
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis


Added on  2023-06-07

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Leadership ManagementHigher Education
Orientation for success
in higher education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................1
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................1
The cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business management.. .1
The importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience......2
How this learning will impact further studies and your future career.........................................3
How you will practise and apply what you have learnt...............................................................3
A personal audit presented as a SWOT analysis.........................................................................4
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

Higher education is an important perspective of individuals academic career which leads
towards understanding of various aspects that are used for studying business management more
effectively. Through higher education basic understanding about various topics are covered
within business management is understood. It leads towards development of professional and
academic skills which leads towards overall development of academic integrity within
individuals academic year. This leads towards facilitating and assisting over studies related to
management. Thus scope of higher education becomes wider which makes students understand
about career opportunities within management field. The project is based over challenges faced
during studying of business management within academic and professional development. Then
personal SWOT analysis has been conducted. In the end practices applicable over learning has
been discussed.
The cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business management.
Business management studies deals with various aspects that is used by an organization
in order to enhance its process in terms of certain aspects like market, customers, finance,
operations, communication, information and technology with business policy and strategy. These
perspectives are used by business to attain overall growth. Studying of business management
allows an individual to understand about various aspects which is based over elements of
business that helps in conducting operations on large scale(Fassett and Pike, 2022). In order to
study about business management cultural and behavioural should be understood. Culture means
those patterns which are followed within society that helps in determining about business
environment within an organization. Another important part of business management studies is
behaviour which tends to provide overview about professional code of conduct to be followed
within an organizations working. Both culture and behavioural perspectives are important for
business management studies and has certain exceptions which are discussed as follows:
Ethical code of conduct: This is one of the most important part which is used for
studying about internal working of business. It contains various principles that helps in
governing decisions and behaviour within an organization(Bell-Werner, 2019). They are
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_4

Orientation for success
in higher education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Reflect and explain the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hospitality, travel and leisure........1
Use of formative feedback to improve and inform summative assessed work...........................2
Identify the behavioural and cultural expectations of studying for a degree in business and
Importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience............3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................3
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

The below essay describes the positioning of success in higher education. It involves
reflective approach, use of formative feedback, behavioural and cultural expectations and the
importance of peer-to-peer support. In the learning aspects reflective approach is very much
important (Arqawi, Abu-Naser and Al Shobaki, 2019). The reason behind this is that it
develops an ability to properly understand about the concept of how individuals actually learn
and different ways that should be used to enhance their skills. There are basically two models
that are used in the learning cycle and these are Gibbs model and Kolb circle of learning. The
main aim of formative feedback is to monitor each student learning on the basis of which
improvements can be made. There are many expectations on the basis of culture and behaviour
that a student needs in the field of business management because it helps in building up the level
of growth and also develop the knowledge in certain areas (Arzubiaga and et.al, 2018). While
learning, proper team work is necessary because on the basis of that only people would get to
know about other people abilities and then make certain improvements.
Reflect and explain the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on hospitality, travel and leisure
In relation with COVID-19 pandemic, it has created a major impact on hospitality,
travelling as well as leisure. In context with hospitality industry, they need to face many
challenges as everything was getting closed right from restaurants, theme parks and many more.
All consumers expected that the hospitality companies should enable high level safety (Del
Chiappa, Pung and Atzeni, 2021). In association with this sector, it has been one of the hardest
hit sectors that got affected. People lost jobs because their industry was facing huge amount of
loss. In accordance with travel and leisure industry, the pandemic has affected them at high level
and major crisis got occurred. Due to this, there were many travel restrictions that took place and
they faced decrease in demand from all travellers. There was maximum number of people who
were not being interested in visiting different cities because in future they have perceived health
issues. All the sectors with respect to hospitality, travel and leisure, the pandemic affected them
more in a negative way because various modifications need to take place. Before this situation,
companies were doing high amount of investment and people were being more interested in
going to restaurants and travel ( Sakdiyakorn, Golubovskay and Solnet, 2021). COVID-19
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

Orientation for success
in higher education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................3
Impact of Covid- 19 on hospitality, travel and leisure...............................................................3
Use of formative feedback to inform and modify summative assessed work.............................4
Cultural and behavioural expectation in order to studying degree in business management....5
Significant of peer-to- peer support and team working which improve learning experience.....6
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

