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Induction Program Evaluation and Feedback


Added on  2020/04/21

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This assignment focuses on evaluating an induction program through the lens of gathered feedback. It includes a self-evaluation checklist assessing the clarity and effectiveness of the presentation plan, visual aids, and data collection methods. The document also analyzes the need for adjustments to the central ideas of the presentation based on feedback received, emphasizing the importance of providing comprehensive information about the organization to new employees.

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Topic- Organizing induction program
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author’s Note

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Table of Contents
2. Roles and responsibilities who are involved with the induction program...................................2
3. Development of visual aids and materials that is used in the presentation.................................3
4. Observation feedback checklist...................................................................................................3
5. Describe any other method that is used for collecting data and gathering feedback...................5
6. Delivery of the presentation for evaluating observation feedback checklist...............................6
6. A) Submit checklist of self-evaluation....................................................................................6
6. B) Changes that are made to the central ideas of presentation................................................7
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2. Roles and responsibilities who are involved with the induction program
The people who are involved with the induction program of an organization are as follows:
 Human resource manager
 New staffs
The roles and responsibilities of person who are involved in the induction program are as
Role Responsibility
Human resource manager The human resource manager is the person who is
mainly involved in welcoming the newly recruited
employees and generally supports them for
adjusting with the new roles as well as working
environments. The human resource manager
mainly provides them proper information about the
profile of the company, its business criteria as well
as other policies so that the new staffs can get
proper information about the organization and
about their roles within the company. They are also
engaged with safety training of the employees so
that the new staffs can work properly by following
the work health policy (Davis et al. 2014).
New staffs The staff of the organization gets proper
information about the organization, its working
environment, as well as set-up of the employees
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within the organization so that they can work
properly as per their roles and responsibilities
within the organization.
3. Development of visual aids and materials that is used in the presentation
Proper visual aids as well as materials that are utilized in the presentation are developed.
The visual aids are considered as enhancements for presentation as it generally helps in engaging
various audiences by providing them information as well as by reinforcing proper information
(Saeed et al. 2013). It is identified that there are number of equipments like charts, pictures that
helps in providing proper visual aids to the presentation. The visual aids are very much helpful in
reaching the various objectives by providing proper as well as significant emphasis on the
policies as well as goals of the organization (Lake, Salakhutdinov and Tenenbaum 2015). It is
identified that pictures as well as charts assists in clarifying as ll as assist in enhancing the level
of understanding of the different types of materials that are generally presented and they are
generally utilized for reinforcing the messages as well as clarifying points.
4. Observation feedback checklist
Criteria No Yes Reason
Is the presentation
---------------- Yes The presentation of
the induction program
was quite clear and it
helps in providing
proper information to

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the new staffs.
Is the structure of the
presentation is
----------------- Yes The structure of the
presentation is quite
appropriate and it
helps in providing
proper information
about the organization
Is the created
presentation is simple
------------------- Yes The presentation is
quite simple
Is the presentation
provides roper
information about the
induction program
------------------ Yes It assists in giving
information bout
various policies of the
Is the presentation
helpful for the new
------------------ Yes The presentation is
quite helpful for the
new staffs as it
generally assists in
providing information
about the importance
of induction program
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5. Describe any other method that is used for collecting data and gathering
The other methods that can be used for collecting as well as gathering feedback are as
Interviews: Interviews are also considered as one of the significant method that helps in
collecting data and gathering feedback (Renzulli 2016). It is identified that with the help of
interview proper as well as significant information about the induction program can be collected.
An interview helps in providing the most accurate screening and it actually assists in avoiding
Documentation: Documentation is one of the procedures that are written as well as
retained record for different employment events. It is identified that documentation is considered
as one of the government as well as legally mandated element that s needed by the companies
practices as well as polices (Shahid and Azhar 2013). It is found that as one of the significant
method of collecting as well as gathering information for the human resource manager of the
organization. They mainly utilize the documentation method for collecting information properly.
Observation: The most common as well as appropriate method for getting information
about different thing is observation. The observation helps in collecting as well as gathering
proper information.
6. Delivery of the presentation for evaluating observation feedback checklist
6. A) Submit checklist of self-evaluation
Criteria Yes No
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Presentation plan clearly
outlines the project.
Yes ----------------
Roles and responsibilities
who are involved with the
induction program are
Yes ---------------
Development of visual aids
and materials that is used in
the presentation are clearly
Yes -------------
Observation feedback
checklist provides proper
elaboration about the
structure as well as
importance of presentation
Yes -----------
Description of other method
that is used for collecting data
and gathering feedback are
clearly elaborated.
Yes -------------

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6. B) Changes that are made to the central ideas of presentation
The presentation about the induction program of the project clearly outlines the
importance as well as significance of the program for the organization. It is found that in spite of
this, some of the changes are made to the central ideas of presentation. The presentation must be
able to provide in- depth information about the induction program so that the employees of the
organization can get to know properly about the profile of the company, its business plan as well
as other policies (Raman, Woods and Lim 2013). In-depth information from the presentation
assists in providing proper information about the company to the new staff so that they can start
working as per their roles within the organization. The style as well as structure of the
presentation is changed and made simple so that the staffs can easily understand the importance
as well as significance of induction program.
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