
Coventry city council: A local government organisation of UK


Added on  2020-12-29

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Political Science
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENTCoventry City Council is a local government organisation of UK which is responsible for the governance of city of Coventry in UK. Coventry is a public company of UK and is controlled mainly by labour Party form last few decades. It was founded April 1974, produced by Coventry city council of county Borough of Coventry. Vision: Coventry city Council's Vision is to drive the services to the public to ensure children are at heart of everything Coventry city Council does, to work with families, to provide high quality, child centred and effective services. To serve the people with high performance with a committed work force. Mission: To provide the services to family and children and to develop a mature partnership and to provide early help to the people. Objectives: Objectives of Coventry city Council are as follows:To support business growth and develop infrastructure and to develop city.Improving the educational outcomes.Create cleaner and greener city.To raise the profile of Coventry with the help of strong, active and involved communities.To improve health and well-being. Products and services:Coventry city Council provides the services of establishing schools, providing business support, housing benefits, pest controls, provide mobile meal services, pavements and are involved in other activities for developing Coventry.Public Relations: Coventry city Council is continuously working on strengthening the community relations and its priority is to bring all the communities together by participating, supporting and investing on their assets, skills and even on their cultural background at individual level (Schaltegger and Burritt, 2018). Coventry city Council health and safety and Environmental policies:Coventry city Council's health and safety team are dealing with the complaints which are related to Local authority enforced business are can investigate the complaints like unreported accidents, unsafe premises, unsafe practices, and concerns about the welfare. Coventry city Council is involved in climate changing strategy, mineral safeguarding, and reducing waste energy and make use of renewable sources of energies etc. CONCLUSIONIt can be concluded that all these types of companies are different in their business profiles and operations. They differ in their goals, objectives, vision and strategies, but they have goal in terms of contributing towards the global environment and health and safety standards. Coventry City CouncilIntroductionA main focus of the organisation is to help the needy people across the world. Its main headquarters is at Oxfam International, Oxfam House, Jhon Smith Drive, Oxford, England. Oxfam operates across the world to serve the needy and helpless people with aim to serve the people without earning profits. Vision: Oxfam wants to see the world without poverty and imagines a kind of a world in which the people can influence the decisions which affect their lives and people can enjoy their rights and take care of their responsibilities to help others (Goss, 2015). Mission: Oxfam wants to be a global organization and to work for the humanity in such a way to end the poverty and to tackle the root causes of poverty and provide solutions to reduce poverty across the world. Main mission of Oxfam is to provide the solutions to eradicate poverty, social injustice and hunger across the world.Objectives:To make the things more easy for customers, partners and colleagues.To become transparent and reliable organization while helping needy people.To be a part of the global movement for change.To secure the future of needy and helpless people across the world. To bring justice by providing solutions to social problems and to provide disaster relief advocacy in the affected areas. Products and services:Oxfam is working for finding innovative and practical ways to lift the people from the poverty and thrive. Oxfam saves the lives of people and help in rebuilding the livelihoods of the people when people face crises situations. Also Oxfam campaigns on the behalf of poor and needy people so the voices can be heard. History, Expansion and Growth: Oxfam was founded at 17 broad street, Oxford, as a famine relief group of Quakers, Oxford academics and social atavists. In 1943 it got registered in accordance with the UK law. Earlier its aim was to help the citizens of Occupied Greece which were starving due to hunger and famine caused by Axis occupation in Greece and Oxfam persuaded the British Government to allow the food relief for the citizens of Greece. It got engaged in managing the accounts and distributes the donated clothes, selling anything for which people were willing to donate and developed a shop for helping people into a national chain. Oxfam has several fund raising channels in addition to its shops. But in April 2017 Oxfam was fined with 6000 Euros as it breached Data Protection Act by making the misuse of donor's personal data. Oxfam has spread across various parts of the world and runs several Trialwalker events in different parts of world. Public Relations: Oxfam is a good example of public relation and how public relation problems don't just affect the profit making organizations but also non-profit organizations. Oxfam PR was hit in 2018 when Times Newspaper issued a detailed investigation which revealed that the organization was involved in bad activities and shook their PR and lost 7000 regular supporters (Welford, 2016) Now Oxfam is involved