritative individuals.Employees will quickly response on any situation but they also depended on successwhich further become issues for the manager (Brinsfield, 2014). In this type of
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organization beliefs, performance will be evaluated on the basis of result and it will tendto be tolerant. Marks & Spenser can follow this type of organizational culture whichhelps in increasing operational functions along with productivity as well as profitability.If manager of the company correctly follows the procedure of their power, then in resultorganization will satisfy and able to achieve goals & objectives. Role: It refer to the strong functions and specialised area where every individual haverole and responsibility which they have to follow (Evans, 2017). This type oforganization totally based on rules and controlled by individuals who presented in theorganization. Manager of Marks & Spenser can follow this culture to assign task anddivide roles & responsibility for their employees which helps the organization to increasetheir performance in order to maximise productivity as well as profitability. Task: Here top management develop a team for completion of specific task whichrequired skilled employees who have specific ability, competencies etc. Basically heremanager identify the problem and find solution to address them (Hershock, Cowman andPeters, 2014). So manager of Marks & Spenser can adopt task organizational culturewhere they take necessary actions in order to achieve their task and objectives. It furtherhelps in achieving business goals & objectives. Person: It is one of the rare type of organizational culture which follow by the businessbecause most of the organization follow power, role or task culture. In this type ofculture, person should be the main focus area because they are important assets for thecompany (Carter and et.al., 2013). Without human resource organizational not able toperform their task and achieve business goals & objectives. As per above discussion, manager of Marks & Spenser follow organizational role culturewhere role & responsibility already divided for the each member of the company. Whenindividual perform their duty then it helps in achieving business goals. Evaluate the importance of cultural difference awareness:It is very important for the business to have some variety in the culture because they haveto deals with different people in terms of customers. So entity need to adopt any type of culturein the organization to perform accordingly and develop strategy to improve individualperformances (House, 2016). Every individual have different values, attitude, culture and everyindividual will see things differently. Cultural awareness will reduce the conflicts among the
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