The higher education refer as education level of University that offers variety of
qualifications starting from higher diplomas to degrees which update skills and knowledge of
individual. This will ensure potential opportunity for future development of career. The aim of
this report is highlight impact of Covid-19 upon the hospitality, travel and leisure (Alksasbeh,
Al-Dala and Alqaraleh, 2018).The industry of hospitality suffers lots of losses during the
situation of pandemic as most of the people prefer to be safe at home rather than travelling. The
government also imposed the lock-down which impact operations of hospitality, travel and
leisure. The report describe use of formative feedback that improve assessed summative work.
This are more beneficial for learners and teachers as well to develop accuracy in skill
development. The report consist of recognising cultural and behavioural expectation in order to
studying degree in business management (Nutt and Hardman, 2019). The cultural as well as
behavioural expectation impact performance level of learning during course of business
management. The report also includes significant of peer-to- peer support and team working
which improve learning experience. The better outcomes will develop if proper support is
provided during team working.
Impact of Covid- 19 on hospitality, travel and leisure
During Covid-19 situation, primary concentration of governments is safety of business and
peoples. But this will impact continuously implications upon economic growth as well as
corporate profits (Patton and Croom, 2017). The performance of hotel industry is very depressive
during Covid-19 and put pressure on Hospitality and travel industry (Batista and et. al., 2018).
The various types of impact has been seen such as operational, financial and so on that decrease
profits and revenue of hospitality, travel and leisure.
Operational impact- As a result extended cash flow leads to forecast over next six months. The
staffs and employees of the hospitality industry have to follow all the guidelines (social
distancing, wearing mark) which is imposed or regulated by the government. This will slow
down the operational process of this industry.
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

Orientation for Success
in Higher Education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Reflect and explain the impacts of COVID-19 on the Hospitality, travel and leisure...........1
Describe the use of formative feedback to inform and improve summative assessed work..2
Identify the cultural and behavioural expectations of studying for a degree in business and
Explain the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

Orientation for success in higher education is a concept which helps the students to
analyse the studies which they are pursuing and the career they can think in terms of
professionalism and personal life as well. Higher education is important in each and every
individual as it furnishes the a person's abilities and skills in order to live the standardised life.
This results in the positive orientation for success (Cidral, Aparicio and Oliveira, 2020). The
following discussion is based on the reflection and explanation of the impacts of COVID-19 on
the hospitality and travel along with the leisure sector in order to know about the current
situation on the domain of studies in hospitality sector. Moreover, description of the use of
formative feedback to inform and improve summative assesses work is also discussed so that
when the formative assessment is conducted, it must relate the further information to the
summative assessment and vice versa (Vaikunthavasan, Jebarajakirthy and Shankar, 2019).
Furthermore, the discussion is also made on the identification of the cultural and behaviour
expectations of studying for a degree in business and management and also the explanation of
the importance of peer-to-peer support and team working to enhance learning experience with
proper conclusion and findings.
Reflect and explain the impacts of COVID-19 on the Hospitality, travel and leisure
Low productivity: It is one of the impact of COVID-19 on hospitality,travel and leisure that is
the low productivity such that due to the lock down situation, people were not able to travel from
one place to another which has resulted in the low productivity in the hospitality sector.
Workforce problems: It is an another impact of COVID-19 on hospitality,travel and leisure that
is the workforce problems such that the staff who were working in the organizations were paid
without any work which has led to the huge expenses without any profits (Nguyen, Muilu, Dirin
and Alamäki, 2018).
Sales and profit issues: It is also one of the impact of COVID-19 on hospitality,travel and
leisure that is the sales and profit issues such that the companies has faced the reduced number of
sale of their services and no profit generation instead facing expenses on a huge basis.
Stakeholders complications: It is also an another impact of COVID-19 on hospitality,travel and
leisure that is the stakeholder complications such that the investors, suppliers, shareholders,
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

Orientation for success
in higher education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
TASK ..............................................................................................................................................3
Impacts of COVID-19 on the hospitality, travel and leisure......................................................3
Use of formative feedback to inform and improve the summative assessed work.....................4
Identify the cultural and behavioural expectations.....................................................................4
Importance of peer-to-peer support and team working...............................................................5
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................6
Books and Journals:....................................................................................................................7
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