in repairing the reputation of the organization and is facing difficulties in building the reputation.Oxfam health and safety and Environmental policies:Activities of Oxfam which have an impact on environment and communities are Oxfam follows the principles of Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle. Also Oxfam uses the tools of ethical purchasing policy in order to influence supply chain employment conditions. Organizational development is a special technique which helps the organization to bring changes in the entire aspect of an organization rather than focusing on individuals. It is simply a technique to bring a planned change in an organization. OD is a comprehensive strategy for making improvements in an organization. Present report discusses about the characteristics and difference business profile of three types of an organization like Oxfam, Amazon and Coventry City Council.AMAZONAmazon is a multinational company of technology which is focusing on e-commerce, artificial intelligence and cloud computing. Amazon is a private company and is the world's largest e-commerce market place and cloud computing platform. It was founded by Jeff Bezos in July, 1994. Its headquarters is at Seattle, Washington, United States. It is a global company and has more than 100 million subscribers.Vision: Amazon's vision is to become world's most customer centric company and to become online company where the customers can find and buy anything they want. Mission: To provide the products to customer at low prices with a best selection for customers and at utmost convenience. Objectives:To provide every kind of products that a customer might need in order to attract more customers.To provide the jobs to the unemployed people.To reduce the use of non-renewable source of energy in the organization.Product: Product categories of Amazon consist of Amazon kindle, Amazon App Store, Amazon Prime, Amazon Echo, Amazon Video and ComiXology. History, Expansion and Growth: Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, a company began to sell videos and music in 1998 and its operations went internationally by acquiring online sellers of books in UK and Germany. In 2002 Amazon Started Amazon Web Service due to which Amazon was able to provide data on its website. It gained popularity and attracted marketers and developers (Bendell, 2017). In 2006 Amazon made its own portfolio of Amazon Web Service and in the same year organization started fulfilment Amazon which started to manage the inventory of individuals and for small companies by selling their belongings through company's website. In 2012 Amazon bought Kiva Systems in order to automate its inventory management process and also purchased entire Foods Market supermarket chain in 2017. Public Relations: A public relation team of Amazon drives the external and internal communication, and Amazon's builds its reputation by focusing on their customers. Amazon's marketing and public relation team faces a challenge for building transparency with its customers across the world by simply letting Amazon's service to speak for Amazon. Adverting Strategies: Amazon markets and sells sponsored product ads, headline services and display product ads on a cost per click. By providing such service Amazon generates revenue on its front end and back end when the products are sold by Amazon. Advertising process of Amazon is based on key words and actions were a seller bids a certain amount for which a bidder wants to appear their products to customer. Amazon's health and safety and Environmental policies:Amazon's health and safety team executes their company policies and are ensuring that local and regional regulation are applicable to their stores across the world. Amazon keep on making continuous improvements take initiatives to reduce the risks in their processes and ensure that there exists safe and healthy working environment for Amazon associates.OXFAMOxfam is a charitable organization which is focusing on eliminating the poverty in the world. Oxfam is a non-profit organization which was founded in 1942. It is one of the major non-profit group which is involved in extensive collection of operations. Winnie Byanyima is the executive director of Oxfam since 2013.BASISOXFAMAMAZONCOVENTRYCITY COUNCILSize and scopeIt collaborates 20 charity organizations. Itfacilitates poor communities by delivering them utmost support in terms of foodand accommodation. At present it has 613300employees working under it. It provides number of services in the field of e- commerce,entertainment, health and technology.It includes a total of54 councils that governs the local councilors of the city. Aim and ObjectiveIt inhibits the aim and objective to eradicate poverty and deliver relief to the victims of disaster.Amazon has the aim of expanding e-commerce and to fulfill every possible needs of the customers by one click.It aims to manage and govern the local councilors.TypeIt is an international andnon-governmental organization. It is international public organization.It is a local governmental organization. REFERENCESBendell, J., 2017. Terms for endearment: Business, NGOs and sustainabledevelopment. Routledge.Goss, D., 2015. Small Business and Society (Routledge Revivals).Routledge.Schaltegger, S. and Burritt, R., 2018. Business cases and corporateengagement with sustainability: Differentiating ethicalmotivations. Journal of Business Ethics. 147(2). pp.241-259.Welford, R., 2016. Corporate environmental management 3: Towardssustainable development. Routledge
Coventry city council: A local government organisation of UK_1

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