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Organizational Change in Development and Transformation


Added on  2023/06/12

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This article discusses the importance of organizational change in business development, with a focus on leadership management skills. It uses Telstra as a case study to illustrate the benefits of efficient leadership in implementing change. The article also highlights the need to involve customers in the change process and to address potential obstacles to growth and development.

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Organizational change 1
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Organizational change 2
Organizational change is a crucial process in the development of any business company. The
strategy involves changes in technical procedures as well as cultural changes in order to realize significant
achievements. Such changes often lead to the achievement of desired goals, better performance as well as
efficiency in the providence of services to its customers. To implement such changes leadership
management skills is paramount. Organizational change, therefore, is an important strategy that has been
embraced by major business companies in the world over for competitive advantage. Telstra the leading
company in Australia is engaged in the process of building and operations of telecommunication networks
and internet access. It also provides services for mobile phones and devices, broadband internet services and
entertainments products among other customer services.
A close look into the statistics and facts about Telstra Corporation Company is that it
employs around 32000 people and facilitate access across the globe in more than 1900 points,
this is according to Telstra annual report 2014. The company provides 16 million mobile
services, 3.7 million voiced services and a lot of data services that is approximately 7.5 million.
The company is also the leading shareholder bases in Australia with over 1.4 million
stakeholders with a diverse range of customers from small business to large business and it also
works with government organizations. Telstra has therefore grown to be an international
business and service provider through its global networks.
Leadership management skills are crucial and a major form of restructuring that should
be considered by any company undergoing organization change. (Lozano, R., 2014 pp 211).
Telstra competitive nature is attributed to its core values which are based on efficient leadership
organizational ideologies. According to 2015 Annual Telstra report, it is recorded that the
company Net profit after Tax was $4.3 billion which is similar to 14.6 percent. These profits go
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Organizational change 3
hand in hand with the principal values of showing care and enhancing togetherness in customers.
All Telstra employees are trained on the basis of this core values.
Restructuring of management board is a key strategy in any business organization. The
role of leaders in the current world has moved from that of supervision and managing to that of
being efficient transistors in deploying specific change management. According to Elliot, S
2011,p. 202) the task should be focused on guiding customers through the changes in whole the
organization either from internal forces or that from the external environment.
An organization like Telstra also considers potential blind spots and challenges that might
accompany any change. Organizational restructuring is a delicate phase of any organization
which affects many people, departments, and systems this is according to (Warrick, D.D., 2011
pp 20) It is like a storm and a restructured leadership management will apply high intellectual
and experiential skills in restoring rubbles like survivors’ guilt and apathy among staff and
frustrated customers. For instance, what type of culture exists and how it might become after the
change and how the organization can deal with those that resist change in building customer
competence and belief. An organization should always consider other possible obstacles to its
growth and development.
Telstra operates in a vigorous and competitive business environment. This calls for a
commitment to customer service excellence and innovation. A working and efficient leadership
management team will always promote the development of new policies programs and
algorithms. A case in hand is the development of Net Promoter System (NPS) program which
has actively helped in seeking feedback that has led to many significant initiatives towards
improving customer services. The company strategies are geared towards extending Telstra
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Organizational change 4
applications, products and services from a base in Australia to extensions in Asia and advancing
into a global infrastructure.
The organizational change also entails reviewing current policies and work plan. (Benn
and Williams 2014) on Organizational change, for cooperate, sustainability argues that the most
important aspect to look into is the emotional well-being of the customers. End results of a
restructure may bring apathetic feeling among the people which might affect customer service
and innovation. Customers are the major stakeholders in any business thus as an organization,
their involvement in any changes is very crucial and should not be overlooked. If leaders fail to
address the issue early enough company’s market share and profits will be adversely affected. It
is a fact that if people are with you in the planning then it is very likely that they will cooperate
in its implementation and monitoring of the service. This is a strategy that has made Telstra a
step ahead than the competing companies. Textra limited have always done this to avoid
speculations and rumors that can affect its reputation.
Creation of a Design Center of Excellence is another restructure item brought about by
restructured leadership that will help reduce process and production variation while delivering
better and quality work for the enterprise customers. The proposal goes along with the need for
creation of other support positions that will implement the new strategic business objective and
other operational changes.
In conclusion, change is inevitable. Able leaders are agents of change and innovation.
For efficient growth of any enterprise change management strategies should be developed and
implemented in pursuit of easier and profitable business investments. Such strategies have been
emulated by leading companies like Telstra which delivers services around the globe and grows
into being a multimedia world operator.

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Organizational change 5
Benn, S., Edwards, M. and Williams, T., 2014. Organizational change for corporate
sustainability. Routledge.
Elliot, S., 2011. Transdisciplinary perspectives on environmental sustainability: a
resource base and framework for IT-enabled business transformation. Mis Quarterly,
35(1), pp.197-236.
Lozano, R., 2014. Creativity and organizational learning as means to foster sustainability.
Sustainable development, 22(3), pp.205-216.
Warrick, D.D., 2011. The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating
transformational leadership and organization development. Journal of leadership,
Accountability, and Ethics, 8(5), pp.11-26.
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