Orientation for success is an approach which offers the tools to activate the brain
functions that directly facilitates skills like self-feeding, listening, communicating, eye-contact
and other functional skills for life (Abusharekh and Et.al., 2020). The essay is aim with
discussing the importance of reflective approach, the use of formative feedback and improved
summative work within the business (Uyun, 2019). The essay also included topics such as
cultural and behavioural expectation of studying and team working to improve the learning
Impacts of COVID-19 on the hospitality, travel and leisure.
As the effects of COVID-19 spreads throughout the world. The main focus of the
governments and businesses is the safety of the people. It has been found that hospitality, travel
or leisure clients experienced badly due to the situation of pandemic. The impact of situation is
huge and never predicted something like that before (Teh and Et.al., 2018). Many businesses in
the industry has been taken their decisions to shut down, their hotels, theme parks, cinemas or
restaurants. Apart from this, it also affects badly to the revenue and supply system of the
business. Travel is an activity that is consisting with the involvement of many people from a
range of households which is not risk free even though people take doses of vaccination.
Government imposed different measures in order to control the impact of disease (Acuna and
Et.al., 2017). And due such measures, people also take proper precautions to control the spread
which ultimately changes their travel behaviour too. I too changed my travel patterns from
grocery shopping to work. I wear mask while going out to purchase stuffs from grocery stores,
maintaining 1 metre distance from others, wash foods items before using them and so on. Due to
the pandemic situation, I prefer more private transport instead of public transport. The travelling
is decided with some priorities that if it is very essential to travel then I prefer to travel with
proper precautions such as use of sanitizer, trying to contact less with people, choosing of hotel
which has taken proper measures and many more. Even though sometimes I avoid food from
outside as so many hands touch the food parcel and many more. The industry also try to reduce
their number of staff from hotels, restaurants and other areas due to such many of the employees
lost their jobs and their family also suffers huge losses. After the lock-down is over, the hotels or
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

Orientation for Success
in Higher Education
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_1

Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_2

Reflective learning is all about students who become aware for procedures, systems and
thinking being able to clear to others (Araújo, Cardoso and Magalhães, 2019). It is very
significant for those learners to allow others to discuss their learning experience and use
knowledge which will be helpful to improve or develop their critical thinking skills and
performance level by analysing what they have learned. This reflective essay covers several topic
which are named as impact of Covid19 on hospitality and leisure sector, to improve summative
feedback using formative feedback which can be evaluate how someone use a specific things.
Furthermore, to identify their cultural and behavioural expectations in degree of business and
management which can play a important role in business concern. Significant of peer to peer
support to enhance their experience of learning which give many opportunities to learn or teach
and allow to learn experience and other concepts of work (Orrock and Clark, 2018).
Impact of Covid19 on hospitality and leisure industry
As effects of Covid19, they are spread across the world and main focus on government to
be safety for all people (Kristjánsdóttir, Matthíasdóttir and Saavedra, 2021). This will also focus
on economic growth and profits have to led equity markets across the globe. Many employees
cannot move from one place to another place because all airports, station are closed due to this
pandemic situation. In order to carry out reflection practice I have determined impact COVID-19
on hospitality sector. For this Gibbs reflection model is carried that are as follows:
Description: In this element I have determined that hospitality, travel as well as leisure
sector are drastically impacted by COVID-19. I am now able to understand about impact. This
concept has gave me idea about impact of disease which has affected business practice.
Feelings: As I was feeling very worthy that I got a chance to carry study on this topic. It
was my immense pleasure to carry analysis which could examine impact of coronavirus disease
on hotel sector.
Analysis: With this I am able to analyse that in case of hospitality sector their staff
income are less most of people are unemployed and impact of hospitality sector are decreased
majority of people are reduced due to this pandemic situation because hotels are closed for a
while. The nature of hotels and restaurant will change to leaner and most efficient operations.
Orientation for Success in Higher Education: Cultural and Behavioral Expectations, Peer-to-Peer Support, and SWOT Analysis_3

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